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Erstellt: 13.10.16, 17:43 Betreff: Türkei: Folter mit Tradition |
Der AKP-Abgeordnete Mehmet Metiner leitet den Parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss für Gefängnisse in der Türkei. Rein formal wäre es seine Aufgabe, dafür zu sorgen, dass dort rechtsstaatliche Prinzipien eingehalten werden. Doch das scheint ihn kaum zu kümmern. Anfang Oktober stellte er klar, dass es mit ihm keine Untersuchung der Foltervorwürfe von Inhaftierten nach dem Putschversuch vom 15. Juli geben wird, wenn diese von Gülen-Anhängern kämen. Denn, so Metiner, diese seien Täter, nicht Opfer. Kritik seitens der Oppositionspartei CHP wischte er vom Tisch. http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/49/49657/1.html
Power struggle erupts in Turkey’s security structure
One hard reality is that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), despite its 14 years in power, has not developed a senior bureaucratic team that deals with security and intelligence affairs. Hence, a power struggle was inevitable at the senior echelons of the National Intelligence Service (MIT), the Gendarmerie Command, the Ministry of Defense and the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK), where two distinct schools of thought or cliques are competing to fill the vacancies.
One of the schools of thought is that of the Homeland Party, also known as the Patriotic Party, which received only 120,000 votes (0.25%) out of 50 million votes cast in the Nov. 1 elections under the leadership of Dogu Perincek. It is popularly called the Perincek Group.
This group — renowned for its staunchly secular, isolationist, ultranationalist, socialist, anti-US, anti-West, pro-Russian and Euroasianist characteristics — has no strong standing as a popular political party, but its influence in the upper echelons of the state’s security and intelligence services is steadily growing. High-level military police and intelligence personnel affiliated with this group were the Fethullah Gulen movement's most prominent targets for replacement between 2006 and 2014, when the Gulenists had the AKP's cooperation in ending military tutelage. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/10/turkey-power-struggle-between-islamists-and-secularits.html
Why Turkey’s pro-government media likes Trump
Turkey is following the US presidential race with great interest. Sensing the outcome of the election might significantly influence ties between Turkey and the United States, many local columnists have been discussing which new US president will be better for the US-Turkey relationship. Trump’s scandalously explicit remarks about women and sexuality must also be disturbing for any conservative Turk. Hence a recent headline in a pro-government tabloid read, “The anti-Islam Trump also turned out to be a pervert.” Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/10/turkey-why-pro-government-media-likes-trump.html#ixzz4MyqHoOs0
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