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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 00:23  Betreff: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ali Javan

Ali Javan tested his "Gas Laser" invention on December 12, 1960. The following day, he conducted the first experiment of a telephone conversation ever to be transmitted by laser beam. Nearly 40 years later, laser telecommunication via fiber optics is commonplace, comprising the key technology used in today's Internet. Perhaps, laser is one of the greatest inventions in today's technology. Javan is still intensely involved with inventions, concentrating on the use of matter at "nano-scale", specifically working on electronics at optical frequencies. He anticipates the day when microchips will operate on light wave frequencies GHz (Giga-Hertz) rather than the radio frequencies of MHz (Mega-Hertz).
Born in Tehran of Azerbaijani parentage, Javan came to the United States in 1949 where shortly afterwards he received his Ph.D. at Columbia University in New York City. He's been with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) since 1962.

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Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 00:32  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen


Professor Lotfi Zadeh was born on February 04, 1921 in Baku, Azerbaijan. He graduated as Electrical Engineer from Tehran University in Iran in 1944. In 1944-1959 he received his Masters and PhD degrees in Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Columbia University in USA and worked as a Professor at those Institutions. Since 1959 he was working as a Professor at the Berkley University and since 1963 he was heading a Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at this University. Actually Professor Lotfi Zadeh has the life-time Professorship at the Berkley University and is the Director of Soft Computing Institute.

L.Zadeh has developed 5 fundamental scientific theories. He founded the Zadeh Institute for Information Technology –ZIFIT in Berkley, USA.

One of the theories of Zadeh known in science as z-transforms laid foundation for creation of discrete and digital control, information and communications systems.

The famous State Space, theories of control and tracking of dynamic systems developed by Zadeh constitute the basis of modern science of control. Based on these theories NASA designs, develops and implements various purpose control systems.

The most popular theory of Zadeh is the Fuzzy Logic Theory. This theory has extended the theory of binary sets that forms the foundation of mathematics through introduction of the concept of Fuzzy Sets. In science the introduction of fuzzy dimension has created an opportunity for more adequate reflection of uncertainty present in processes developing in nature and society.

Soft Computing theory of Zadeh constitutes the basis of new technologies through intellectual combination of methods of fuzzy logic, artificial neuron networks, genetic algorithms, theory of khaos and probabilistic inference paradigms.

In computers working on the basis of “Verbally operated computers” theory of Zadeh the words and phrases are used for granulation of information. Computers of this type are capable of making approximate logical inference and are the most adequate models of human brain, which process the information on the basis of representations.

The Theory of Representations of Zadeh offers methods that allow quick obtaining of complete information about surrounding world without performing of accurate measurements. The purpose of this theory is to develop principles and methods for creation of artificial knowledge representation systems similar to those of human being.

L.Zadeh is the Scientific Editor or Member of Editorial Board of 54 scientific journals in the fields of Soft Computing and Fuzzy Logic.

L.Zadeh is considered to be the most referenced scientific author in the world. Just in 1990-2000 there were more than 36000 references made with regard of his articles and monographs.

L.Zadeh is the member of a big number of foreign Academies of Sciences. He has received a big number of awards and medals from various honour societies. He is the Honoured Doctor of many foreign state and public organizations.

Lotfi Zadeh has been elected as an Honoured Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

выдающийся ученый-кибернетик, автор теории fuzzy logic, директор BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing), почетный президент BFSA(o)J (Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association of Japan). Профессор Колумбийского университета, Член национальной Академии Разработки США, Национальной инженерной академии США и Российской Академии Естествознания. Почетный член академии Пауля-Сабатьера (Тулузы, Франция), Государственного университета США (Нью-Йорк), Дортмундского университета (Дортмунд, Германия), Университета Торонто (Торонто, Канада и других авторитетных заведений и организаций. Награжден многими орденами и медалями.

Если вы купили кондиционер фирмы "Хитачи" или "Шарп", знайте, что именно благодаря этой теории обеспечиваются уровни колебаний температуры. Если эти же фирмы продали вам микроволновую печь, то именно применение нечетких множеств обеспечивает вам правильную стратегию приготовления пищи. Сталкиваетесь ли вы с копировальной машиной "Канон", сушилкой или посудомоечной машиной "Мацусита", стиральными машинами "Даеву" или "Самсунг", с телевизорами или компьютерами "Сони" - всей этой технике в определенной степени дала жизнь теория нечетких множеств Лютфи-заде.

Основной научный вклад Лютфи А. Заде

1949 - Разработка частотного анализа сетей, зависящих от времени

1950 - Расширенная Винеровская теория предсказания с Рагаззини (J.R. Ragazzini)

1952 - Разработка подхода на основе z-преобразований совместно с Рагаззини

1953 – Разработка теории нелинейных фильтров

1956 – Формулировка проблемы идентификации систем

1963 – Основание подхода на основе пространства состояний к анализу линейных систем с Дезоером (C.A. Desoer)

1965 – Основание теории нечетких множеств

1970 – Разработка теории принятия решений в нечетких условиях с Беллманом (R.E. Bellman)

1973 – Введение понятия лингвистической переменной и нечетких “Если …, то…” правил

1978 – Разработка теории возможностей и языка представления смысла PRUF

1979 – Разработка теории приближенных рассуждений

1985 – Разработка теории обычности и рассуждений на основе “здравого смысла”

1986 – Разработка семантики на основе тестов

1988 – Разработка диспозиционной логики

1991 – Основание исчисления нечетких правил, нечетких графов и нечетких вероятностей; разработка мягких вычислений

1996 – Разработка метода вычисления словами

1997 – Разработка теории гранулирования нечеткой информации

Лютфи А. Заде является членом (fellow) IEEE и удостоен медали образования (Education Medal), медали столетия (Centennial Medal) и медали Ричарда Хемминга (Richard W. Hamming Medal). Он член национальной инженерной академии (National Academy of Engineering) и иностранный член Российской академии естественных наук. В 2001 году он принят также в почетные члены Азербайджанской академии наук. Лютфи Заде награжден также следующими наградами: the Honda Prize, the ASME Rudolf Oldenburger Medal, the Grigore Moisil Prize, the Karnpe de Feriet Medal, the Okawa Prize, а также семью почетными докторскими степенями. ___________

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[editiert: 23.12.05, 00:39 von Habicht]
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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 00:41  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen


Kerim Kerimov was born on November 14, 1917 in family of engineer-technologist in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Kerim Ali oglu Kerimov is the Hero of Socialist Labour (the supreme decoration in the Former Soviet Union), laureate of Stalin, Lenin and State awards of the Soviet Union, retired Lieutenant-General.

After graduation from the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute in 1942, K.A.Kerimov continued his education at the Artillery Academy, where he committed himself to design and development of space rocket systems.

Since 1946 he has been involved in creation of radio-measurement systems for ballistic missiles. In result of his research, the radio-measurement system “Don” for controlling internal parameters of missile was created and applied in space rockets. As one of the creators of this system, K.Kerimov was awarded the Stalin premium in 1950. As a researcher and specialist, he was in forefront of research and development in the field of aeronautics in fifties, when the launches of manmade satellites and space rockets intensified. After having been valued as a high-class specialist in the area of his expertise, K.Kerimov was promoted in to the position of Chairman of State Commission for monitoring and approval of activities on preparation, launching and operating of manmade satellites “Molniya-1” for communications and “Meteor” for meteorological research and earth radio-sounding from the space. In 1961 in connection with the first manned flight of space rocket around the earth with Y.Gagarin on board K.Kerimov was awarded the Order of Lenin.

For achievements made in the field of radio-sounding of earth from satellites and creation of first guided satellite K.Kerimov was awarded the Lenin premium.

With account of outstanding achievements he made in the field of aeronautics, K.Kerimov was appointed in 1966 as a Chairman of State Commission of Space Flights of the USSR.

A big number of outstanding Soviet scientists such as Academicians V.P. Mishin, V.P.Glushkov, Y.P.Semyonov and other leading specialists were members of this Commission.

Due to his possession of unique knowledge and expertise in all aspects of aeronautics, K.Kerimov was continuously remaining in that senior position for 25 years. During that period of time he was making final decisions on approval of all space flights and satellite launches implemented in the USSR, including those to Venera and other planets of Solar System. For organization of first flights of soviet spacecrafts with international crews, K.Kerimov was awarded the State Premium of the USSR in 1979.

For his outstanding achievements in the field of aeronautics, K.Kerimov was awarded his second Order of Lenin and received the Golden Star of the Hero of the Socialist Labour (the supreme decoration in the Former Soviet Union) in 1987.

Since 1991 till present K.Kerimov has been working as a Consultant at the Main Space Flights Control Centre of the Russian State Aerospace Agency.

K.Kerimov has always paid due attention to development of aeronautics and associated sciences in Azerbaijan and guided activities aimed at development of this important fields of science and technology in this country. Since 1988 till present K.Kerimov has developed close working relationships with the Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency.

With account of his outstanding role in development of aerospace science and technology and his contribution to development of these particular fields of knowledge in Azerbaijan, by decree of His Excellence Heydar Aliyev, the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, K.Kerimov was awarded the Order of Honour of the Azerbaijan Republic.

K.Kerimov is the author of book “The way to the space”.

For his great achievement in aerospace science, K.Kerimov has been elected as an Honoured Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 00:45  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen

unsere berühmte Frauen

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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 00:49  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Schirin Ibadi- 2003 Nobel Peace Prize, an ethnic Azerbaijani from Hamadan, Iran

Ширин Ибади - иранская правозащитница, лауреат Нобелевской премии

Vagif Mustafazadeh
Вагиф Мустафазаде - джазмен

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[editiert: 23.12.05, 01:35 von Habicht]
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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 00:59  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
Nesreddin Tusi
Born: 18 Feb 1201 in Tus, Khorasan (now Iran)
Died: 26 June 1274 in Kadhimain (near Baghdad now in Iraq)

One of al-Tusi's most important mathematical contributions was the creation of trigonometry as a mathematical discipline in its own right rather than as just a tool for astronomical applications. In Treatise on the quadrilateral al-Tusi gave the first extant exposition of the whole system of plane and spherical trigonometry. As stated in [1]:-

This work is really the first in history on trigonometry as an independent branch of pure mathematics and the first in which all six cases for a right-angled spherical triangle are set forth.

This work also contains the famous sine formula for plane triangles:

a/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C.

Another mathematical contribution was al-Tusi's manuscript, dated 1265, concerning the calculation of n-th roots of an integer; see [6] for details of a copy of this manuscript made in 1413. This work by al-Tusi is almost certainly not original but rather it is his version of methods developed by al-Karaji's school. In the manuscript al-Tusi determined the coefficients of the expansion of a binomial to any power giving the binomial formula and the Pascal triangle relations between binomial coefficients.

We should mention briefly other fields in which al-Tusi contributed. He wrote a famous work on minerals which contains an interesting theory of colour based on mixtures of black and white, and included chapters on jewels and perfumes. He also wrote on medicine, but his medical works are among his least important. Much more important were al-Tusi's contributions to philosophy and ethics. In particular in philosophy he asked important questions on the nature of space.

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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 01:00  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Rustam M. I. Ibrahimbekov – born February, 5, 1939 in Baku. He is a National Writer of Azerbaijan, awarded with the first prizes of Azerbaijan and the former USSR. He is the author of many movie scripts including the Oscar winner Burnt by the Sun directed by Nikita Mikhalkov, Like a Lion, House on Sand, A Woman behind the Green Door plays, The White Sun of the Desert novel published in the Literary Azerbaijan issues 1-3, 4-6, 1998.

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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 01:12  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Banin Umel
Банин Умэль

- berühmte französische Schriftstellerin, die Tochter von Abbdulaev Mirza- der Sohn von Abbdulaev Shamsi- ein millionär.

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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 01:32  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Name : Shirali Muslimov
Period : 1805 - 1973
Biographical detail : "The oldest inhabitant of the planet", was born in the Lerik district of Azerbaijan and was listed by the Guinness Book of Records.

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Ort: ein Dorf bei Hamburg

Verhältnis zu Aserbaidschan: Ich liebe dieses Land

New PostErstellt: 23.12.05, 18:13  Betreff: Re: Berühmte Aserbaidschaner  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Üsejir Hadschibejow (Aserbaidschanisch Uzeyir Hacıbəyov; * 18. September 1885 in Schuscha; † November 1948 in Baku) war ein aserbaidschanischer Komponist, Musikwissenschaftler, Publizist, Dramaturg und Pädagoge. Er gilt als der Gründer der modernen aserbaidschanischen Musik und Oper und ist der Komponist der ersten Oper im islamischen Orient überhaupt.

Diese Oper, Leyli va Madschnun (Leyli və Məcnun) wurde am 25. Januar 1908 in Baku im Theater des aserbaidschanischen Millionärs und Wohltäters Tagiyev (Hacı Zeynəlabdin Tağıyev) uraufgeführt.

Hadschibejov schrieb außerdem die Oper Scheykh Sanan (Şeyx Sən'an, 1909), Rüstam va Söhrab (1910), Schah Abbas va Khurschid banu (Şah Abbas və Xurşid banu, 1912), Asli va Karam (1912), Harun va Leyla (1915) und Köroglu (1937).

Hadschibejov ist Begründer der aserbaidschanischen Musikkomödie (O olmasin bu olsun, 1910; Arschin (Arşın) mal alan u.a.). Letztere wurde in die russische, englische, deutsche, chinesische, arabische, persische, polnische, ukrainische, belarussische, georgische und andere Sprachen übersetzt und 1917, 1945 (diese Variante war einer der beliebtesten Filme in der UdSSR) und 1965 verfilmt. O olmasin bu olsun wurde 1956 verfilmt.

1982 wurden Filme über Üsejir Hadschibejov (Üzeyir Hacıbəyov und Uzun ömrün akkordları, Regie: Anar) produziert.

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