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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 20.10.15, 01:57     Betreff: STOP EU funding to Israeli military companies

Israeli military, police and settler violence against Palestinians is intensifying quickly. Over the past week, at least 900 Palestinians have been injured, at least 60 with live fire. Just on Saturday October 10th, six Palestinians in Gaza were shot dead by Israeli soldiers who opened fire on a demonstration. These peaks in lethal violence are a part of the systematic violence Palestinians are subjected to under Israel’s apartheid regime

Aside from maintaining this siege and engaging in direct military attacks on Gaza, the Israeli army’s primary ongoing task is to enforce the occupation of the Palestinian land and people. Israeli arms companies benefit enormously from European Union expenditures. With a total budget of nearly *€80 billion, Horizon 2020, the new EU research and innovation programme, is one of the world’s largest research and innovation
programmes. Israel is associated to Horizon 2020, allowing Israeli entities to participate in the programme. Already during the previous funding cycle, Israeli entities participated in over 1500 projects.

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