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Beiträge: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-08-23, 06:46 PM CET     Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver Reply with Quotation  

I have problems to understand you (language problems).
Please write more careful, too...
[If you want to get a helpful answer, describe your problem as good as you can. Often i don“t know how experienced somebody is, and maybe you are not able to understand my answers.]

give me full test cricuit figer bocz i use ziner of pin 4
i don“t understand it at all

may i have to apply 5V from tune. VCC for the VCO and pin 4 also (is that right)
I don“t understand it completely. I try to give general hints.
At V+ you have to connect the power supply, i the circuit for use with a battery pack (4,8 or 6 volts).
6V are good for the PF0140, but it“s too much for both MAX2623 and the µC. So I had to limit the voltage for them by using a 5.1V zener diode.

what will be the totel power tune voltage and AC signal after modulate ?
??? Look at the picture of the oscilloscope, it answers all questions, doesn“t it?

and may i check tuned VCO by placing S-receiver near to it ......or puting output from VCO to inout of S-receiver
You just have to put your circuit in the near of the rf-input of the satellite receiver, you needn“t have to connect them together, because the vco“s power is high enough.

[edited: 2004-08-23, 07:01 PM CET by richy_64]
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