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New PostErstellt: 08.06.06, 00:22     Betreff: Aserbaidschan - Europa oder Asien?

ich habe folgendes im web gelesen:(

I was asked today why I list Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan as Asian countries while some other websites list them as European countries. My answer was as follows... "There’s no official definition of the boundary between Asia and Europe (nor between any continent for that matter) so the boundaries are merely traditional. The Caucasus Mountains have traditionally divided the two continents and these three countries are to the south of that boundary. I also feel that it is more appropriate to place these countries in Asia because all of Turkey east of Istanbul is customarily considered Asia and certainly their neighbor to the south, Iran, is an Asian country." What do you think? Click "comments" below!

Dazu wurde folgende Antworten geschrieben:

Well, actually Europe does extend eastward farther than Turkey — the eastern border of Europe is the Urals mountains. And yes, the Southern border is in Caucasus. However, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia do fall below Caucasus. A big part of the Caucasus mountains actually overlaps the territories of these countries. So it is not quite correct to put them in Asia, although certain parts of these countries do fall in Asia. Why can’t we just say that these countries are both in Asia and Europe, which would be the factually correct thing to say (see CIA Factbook, etc.)?

Comment by Natig — June 6, 2006 @ 11:37 pm

Consider it culturally. The only people who think Azerbaijan is European have been to Azerbaijan — or Europe.

Comment by carpetblogger — June 7, 2006 @ 12:07 am

Turkey does not belong in Europe until it acknowledges the Armenian Genocide. The USA does not belong in Europe since it’s CIA WEBSITE fails to mention the Armenian genocide. Imagine the history of the Jews without mentioning anti-semitism or the Holocaust!

Comment by Vartan Mamigonian — June 7, 2006 @ 1:32 am

Yes, in recent history Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan have been included in Europe. I think the Arax river can be the southern border between Europe and Asia.

Comment by Noel — June 7, 2006 @ 4:28 pm

Israel imagines itself as part of Europe and wants to join the EU.

Comment by Jim — June 7, 2006 @ 5:44 pm

Was glaubt ihr, welche Antwort kann man nicht als neutral und sachgerecht beschreiben?

Wie sind eure geographische Kenntnisse? Gehört Aserbaidschan zu Europa oder zu Asien?

Eins kann ich Ihnen genau sagen: Bei der Deutschen Post AG wird Aserbaidschan zu Europa zugeordnet und ein Brief kostet genauso viel wie ein Europa-Brief.

hier bin ich!
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