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Meisterkurs für Studenten und junge Profis mit Susan Milan in England

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Gertrud Schmitz
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New PostErstellt: 29.05.15, 22:11  Betreff: Meisterkurs für Studenten und junge Profis mit Susan Milan in England  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Flötenmeisterkurs mit Susan Milan
17.-22. Juli 2015 in Surrey, England
Anmeldeschluss: 17. Juni 2015

I'd like to bring to your attention this "micro" master class flute course with Susan Milan
at her private music studio situated in southern Surrey within easy reach from London.
The course is aimed at conservatory students as well as young professionals and will try
to bring them together in a small group to discuss and concentrate on all the different
aspects of flute playing away and to study and exchange thoughts with one of Britain's
leading flutists and teachers and with access to her extensive music and CD library.

The number of participants is limited from 4 to 8.

The planned timetable will give participants the opportunity to explore the flute repertoire
with or without a pianist and it will include one to one lessons as well as open classes to
discuss general technique, audition procedure and physiology of flute playing There will be
a short informal concert at the end.

Please, use this website to apply or enquire about further details: www.masterclass-smilan.de
Or send an email to

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