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Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen
Staatsterror durch staatliche Eingriffe in das Familienleben
Verletzung von Menschenrechten, Kinderrechten, Bürgerrechten durch Entscheiden und Handeln staatlicher Behörden im familienrechtlichen Bereich, in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, in der Familienhilfe unter anderem mit den Spezialgebieten Jugendamtsversagen und Jugendamtsterror
Fokus auf die innerdeutsche Situation, sowie auf Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in Fällen internationaler Kindesentführung und grenzüberschreitender Sorgerechts- und Umgangsrechtskonflikten
Fokus auf andere Länder, andere Sitten, andere Situtationen
Fokus auf internationale Vergleiche bei Kompetenzen und Funktionalitäten von juristischen, sozialen und administrativen Behörden

"Spurensuche nach Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen"
ist ein in assoziiertes Projekt zur
angewandten Feldforschung mit teilnehmender Beobachtung
"Systemkritik: Deutsche Justizverbrechen"


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New PostCreated: 2015-08-22, 10:58 AM CET     Subject:  KINOFILM ausschließlich über ev. Erziehungsanstalt FREISTATT Reply with Quotation  

Wenn das so ist (Premium-Edition)
KINOFILM "FREISTATT" von Filmregisseur Marc Brummund.
CINEMA-FILM "SANCTUARY" by film director Marc Brummund.
Distribution Network GmbH @

    A movie based on true stories, about the merciless fight of a boy to save the last bit of humanity and dignity in an oppressive system of society.


    May 1968: Rolling Stones, bell-bottoms, mini-skirts, sexual revolution, protests against the Vietnam War… While Germany sets off for a new era of freedom, rebellious fourteen-year-old Wolfgang gets sent to Freistatt, a foster home for difficult children [ i.e., a supposed child welfare institution run like a slave labour camp by an arm of the fundamentalist Evangelical-Lutheran Church:Bethel”/“House of Godsituated in a peat bog in the County of Diepholz in Lower Saxony. – added by MM ]. There he shall be “educated” to become a decent boy. Wolfgang puts up a determined resistance against the brutal working conditions and the perfidious education methods of the wardens; he doesn’t allow them to get him down. But for how long can he manage to resist the system of violence and oppression without brutalising himself?


    Director: Marc Brummund
    Genre: Drama, Historical, Coming of Age, First Feature
    Original Title: Freistatt
    English Title: Sanctuary
    Country of Production: Germany
    Year of Production: 2015
    Length: 104 min
    Colour: colour
    Shooting Format: HD
    Screening Format: DCP (1:2.35, Dolby 5.1, 24fps, encrypted)
    Original Language: German
    Subtitles: English, French
    Cast: Alexander Held, Stefan Grossmann, Max Riemelt, Louis Hofmann
    Directed by: Marc Brummund
    Written by: Marc Brummund, Nicole Armbruster
    Director of Photography: Judith Kaufmann
    Edited by: Hans Funck
    Sound: Matthias Haeb
    Music: Anne Nikitin
    Produced by: Stefan Sporbert & Rüdiger Heinze
    Co-Produced by: Stefanie Groß, Barbara Häbe, DR. Götz Schmedes, Christian Bauer
    Production Company: Zum Goldenen Lamm Filmproduktion
    Co-production Company: SWR, ARTE, WDR, SR
    Supported by: the MFG Film Funding, FFA, Nordmedia, Film Fund Schleswig-Holstein, DFFF


    [ along the same lines as the German film-poster "
    FREISTATT" but with the English film-title "SANCTUARY" emblossomed across it ]

    More information online:


    Distribution Network GmbH
    Bayreuther Str. 9a
    D-10789 Berlin
    phone: +49 30 8430 6166
    mobile: +49 157 8227 4916


This GERMAN CINEMA-FILM "FREISTATT" / "SANCTUARY", has now also been nominated – as one of eight foreign language Cinema-Films – as the "German entry for the 88th Oscar® competition in the category for Best Foreign Language Film".
For this and other aspects about the
FILM simply GOOGLE with, whereupon you will also find this information and other additional information on the FILM not only in English, but also in French, Belgium, Dutch, Armenian, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Russian and Chinese.

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