free general knowledge riddle with a prize to win and no finishing date
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Here's the next one - Duet riddle Nr 4

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New PostErstellt: 29.03.05, 14:57  Betreff: Ankündigung: Here's the next one - Duet riddle Nr 4  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Hello all riddlers,
looking for harder nuts to crack? Maybe you'll want to give this one a go. There will be a prize, too. Go to

The forum is for anyone interested in exchanging and discussing conclusions or findings with other participants. Join forces and beat Lady Adie! But when you get really far, please do not publish the ultimate solution here - mail it to [email protected].

To write, click where it says, "Antwort erstellen" (write answer). "Vorschau" means preview. To post your answer, click below where it says "Beitrag schreiben" (post answer).

You can also register as a user at the top of the previous page where it says "Kostenlos anmelden" (free registration.

Have fun playing around.

[editiert: 25.08.05, 17:47 von Adie]
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Urs Egli

Beiträge: 7

New PostErstellt: 13.04.05, 22:37  Betreff: Re: Here's the next one - Duet riddle Nr 4  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

I told the lady that this riddle was harder than the others because the clues that contained figures were so vague. All she said, popping her head out of the shower just long enough to say it, was, "Determination will get you there, duckie."
What an unnecessary thing to say. Then again, maybe determination will help. I also think that joining forces is a good idea...

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Urs Egli

Beiträge: 7

New PostErstellt: 20.07.05, 13:38  Betreff: Re: Here's the next one - Duet riddle Nr 4  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

After all this silence she coughed up ONE BIT of information: Objects 1, 2 and 3 are buildings, all in the same town. Well, we'll see if that helps. Fire ahead!

[editiert: 20.07.05, 13:39 von Urs Egli]
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Beiträge: 14

New PostErstellt: 13.08.06, 18:53  Betreff: Re: Here's the next one - Duet riddle Nr 4  drucken  weiterempfehlen Antwort mit Zitat  

Urs thinks it's time to let you know that while you are reading these very lines, this riddle is still active. Go ahead and give it a try - someone may be waiting to find that someone has at last given a sign of life here - you!

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