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President of Uruguay - A privileged position within the region

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Beiträge: 48185
Ort: Dep.Maldonado/Uruguay

New PostErstellt: 07.10.16, 02:13  Betreff: President of Uruguay - A privileged position within the region  drucken  weiterempfehlen

President of Uruguay
A privileged position within the region

In 2015, Tabaré Vázquez became President of Uruguay for a second time, after having previously served a term from 2005 to 2010. In this exclusive interview with United World, Mr. Vázquez speaks about the country’s progress since 2005 and how it has remained resilient in the face of external pressures.


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[editiert: 07.10.16, 02:17 von Tschicki]
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