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Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-09-07, 01:30 PM CET  Subject:  Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I didn´t like the NE555, but this was just a stereotype...

I´ve build this NE555 sawtooth(!) generator for everyone who has problems with it, and I have to say it works fine.
DC Offset adjustable 0...24V
AC (sawtooth) amplitude adjustable 1...7V peak-peak.

So it will work with the POS1060...

Tomorrow i add pictures of the oscilloscope.

[edited: 2004-09-07, 01:30 PM CET by richy_64]


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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-09-07, 07:22 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

For a jammer you need just a sawtooth generator, which tunes a voltage controlled oscillator (like POS1060 or MAX2622) continusly from lower frequencies to higher frequencies.


If you want to jam the complete the gsm downlink band (920-960MHz), you have to disturb it with a carrier that sweeps around, because the bandwith of our carrier is too small to cover the whole band. To get the vco sweeping, we have to feed it with a changing signal, the best signal for this task is sawtooth signal.


The POS1060 is a vco that produces frequencies from 750...1060MHz.
The tuning voltage is 1...20V.
So we may say: 750MHz comes out we the tuning voltage is 1V,
and 1060MHz comes out when the tuning voltage is 20V.

So what tuning range do we need for 920-950MHz?
Calculate it, and you get 10,9...13.55V ---> or better 10...15V to be sure

We have to adjust the sawtooth generator to let him produce that voltage range we need.

I´ve made 3 pictures of my sawtooth generator, for example:

What we see: 12V DC and 4V AC=> 10...14V
This waveform would be suitable for our jammer!!

1,5...4,5V, just for example

17,5V DC and 5V AC (noticed the voltage button at the oscilloscope?), so we get 15...20V.

At all these pictures we have a sweep frequency of 12,5kHz.
That means that the vco moves 12500 times per second from the lower to the higher frequency.
The vco sweeps over the gsm band, and so gsm will be jammed...

Any questions?

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Chef Clancy Wiggum

Messages: 39

New PostCreated: 2004-09-08, 12:23 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hi friend
I build you sawtooth . work well. But I am again unable to tune the Pos1060 .

Vcc= 8 and 10V

In Tune PIN= 15v DC AND 4v peck to peck

With 3khz frequency

Not showing anting for output

What you is is wrong
I GDN pin 7 and show all other GDN may be interconnected

As POS1060 datasheet saying it need 30um and I give it 1.4um ( is that problem)

Please reply I only have two days more to submit my project

Hallo Freund
errichte ich Sie Sägezahn. Arbeit Brunnen. Aber ich bin wieder nicht imstande, das Pos1060 abzustimmen. Vcc = 8 und 10V Im Melodie STIFT = in DC 15v UND in 4v peck peck Mit Frequenz 3khz Zeigen nicht des Antings für Ausgang Was Sie sind falscher I GDN Stift 7 sind und stellen Sie dar, daß weitere ganzes GDN zusammengeschaltet werden kann Wie das datasheet POS1060, das es Notwendigkeit 30um und ich sagt, sie geben, 1.4um (ist dieses Problem) Bitte Antwort habe ich nur zwei Tage, mehr, zum meines Projektes einzureichen

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-09-08, 01:56 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

I don´t know what is wrong with your circuit.
Can you please draw a diagram or take a photo of your current circuit?

>>Not showing anting for output
How have you measured this??

Don´t translate the text.
That german is much harder to read than your english

[edited: 2004-09-08, 02:03 PM CET by richy_64]
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Chef Clancy Wiggum

Messages: 39

New PostCreated: 2004-09-08, 03:04 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

i am working on test circuit with sawtooth genrator and POS1060 giving ouput is -ve tomarow i will upload my picture,s

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Chef Clancy Wiggum

Messages: 39

New PostCreated: 2004-09-08, 03:11 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Eve und der letzte Engländer
yes giving -0.5 moving upto +0 the again oning into -ve here is the picture of output .

what do you think about GDn problem do i need to GDN all pin when all are interconnedted


pos%20out.jpg (13 kByte, 566 x 330 pixels)

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-09-08, 04:11 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

No, imgemini, this is definitively NOT the output signal of the POS1060.
In that case you would have an oscilloscope with a bandwith of at least 4 GHz . Such oscilloscopes don´t exist
Maybe a 500MHz oscilloscope can show the signal, but those are very expensive... ~6000-8000€
Perhaps this signal comes from interferences?


You can put Gnd at Pins 3,4,5,6,7. That´s ok.

[edited: 2004-09-08, 04:37 PM CET by richy_64]
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Chef Clancy Wiggum

Messages: 39

New PostCreated: 2004-09-08, 04:41 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

then why its showing -ve in DC

is POS1060 and sawtooth genrator are eoungh for jam 1 meter ?

tomarow i will uplaod picture of step by step what i m doing and plesae see that post to tell me where i am worng

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-09-08, 04:55 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

>>is POS1060 and sawtooth genrator are eoungh for jam 1 meter ?

Solder a short antenna to the vco output (a wire with the lengh of 8cm)

[edited: 2004-09-08, 04:56 PM CET by richy_64]
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Chef Clancy Wiggum

Messages: 39

New PostCreated: 2004-09-08, 05:00 PM CET  Subject: Re: Sawtooth Generator for use with the POS1060  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Wilder Engel
sorry i am asking too much qustion but as you know its my project and have to submit within two days

why my pos1060 showing ouput is -ve DC ......its normal or there is something wrong . i am sure you also face this problem when u work on MAX2623 .

what do u think

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