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EX Infernus (oder Inferno 2) - News-Thread

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New PostErstellt: 25.07.08, 01:32  Betreff: EX Infernus (oder Inferno 2) - News-Thread  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

wie schon in den X-Men News berichtet, lautet das nächste X-Event


    This December, in the five issue mini-series, "Ex Infernus," by writer C.B. Cebulski and an artist who has yet to be revealed, the horrors of Limbo are unleashed again, this time on the X-Men's new home of San Francisco.
    The original "Inferno" storyline was born out of plot developments in the X-Men titles but elements of the story carried over into many of Marvel other titles at the time like "The Avengers," "The Fantastic Four" and "Daredevil." "Ex Infernus" will have a much tighter focus. "It'll be focusing on the mutants and Illyana," Nick Lowe told CBR News. "She wants her soul back and she'll kill however many demons and people as it will take to do so."
    llyana and her demons will confront a number of mutant characters in "Ex Infernus." "You'll see most of the major X-Men pop up through out this series, the New X-Men as well," Cebulski stated. "The X-Men trinity, Wolverine, Nightcrawler and Colossus, play a major role, as does Pixie."

    "Ex Infernus" is a deeply personal story for Colossus since it pits him against his sister, but it's also a big story for Pixie. In the "Quest of Magik" storyline, Illyana experimented on Pixie and removed a tiny portion of her soul, resulting in Pixie's ability to create a soul dagger.
    While he could talk about some of the characters involved in "Ex Infernus" and their motivations, Cebulski could only cryptically describe the plot of the mini-series. "An old villain will become a major bad ass," he remarked. "A young X-Man will become a major bad ass."

    "Ex Infernus" was originally slated to be an "Uncanny X-Men" Annual which Cebulski was going to work on with artist David Finch. "But then David took on 'Ultimatum' so it got back-burnered. Nick Lowe resurrected the project though, and he and David Gabriel liked the overall concept so much they felt we were doing it an injustice by limiting it to an Annual. So they came up with the idea to turn it into an event as it also fit in perfectly with some other happenings going on in the X-Men Universe," Cebulski explained. "We got Finch's blessing to proceed without him and to approach other artists, as long as he was still able to do the covers, which he is!!"
    "We knew that she had to come back to the regular X-Books," Lowe continued. "So we've been building toward it ever since. We molded the end of the 'Quest for Magik' arc to set this up and started planning it. We laid out some groundwork in 'X-Men: Divided We Stand,' and voila, here we are!"

    "Ex Infernus" closes out the X-Men's 2008, and when the series wraps in 2009 some X-Characters will find themselves with very different status quos. Lowe said, "This mini will have lasting effects on at least two major X-Books."

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New PostErstellt: 25.07.08, 20:38  Betreff: Re: EX Infernus (oder Inferno 2) - News-Thread  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Tolle News! Da hat sich die Lektüre von Divided we Stand doch gelohnt.

Das Event klingt interessant. Gut, dass EX Infernus eine eigenständige Mini wird. So wie ich es verstanden habe, wird es keine Tie-Ins in den X-Men Serien geben. Schön kompaktes Event also.
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