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Knecht Ruprecht

Beiträge: 18

New PostCreated: 2004-04-15, 08:40 AM CET     Subject: RE: Building Phone Jamers Reply with Quotation  

Pandora Damen-Armband Sterling-Silb...
But the pictures that I sent do not have hybrid amp on it ???
If I buy another phone like Nokia 3310, do you think they had hybrid amp
inside ?


From: Chris [mailto:@carookee.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:00 AM
To: Stephen Yeung
Subject: Re: Building Phone Jamers


every cellphone in the 900Mhz GSM Band use Power Fet's ,,, but
it's easyer to take a hybrid amp with 4 contacts ... like

(2) Preeamp in Class A
(3) Main Amp in Class C
(4) Output ...

like those in the Siemens S4 Cellphone.

It's to late to upload a couple of pictures....
but maybee tomorrow.



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