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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 21.11.13, 22:55  Betreff: In rare public display, Iranian Jews rally in support of nation's nuclear program  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hundreds of Iranians, including university students and members of the country's Jewish community, rallied Tuesday in support of the Islamic Republic's disputed nuclear program on the eve of the resumption of talks with world powers.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 10.12.13, 18:09  Betreff: Deutschland Indymedia hat dieser Artikel Zensiert  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Gestern habe ich dieser Artikel gepostet und Heute umgeähr um 15.00 Uhr haben sie gelosst .Ich weiss nicht was ihnen nicht gefällt habt , vielleich das Bild von dem Jung den mit 14 alt erschosst von einem Israelische Scharfschütze und auf der Rückseite seiner Körper getroffen und getotet war .Vielleich seinen Gewissenen schmerzen sich weil sie so Heuchlichkeit sind und dann können sie weiter sagen , das beiden Seiten Schuldig sind ...
das lauftt Oft mit dem Gewissen von viele deutschen "linke" ab .

Der Artikrl mit dem Bild

Deutschland verkauft an Israel Kriegsschiffe

Deutschland möchte an Israel Kriegsschiffe und Raketen zu verkaufen .
Die Israelische arme möchte seine Marine zu Verstärker weil sie möchte Öl und Gas im Mittelneer zu fördern ohne dass die Seegrenzen tatsächlich mit den anderen Ländern festgelegt sind

Letzte Samstag würde ein Junge ( 14 Jahre Alt ) von einem Israelische Scharfschütze getöten wenn er gegenüber seine Schule war , er wurde auf der Rückseite seiner Körper getroffen .


254172.jpg (22 kByte, 225 x 400 Pixel)

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 15.12.13, 11:49  Betreff: What does 'Israeli Apartheid' mean, anyway?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The meticulous sub-division of people in Israel is guided by a principle of inequality that benefits the ruling class.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 23.12.13, 15:12  Betreff: Israels secret Uranium buy  drucken  weiterempfehlen

How Argentina fueled Ben-Gurion's nuclear program

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 07.01.14, 00:00  Betreff: African asylum seekers in Israel lobby foreign embassies  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Thousands of African asylum seekers demonstrated outside Western embassies in Tel Aviv on Monday in a second day of mass protests against Israel's immigration policies.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 14.01.14, 16:10  Betreff: Ariel Sharon: Peacemaker, hero... and butcher  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Beiden Artikel wurden von dem Journalis Robert Fisk geschrieben , beiden sprechen wie Heuchlicher Regierungen und Medien über dieser Mörder gesprochen haben .

Any other Middle Eastern leader who survived eight years in a coma would have been the butt of every cartoonist in the world. Hafez el-Assad would have appeared in his death bed, ordering his son to commit massacres; Khomeini would have been pictured demanding more executions as his life was endlessly prolonged. But of Sharon – the butcher of Sabra and Shatila for almost every Palestinian – there has been an almost sacred silence.

Cursed in life as a killer by quite a few Israeli soldiers as well as by the Arab world – which has proved pretty efficient at slaughtering its own people these past few years – Sharon was respected in his eight years of near-death, no sacrilegious cartoons to damage his reputation; and he will, be assured, receive the funeral of a hero and a peacemaker.

Thus do we remake history. How speedily did toady journalists in Washington and New York patch up this brutal man's image. After sending his army's pet Lebanese militia into the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982, where they massacred up to 1,700 Palestinians, Israel's own official enquiry announced that Sharon bore "personal" responsibility for the bloodbath.

The ‘flowers’ of the Arab Spring are so distracting that Ariel Sharon’s death has barely raised a whimper

Has ever the Arab awakening – the Arab “Spring” if we were to believe the nonsense spouted at the time – looked more desperate, more bloody, more hopeless, more despairing than it does today? I am not referring to the anguish so distracting the Arab world that it scarcely raised a whimper this weekend when the man most of them regarded as a war criminal – Ariel Sharon – was mourned by the West and its frightened journos as “iconic”, “legendary”, “audacious”, a “bulldozer” and “a proudly Zionist general”.

Incredibly, the presenter of Al Jazeera English even offered her “sincere condolences” to an Israeli friend of this dreadful man. When the Israeli Kahan Commission report was quoted by reporters, they inaccurately said it held Sharon only “indirectly” responsible for the 1982 Sabra and Chatila massacres of up to 1,700 Palestinian civilians murdered by Israel’s proxy Lebanese militia. In fact, the official text also states that Sharon was “personally” responsible.


1) Palestinian women pass the body of one of the victims of the massacres in the Palestinian refugee camp of Sabra .

2) Palestinian refugees living in the Shatila refugee camp in the Lebanese
capital of Beirut hand out sweets as they celebrate following the news
of the death of former Israeli premier Ariel Sharon, on Jan. 11, 201


Sabra.jpg (49 kByte, 620 x 465 Pixel)

Shatila.jpg (27 kByte, 345 x 230 Pixel)

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 15.01.14, 23:25  Betreff: Poor showing among heads of state for the lonely funeral of Ariel Sharon  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. Or in the case of Ariel Sharon who passed over the weekend at 85, they are strapped in a vegetative state for eight years and then put to rest after a lonely funeral. The late Israeli Prime Minister was eulogized in a service at the Knesset in Jerusalem earlier today and the turnout was low. There was no scramble for foreign dignitaries to board planes and travel hundreds or thousands of miles like they did for Nelson Mandela weeks ago. No one showed up from Africa or Latin America, and Vice President Joe Biden was the only international representative to give an address.........
........Heading up the American delegation to memorialize Sharon, Vice President Biden used the opportunity to reaffirm unbending U.S support to Israel; “We have made the case for Israel around the world,” he said, continuing, “We have never failed to defend Israel’s legitimacy.” Biden then closed his remarks by stressing, “the bond with the U.S. will never, ever be broken.”

Biden did praise Sharon for personal character. He mentioned his “political courage” and “physical courage,” which the former prime minister and minister of defense used “to lead men straight into enemy lines and behind them,” but Biden was careful to not mention any military feat by any specifics. He quickly U-turned to Sharon’s love of the Jewish people, by quoting James Joyce and William Shakespeare. Biden conveyed the sanitized point that Sharon was committed to the “survival of the state of Israel and the Jewish people, wherever they resided.”

“Prime Minister Sharon was a complex man,” said Biden. “Since he passed away in the days ahead there will be much written about him.”.......

Noam Chomsky on the Legacy of Ariel Sharon: Not Speaking Ill of the Dead "Imposes a Vow of Silence"

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 20.01.14, 17:32  Betreff: Mehr über der "Engel" Sharon...  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Der Jüdische niederländische Dreht Author , George Sluizer eines mal sagte
"that he had witnessed the then Defense Minister Ariel Sharon personally shooting Palestinian children from close range near the Sabra-Shatilla refugee camp in 1982 "

Es muss zu sagen das deutsche Wikipedia das Verschweigen ....

Wikipedia auf Castillier und deutsch Sprachen Oft entstellen sich das Gesicht , und über Palästina "Konflikt" , zu viel mal ....

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 20.01.14, 17:49  Betreff: Mehr über George Sluizer Erzehlung  drucken  weiterempfehlen

'I saw Ariel Sharon murder 2 Palestinian toddlers in Lebanon'

Was sagte Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland über Sharon

Der deutsche Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier

"Scharon selbst würde heute auf eine Zweitstaatenlösung in Nahost hoffen und hätte die aktuellen Verhandlungen zwischen Palästinensern und Israelis unterstützt. "

Über Steinmeir Deklarationen .............

" Although Benjamin Netanyahu publicly opposed the ‘disengagement’ from Gaza in 2005, the same strategies are being implemented and continued by him. In this regard, it can be argued that Prime Minister Netanyahu is executing Sharon’s plan to create Greater Israel by continuing his expansionist policy of annexing East Jerusalem and the West Bank through the systematic development of Israeli settlements/colonies. Beneath the surface, the continuation and expansion of the Israeli settlements and the leverage they have given Israel in negotiations is why Ariel Sharon is really the “architect of modern Israel.”

Sharon’s objectives of annexing East Jerusalem and the West Bank, however, are not a view he shaped, they are part of an expansionist ideology widely held in the Israeli political establishment and popularly supported in Israeli society. He is merely the man who put together the strategy of doing it while appearing to pursue peace. In this context, it should come as no surprise just days before Sharon died, in late December 2013, that the Israeli government’s Ministerial Legislative Committee voted to annex the West Bank’s Jordan Valley, effectively insuring that the West Bank will barely have a border with Jordan and that most the West Bank will encircled by Israel.

Nor does Sharon’s death mean that Israel’s embrace of militarism has ended. Sharon is just one of many military leaders, like Shimon Peres, that have built Israel with war and around the military as the most important institution in Israel. To equate Ariel Sharon with Israel means that his death marks an end to a bloody history, when in reality the bloody history still continues with Netanyahu and Israel’s current leaders.

Since Sharon left office due to his coma, Israel attacked Lebanon in 2006, has launching multiple attacks on Gaza, conducted attacks on Syria, and repeatedly threatened to start wars against other countries. Tel Aviv’s leaders have always blamed Hamas for attacking Gaza, but it is important to note that they have done this while Israel continues its military operations and occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, even though Fatah rules the West Bank and has insured that no real attacks have been launched against Israel for years. "

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 30.01.14, 23:16  Betreff: Open Letter from NY Jews to Mayor de Blasio: ‘AIPAC does not speak for us’  drucken  weiterempfehlen

An Open Letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio:

We are Jewish residents of New York who read, in the leaked transcript of your private speech to a meeting of AIPAC leaders, the following:

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 13.04.14, 11:32  Betreff: Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

If things proceed normally, President Barak Obama will soon proclaim April 11, 2014 “Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.” Despite the innocuous name, this day honors the memory of a religious leader whose lesser-known teachings help fuel some of the most violent attacks against Palestinians by extremist Israeli settlers and soldiers.

The leader being honored on this day is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, charismatic head of a mystical/fundamentalist version of Judaism. Every year since 1978, a Presidential Proclamation, often accompanied by a Congressional Resolution (the 1990 one had 219 sponsors), has declared Schneerson’s birthday an official national day of observance.

Congress first passed a Resolution honoring Schneerson in 1975. Three years later a Joint Congressional Resolution called on President Jimmy Carter to proclaim “Education Day, U.S.A.” on the anniversary of Schneerson’s birth. The idea was to set aside a day to honor both education and the alleged educational work of Schneerson and the religious sect he headed up.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 03.05.14, 12:25  Betreff: Kerry Grovels over Israeli ‘Apartheid’  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Secretary of State Kerry gets to say whatever half-truth or fiction comes into his head about Syria, Russia or other “designated villains,” but when he cites the inconvenient truth of Israeli “apartheid,” he must scramble as fast as he can to retract and apologize.

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