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New PostErstellt: 21.04.07, 20:02  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

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Jake Gallows
Leader Of The Infamous Ghost Rider Gang

Beiträge: 1423

wieviele Comics: 'nen paar

New PostErstellt: 21.04.07, 20:05  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen


  1. Can you give us an update about the Foolkiller limited series ? You still want to publish that one, i hope ?

  2. Any chances about new 2099 Comics ? If not, please keep Spider-Man 2099 in Exiles.

  3. I was wondering if there will be a second Essential Punisher ?

  4. Would it be possible to publish some of the never released Punisher Stories. e.g. that Savage Land GN, that Chuck Dixon wrote ?

  5. Garth said "Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears" would be Part 2 of an trilogy. Could you give us any insight, what Part 3 will be about ? I would be most interested in who will be the host and when it will be set.

  6. It have been anounced 2 years ago that there will be a anthology with supernatural characters. Will this title still be published ?

  7. Why do you decided to reprint Amazing Spider-Girl as Trade and not as Digest ? Of course, i wish you huge success with that, but i'm kinda fearing that the Digest buyers won't buy the Trade, because it do cost a little bit more.

  8. Any chances that you reprint the Ghost Rider series from the 1950's that have been published by Magazine Enterprises ?

    Die dt. Punisher Fanpage, nun endlich wieder online:

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Ort: Hamburg

wieviele Comics: 10.011 US-Marvels

New PostErstellt: 21.04.07, 20:34  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Zitat: Jake Gallows
    6. It have been anounced 2 years ago that there will be a anthology with supernatural characters. Will this title still be published ?
Könnte dies die MYSTIC ARCANA Reihe sein, die grad auf den Markt kommt?

Marvel Checklist
Der ultimative Leitfaden durch das Marvel-Universum
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Euer Onkel Moonie
Fist Of Khonshu

Beiträge: 852
Ort: München

wieviele Comics: es summiert sich langsam, 37 Quadratmeter sind einfach zu wenig. :(

New PostErstellt: 21.04.07, 20:40  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Die Sprechblase sollte besser vertauscht sein.


"SCALPED is some of the most compelling character work and crime writing I've seen in a long time." -Ed Brubaker
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Beiträge: 5647

New PostErstellt: 12.05.07, 09:34  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Wer ist der schlechteste autor im comic-biz?

I really dug Dan Slott's FCD book "Swing Shift" in particular a new character named Jackpot who bears a striking resemblance to a certain redhead in the Spidey Universe we all know and love. I was wondering if Jackpot was a character thought up by Slott, or someone the next "Amazing Spider-Man" team will be using and they asked Slott to showcase her in "Swing Shift?"

And speaking of which, are we any closer to finding out who's taking over JMS' writing duties?

JQ: Spidey616, great seeing you at the Tribeca Fim Festival panel last week! Actually the original idea for Jackpot came from C.B. Cebulski and our new Spider-Man writer and she is hot, sexy and a redhead just like a certain popular female character, Jean Grey!


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Beiträge: 5647

New PostErstellt: 02.06.07, 09:36  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

NRAMA: We’ve also heard this week that Travis Charest is at work or soon will be on work for Marvel. This is going to be well received by fans that miss his work… what can you tell readers about that?

JQ: Wow, where do you guys get this stuff. It’s not like Travis has done a cover here and there for us. While it would be wonderful - actually amazing, I think it’s irresponsible of you to spread rumors like this by saying stuff like, “Hey, Joe, I hear you’re looking at an amazing Travis Charest Captain America piece at the moment, tell us about it.”

Simply irresponsible, shame on you guys.

JQ ist gut

Q: cajun2de 05-17-2007 09:49 AM

Since Thor's returning soon, is Iron Man gonna approach him and ask him to register?

JQ: cajun2de, see Thor #3 for the answer to that question.

Q: LazyHero 05-17-2007 04:23 PM

Iron Man's monthly book hasn't been discussed in Joe Fridays for a long time. What's happening with the book? Is Christos Gage taking over? I think that would be an excellent move! Is he going to stay awhile?

JQ: Christos is only writing Iron Man #19-20, the two World War Hulk tie-in issues, in order to give our regular creative team of Daniel and Charlie Knauf and Rob De La Torre a break to get caught up on the schedule.

Can we expect Ultimate Annuals this year?

JQ: Sorry to say, spiderwars that there won’t be any for this year.

This is a simple question that I'm sure a LOT of readers (including myself) are wondering about: where's the World War Hulk Young Avengers one-shot? It was initially on the WWH checklist but now it's not there and it's not appearing in Marvel's August Solicits, so what's the deal?

JQ: Sorry to say, JayCanuck that this title won’t be happening due to just incredible craziness in our publishing schedule but stay tuned because the team-up of Loeb and Finch will be coming atcha with some incredible stuff in the near future and we’ll hit you between the eyes with an announcement of what it is that they’ll be working on next!

Bei NA 34 wird Flo sicherlich sagen, dass Marvel wieder das Multiversum bei DC kopiert haben...


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Großansicht - speichern

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Prime Minister Of Checklist Entertainment

Beiträge: 1790
Ort: Ingolstadt

New PostErstellt: 09.06.07, 13:06  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Gibt es diese Woche gar kein NEW JOE'S FRIDAY?
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Beiträge: 5647

New PostErstellt: 09.06.07, 13:13  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Vielleicht heute erst, kann sein dass was dazwischen kam.

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Creative Head Of Checklist & Comicast

Beiträge: 4730
Ort: Schweiz

wieviele Comics: too many

New PostErstellt: 09.06.07, 17:10  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Joe's Friday ist nun doch erschienen, aber es ist Convention Season und das heisst, dass keine News durchsickern. Schade. Aber nächste Woche ist ja Wizard World Philadelphia und dort werden einige Neuikeiten verkündet.


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Prime Minister Of Checklist Entertainment

Beiträge: 1790
Ort: Ingolstadt

New PostErstellt: 08.07.07, 12:04  Betreff: Re: NEW JOE'S FRIDAY - JEDEN FREITAG ZWISCHEN GENIE UND WAHNSINN  drucken  weiterempfehlen

New Joe's Friday mit Mark Paniccia als Fill-In:

Es ist ein What If zu Planet Hulk geplant:

    -What if Hulk had landed on the planet the Illuminati had intended for him illustrated by Rafa Sandoval

    -What if Hulk had died and Caiera had lived illustrated by Leonard Kirk, and…

    -What if Bruce Banner had landed on Sakaar (artist to be determined)
Und ein What If mit einem ungewöhnlichen FF Team:
    Then in November, we have What If? is The New Fantastic Four by Jeff Parker and David Williams, harkening back to Fantastic Four #347-349 and featuring Marvel’s big screen celebs, Spider-Man, Hulk, Wolverine and everyone’s favorite extra-crispy, flame-broiled super-skull, Ghost Rider.

[editiert: 08.07.07, 12:04 von Optimus]
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