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Rod & Todd Flanders

Beiträge: 6

New PostCreated: 2005-09-05, 11:58 AM CET     Subject: Swedish jammer project Reply with Quotation  

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Lederhülle,...
Hello all people.
I am happy to have found this forum.
I am used to build RF and stuff and now I am planning to build a jammer.
I have some basic questions I hope many of you will share you knowledge.

Ok, some basic.
Since many phones works on dual band 900 and 1800 both must be jammed RIGHT?

Which frequencies are we talking about ?
Here I found some info about frequencies.

GSM900 880 - 915 MHz paired with 925 - 960 MHz
GSM1800 1710 - 1785 MHz paired with 1805 - 1880 MHz
What I understand the jammer should work at the receiving frequency of the phone RIGHT?
So, the jammer should work at 925-960MHz and 1805-1880MHz?

How about the sweep.

At the link above I read that the “The hopping rate is one hop per TDMA frame (4.6µs), or 217 hops per second.”

My question: what frequency of the sweep do wee need?

I have many VCO called

My frequency measurements of them (dualband) was:
817-975MHz @3V sweep = 0 to 3V
1650-1804MHz @3V sweep = 0 to 3V

If I am right above about the frequencies I guess the VCO work at 925 – 960MHz, but not at the high band MHz since the VCO only goes to 1804MHz…

Ok, I will work on and I hope you give me response to my questions .
All help needed..
my other projects

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