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Beiträge: 1594

New PostCreated: 2013-02-14, 08:34 PM CET     Subject: Things you find on the internet ...

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Meet Our Patron

Andrew McFarlane
(Since 2011)

In March 2011, Andrew McFarlane graciously accepted our offer to become the Patron of Stanford House Inc.

Andrew McFarlane is an instantly recognisable performer to Australian theatre, film and television audiences. Andrew has three decades of experience on Australian television. Young audiences have been enjoying Andrew's performances on Play School since 2000. He has also worked on many major television drama series, such as The Alice, Neighbours, Through My Eyes, Home and Away, Water Rats, Blue Heelers, All Saints, Murder Call, The Violent Earth, Heartbreak High, Spellbinder, Flying Doctors, Rafferty's Rules, Cop Shop, Patrol Boat, The Sullivans, Division 4 and Homicide.

Andrew's film credits include The Falls, Little White Lies, Returning Lily, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Doctors and Nurses, Break of Day and Harness Fever.


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