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Create A Fun Environment In Class!

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ESL Elite - It's all about ESL.
New PostCreated: 2006-03-25, 05:29 AM CET  Subject:  Create A Fun Environment In Class!  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

ESL Elite-It's all about ESL.


    There are some teachers who are struggling with teaching in class. They don't know how to get students more interested in class. I have a few tips that might help teachers if they are in this situation.


1. Play

    Playing makes students enjoy the class more. Try to play a few games in class while you are teaching reading, writing, or even singing to stimulate their learning. It's also a natural way to learn. You will see that students learn more from playing than from teaching page by page.


2. Body Language

    Students are attracted to fun things, same as us. Just take a look back when you were in school, would you prefer a fun professor or a non-stop talking professor. You Got It! We've been through the learning process when we were younger, now, just add a little bit of body language and excitement into your class. You will see your students will enjoy it much more.


3. Visual Tools

    When you are playing games or teaching, try to get everything you need ready, be prepared. Students will love to see some new teaching tools in class. It just adds so much fun for your lessons.


    Of course, there are also a lot more things you need to know, but keep these 3 tips in mind and try them in your next class, you will notice the difference.

More information, please visit http://www.eslelite.com 

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