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Beiträge: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-07-17, 01:04 PM CET     Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver Reply with Quotation  

Mit dem Rucksack nach Indien
when you ask me directly which jammer 1 or 2 you can use for your circuit, i have to say: none of them, because you have completely other parts.
In fact, all jammers have the same function, so i also could say: Both.
You can use jammer 2 for inspiration, but you cannot rebuild it with your parts.
It“s the task of the Builder to adapt a circuit of someone else to work with the parts he has.

You use the same parts like me (MAX262x and PF0140), therefore you can look at my test circuit for inspiration.

This circuit uses a µC for generating noise, you can also use any other noise generator.
The next step i will do is to insert a preamplifier in the line between vco and power module, because the vco“s output power is too low (this causes the low range of the jammer: just 10 meters). A suitable preamplifier is the MAR-8.
Look at the plan and the picture of kleiner onkels jammer2, you can find them here:


Yes, it“s the small black spot :-)

But now i say you (again) what you should do:
Build a small test circuit and learn to modulate the vco correctly with a noise generator (read the postings above). This is the first important step to build a jammer. This is like doing excercises. If you try to rebuild a complete jammer a the first time, you will fail.


[edited: 2004-07-17, 01:10 PM CET by richy_64]
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