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New PostCreated: 2007-08-04, 11:04 AM CET     Subject: BT freestyle 2100 multiple handsets Reply with Quotation  

tiptoi® Kindersachbuch: tiptoi® Mein...
I need to alter this model BT handset to accept many handsets, I duplicated the eeprom of handsets to connect to the base. I have a problem that it connects only one handset same time, I need to do this for tramsmitting same audio to all handsets from the same base, I dont need to talk back. so is it possible that if i disable the transmitter (TX) in all handsets it dont detect that any other handset is online..? The chips that are used in RF section are AA 3590 and A3544. I tried to find the data sheet for the same but didnt find any link.



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