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what is that MAR-8 driver

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-07-21, 08:53 PM CET  Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Technoline BC 700 Akku-Ladegerät sch...
"guys", not "gays"


You said you have all the parts which are needed. So what´s your problem?

Have you built a vco test circuit to collect experiences as i said to you? What are your results?

Do you want to use my circuit? It´s not finished, range is just 10m and after 5 minutes the power module is overheated (but you seem to be not interested).
No circuit of kleiner onkel and me is really finished.

If you have finished the circuit and it doesn´t work, can you interpret what may be wrong to ask a reasonable question? Only on that way we are able to help.

So go and experiment... and ASK A CONCRETE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[edited: 2004-07-21, 08:54 PM CET by richy_64]
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New PostCreated: 2004-07-31, 10:57 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

can i use MAX9989 in the place of MAR-8 MSA0886?
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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-08-01, 11:11 AM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

on the first look at the datasheet, i think it works.
Even at -5dBm input power (MAX2623), it provides +11dBm output power. That should be enough for every power module.
-->Nice IC, but aware of the package... 5x5mm with 20 Pins...!


[edited: 2004-08-01, 11:17 AM CET by richy_64]
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New PostCreated: 2004-08-02, 01:30 AM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

hi friend
i m happy that u like MAX9989 .....just last time help me who i go for the thesis for this project ...do u have any information like what kind of signals jammer trasmit that cancel GSM signals ......or do u have any kind of information artical .......flash damo....... any idea or an way u can help me .......i will be great ful thx,s friend....
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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-08-02, 12:52 PM CET  Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I was very patient about you, now I am disappointed and angry, because i have to explain everything three or four times for you. :-(((
You never take advice from me, I said several times you must build a test circuit, just a noise generator and a vco to jam a mobile in a small range to collect experiences. You are doing not.
... now you ask what kind of signal is suitable to jam GSM .
I wonder what kind of circuit i`ve shown above...?


I WILL NOT ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS FROM YOU ANY MORE, UNTIL YOU DO WHAT I SAY, THE ONLY WAY TO BUILD A JAMMER: Build a small test circuit, just a noise generator and a vco and let me know you experiences.

[edited: 2004-08-02, 01:02 PM CET by richy_64]
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Messages: 412
Location: South-West-G

New PostCreated: 2004-08-02, 02:49 PM CET  Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

ALPINA Erwachsene Skihelm Grap, Blac...
@ imran .... me too ...

@ richy_64 ... wenn Du den MMIC nicht bekommst
schicke ich Dir einen MSA0885 ''for free ,,,''

P.S. der Laden ist zimlich teuer .. ich hole mein Zeugs
bei immer unter http://www.pawlik-elektronik.de/

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New PostCreated: 2004-08-02, 11:16 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

come on friends just looking for idea what to write on my thesis about circuit u well see the test circuit pic here....
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New PostCreated: 2004-08-09, 04:35 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

what do u mean by test circiut ? just n-genetor and VCO no .....anthing as?
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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-08-09, 09:09 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

before you can build a complete jammer, you have to experiment with the single parts (to get used to them).

The most important part of a jammer: The vco.
An unmodulated oscillator produces only one frequency, for example 940 MHz (the middle of the gsm downstream band). So to jam the whole band from 920 to 960Mhz, you must change the oscillators´ frequency to sweep over the full band. This can be easily be done with an noise modulated vco (voltage controlled oscillator).
So take a vco, tune it to ~940MHz an modulate it with a noise generator (i´ve shown a little circuit above). The noise signal will cause that the vco´s frequency sweeps randomly around. --->this IS already the jammer!
This is what i mean with "small test circuit", to collect elementary experiences, to get the vco working.

[edited: 2004-08-12, 01:36 PM CET by richy_64]
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Messages: 412
Location: South-West-G

New PostCreated: 2004-08-09, 09:38 PM CET  Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

ist der jetzt ein mädchen??

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New PostCreated: 2004-08-11, 10:30 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Songmics 2 Farbe Neu Schmuckständer ...
in your test circiut parts that atteched before VCO are eoungh of make test cricuit?
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