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GSM High band results

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New PostCreated: 2004-05-10, 05:54 PM CET  Subject: GSM High band results  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Technoline Cost Control Energiekoste...

looking through the website and the forum, I was wondering what the jamming results are in the GSM high bands. Is the second harmonic strong and wide enough to effectively work?

Thanks, e.
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Messages: 412
Location: South-West-G

New PostCreated: 2004-05-10, 11:15 PM CET  Subject:  Re: GSM High band results  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  


what 's the hight band ..... ??? 1800/1900 PCS or GSM E-Net

it's not possible to jamm this frequencies because the VCO

don't reach so far ...(power amp ,too.) and the second harmonic is

mutch to low to damage a 2/3 code rate signal like GSM!!!

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Knecht Ruprecht

Messages: 18

New PostCreated: 2004-06-09, 04:22 PM CET  Subject: Re: GSM High band results  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Can we change the VCO to POS 2120W ???

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Messages: 412
Location: South-West-G

New PostCreated: 2004-06-09, 08:21 PM CET  Subject:  Re: GSM High band results  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

HY ,,,,

i never try those wide band vco's .... my german supplier only

sold narrow band once.

Also try to find a power amp. that works nice @ 2 Ghz, and

without lots of external funktions. (like the new one)


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