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Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen
Staatsterror durch staatliche Eingriffe in das Familienleben
Verletzung von Menschenrechten, Kinderrechten, Bürgerrechten durch Entscheiden und Handeln staatlicher Behörden im familienrechtlichen Bereich, in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, in der Familienhilfe unter anderem mit den Spezialgebieten Jugendamtsversagen und Jugendamtsterror
Fokus auf die innerdeutsche Situation, sowie auf Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in Fällen internationaler Kindesentführung und grenzüberschreitender Sorgerechts- und Umgangsrechtskonflikten
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"Spurensuche nach Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen"
ist ein in assoziiertes Projekt zur
angewandten Feldforschung mit teilnehmender Beobachtung
"Systemkritik: Deutsche Justizverbrechen"

Signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease one of the most severe chronic lung diseases

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New PostErstellt: 23.06.21, 09:28  Betreff:  Signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease one of the most severe chronic lung diseases  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most serious chronic lung diseases. that affect the ability to breathe and may be life threatening. Pathophysiology (Pathophysiology) of the disease or the physical changes of COPD. It starts with damage to the trachea and air sacs in the lungs. then develop into a cough with phlegm until finally becoming short of breath Get to know the symptoms and signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. together in this article

The root cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Two COPD conditions are chronic bronchitis and emphysema, which affect different parts of the lungs. leading to all symptoms of shortness of breath In order to understand the pathophysiology of COPD, it is important to know the structure of the lungs.

Emphysema occurs when the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli) are damaged and the fibers that form the walls of the alveoli are damaged. This makes it less flexible and inoperable. when you exhale If the bronchi are inflamed (bronchitis), they will produce more sputum.

If this symptom does not go away may develop into chronic bronchitis You can also get acute bronchitis. But this condition does not count as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The main cause of COPD is smoking, breathing in tobacco smoke. and dangerous chemicals can injure the windpipe and air sac and then became chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Exposure to secondhand smoke, chemicals or even cooking oil in poorly ventilated buildings It can lead to lung disease as well.

aware of change
The symptoms of severe COPD are often absent. until entering the final stage of the disease If you find yourself short of breath after light exercise. or difficulty breathing after doing common activities such as walking up stairs You should see your doctor immediately. Your doctor may give you a check on the health of your respiratory system. Diseases such as bronchitis or emphysema can be found.

One of the reasons it makes it harder for you to breathe because there is more mucus in the lungs As a result, the bronchioles become inflamed and narrow. The more mucus in the bronchi, the more The more oxygen the body breathes and the less oxygen is delivered to the pulmonary capillaries. Coughing to help release mucus from the lungs It's a very common sign of COPD.

If you notice more coughing and have more phlegm You should go see your doctor. Don't assume that Your cough is not dangerous. Therefore, you should observe yourself. and immediately seek medical attention for treatment

Signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease something else to know
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is evolving. Complications will follow In addition to coughing You may notice that There is a whistling sound when you breathe. including narrowed bronchi and alveoli It can also cause angina.

The amount of oxygen circulating in your body is less. make you feel tired And lack of energy can be a symptom of other diseases, but what is important is that You should share this information with your doctor. To make it easier for doctors to assess the severity of the disease For people with severe COPD may lose weight

One of the easiest ways to prevent COPD is. Stopping or not starting to smoke Even if you've been smoking for years You can still start taking care of your lung health by quitting smoking.

The longer you don't smoke The higher your chances of avoiding COPD, the better. No matter what age you quit smoking

what is important is You should have regular checkups. and strictly follow the instructions of the doctor Although there may be nothing confirming that You won't have COPD. But you can better support lung performance if you take some precautions.

Reference from :: Joker123

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