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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 20.11.14, 23:45     Betreff: Israelis will not be safe before Palestinians

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on Thursday officially mourned two of its members Ghassan and Udayy Abu Jamal who were killed Tuesday after carrying out an attack on an Israeli synagogue, saying that the attack shows that Israelis will not be safe until Palestinians are.......
...... Maqdesi also highlighted in the statement that the Jewish neighborhood of Har Nof where the synagogue attack took place was built on the ruins of the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, site of one of the worst massacres by Zionist militias in the 1948 war that led to the creation fo Israel and the expulsion of more than 750,000 Palestinians from their homes.

Maqdesi also stressed that despite the attack on the synagogue, the Palestinian struggle is one for national liberation and not against the Jewish people.
"The PFLP is not a religious organization and our resistance is not based on religious convictions. We are struggling to liberate Palestine from a settler colonial project imposed on our people. Occupiers and racists do not belong to the land of Palestine; there are, and must be, consequences and repercussions for the theft of our land and our rights."

"The PFLP also wants to send its message to a billion and a half Muslim brothers and sisters that our fight is not with Jews and is not based on religion; it is about justice, liberation and return to the homeland, and this is your struggle," he said in the statement.

"Our message today to the Jewish people around the world is that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was never a conflict between Muslims and Jews. Palestine has embraced the Jewish community for hundreds of years. What stands between us is this colonial project."

Mother of demolished Silwan home: 'Violence begets violence'

The mother of Abd al-Rahman al-Shaludi, who killed two Israelis after driving into civilians in Jerusalem last month, spoke out on Wednesday following the demolition of her home by Israeli forces.

"The Israeli occupation wants to break up our family and displace us. They think that by demolishing the houses of martyrs they will deter the people of Jerusalem and Palestine, but violence begets violence," she told Ma'an.

380 Palestinians arrested by Israeli forces in last 20 days

raeli forces have detained at least 380 Palestinians in raids across the West Bank and East Jerusalem over the last three weeks, including 21 early Thursday alone.

The Palestinian Prisoner's Society said in a statement on Thursday that Israeli authorities have engaged in a wide-ranging crackdown on Palestinians that has led to the arrests of nearly 200 in East Jerusalem since the beginning of November.

The startling figures come amid growing instability in Jerusalem, while daily protest marches by Palestinians have been held across the city and Israeli authorities have been accused of "collective punishment" in their response to a series of attacks by individual Jerusalem Palestinians on Israelis.

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