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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 24.07.14, 00:09     Betreff: Deutschland Enthaltert sich gegen UN-Resolution

Erste sagen die EU Länden ...

28 foreign ministers from the European Union issue joint statement calling for the disarmament of all terror organizations in Gaza.

Dann machen .....

UN-Menschenrechtskommissarin warnt vor Kriegsverbrechen

Der UN-Menschenrechtsrat hat in scharfem Ton die "systematische und schwere Verletzung" von internationalen Menschenrechten im Gazastreifen verurteilt. Das Gremium, in dem 47 Staaten vertreten sind, nahm am Mittwoch mehrheitlich eine entsprechende Resolution an. Neben 29-Ja-Stimmen gab es allerdings 17 Enthaltungen sowie eine Nein-Stimme aus den USA. Deutschland und die anderen EU-Staaten enthielten sich.

Ban Ki-moon ; Hamas must “stop immediately” , Israel must exercise "maximum restraint" ....

UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday urged Israel and the Palestinians to stop the bloodshed in Gaza as he sought to broker an end to a fortnight of deadly violence. Speaking at a news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after arriving in Tel Aviv, Ban described Hamas rocket fire on Israel as “shocking,” saying it must “stop immediately”.But he also said Israel must exercise "maximum restraint" in Gaza, and he urged it to take a hard look at some of the root causes of the conflict "so people will not feel they have to resort to violence as a means of expressing their grievances".

Israel wünscht keinen Frieden

Interview mit Ilich Ramírez Sánchez (Januar 2009): „Hamas kopiert das vietnamesische System“

Bilder :

1) Bild von alle Länden Stimmung

2) The pictured banner was created by the town council of Or Yehuda, just outside Tel Aviv. It’s addressed to the local boys who serve in the IDF:

Soldiers: Residents of Or Yehuda are with you!

Pound their Mom so you can return safely to yours.

David Sheen first posted this image in his Twitter feed and Ofer Neiman drew my attention to it. I was struck by the Hebrew slang kansu. It derives from the verb whose original meaning is “to enter.”That immediately brought to mind the clear sexual connotation of the word in English. Two Hebrew speakers I trust, one of them Ofer, confirmed the term has a violent and vulgar connotation that might have a sexual intimation. Other Hebrew speakers disagree.

The very least we can say is that a major Israeli town is urging its soldiers to debase and beat up Palestinian mothers. All in the name of protecting Israeli mothers.

Abstained.jpg (74 kByte, 600 x 450 Pixel)

Soldiers: Pound their Mom so you can return safely to yours.jpeg (36 kByte, 673 x 390 Pixel)
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