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Türkische Expansionskonzepte und Westliche Interessen schuldig der Kobane angriff

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 13.03.17, 12:00  Betreff: An Iraqi Kurd flag flies in Istanbul, and may help Erdogan win power poll  drucken  weiterempfehlen

When Massoud Barzani, the president of Iraq's Kurdish region, arrived at Ataturk airport in Istanbul on 26 February, he was greeted by a rare sight: the raising of the red, yellow and green flag of his government next to the red and white of Turkey.

Erdogans Eingreiftruppe

Nach Angriffen auf die Selbstverwaltung der Jesiden in der Region Sindschar (jW berichtete) am vorletzten Wochenende weitet die mit der Türkei verbündete Demokratische Partei Kurdistans (KDP) ihre Attacken gegen oppositionelle kurdische Gruppen im Nordirak aus. Die auch mit deutschen Waffen ausgestatteten Peschmerga, die Streitkräfte der »Autonomen Region Kurdistan« innerhalb des Irak, bezogen am Sonnabend morgen unweit des südöstlich von Mossul gelegenen kurdischen Flüchtlingslagers Machmur Stellung. »Es sind mindestens 100 Fahrzeuge mit Kämpfern«, erklärte Polat Bosan, Mitglied des Komitees für Außenbeziehungen des Camps, gegenüber junge Welt. »Sie haben Panzer, ›Hummer‹-Fahrzeuge und schwere Waffen. Die Gruppe, die jetzt anrückt, ist eine Spezialeinheit. Es ist das erste Mal, dass derartige Truppen hier eingesetzt werden.«

KDP asayish threaten the North Kurdistan families in Duhok

KDP's asayish (public security) forces are threatening the Kurdish families who fled Turkish state atrocity and settled in Duhok, South Kurdistan with surrendering them to Turkey.

Turkey’s Erdogan vows to continue attacking Kurds in northern Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday said in a speech in which he criticized the Dutch government, that Turkey will still attack the town of Manbij, which was previously liberated from ISIS by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Post-Sinjar tensions continue: Over 40 PYD rivals arrested in Syria, KNC offices burned

Over 40 supporters of the Barzani-backed Kurdish National Council (KNC) were arrested in northern Syria, following clashes between armed groups of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) on 3 March in Sinjar.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 11.03.17, 13:24  Betreff: Innenministerium erweitert angeblich PKK-Verbot  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Verboten werden Fahnen und Symbole der kurdischen Partei PYD und der Volksverteidigungseinheiten der YPG/YPJ. Ankara dürfte sehr zufrieden sein

Vor den Kulissen inszeniert die deutsche Regierung Konfliktbereitschaft. "Hart und kontrovers" in der Sache" sei sein Treffen mit dem türkischen Außenminister Mevlüt Cavusoglu verlaufen, sagte SPD-Außenminister Gabriel. Cavusoglu gab existentielles Pathos dazu: Deutschland solle sich entscheiden, ob es die Türkei "als Freund oder Feind" sehe. Für die Türkei gebe es keinen Grund, Deutschland als Feind zu sehen, so der türkische Regierungsvertreter laut Tagesschau vor zwei Tagen.

Mit deutschen Waffen gegen Jesiden

Kurdische Schützlinge der Bundesregierung im Nordirak nutzen deutsche Waffen für Angriffe auf die jesidische Minderheit. Dies belegen neue Foto- und Videodokumente, die seit einigen Tagen im Internet kursieren. Sie zeigen, wie Peschmerga der Kurdischen Regionalregierung (KRG) in Erbil sowie ihnen nahestehende Milizionäre mit einem gepanzerten Fahrzeug vom Typ ATF Dingo, dem Sturmgewehr G36 und weiteren deutschen Schusswaffen gegen Jesiden vorgehen. Hintergrund sind Bestrebungen der Peschmerga, vor der geplanten Abspaltung der von Erbil kontrollierten Gebiete vom Irak das KRG-Territorium zu arrondieren und ihm die Region um Sinjar (kurdisch: Şingal) einzuverleiben. Die Stadt stand im Sommer 2014 im Mittelpunkt der internationalen Aufmerksamkeit, als der IS dort tausende Jesiden ermordete und tausende Jesidinnen verschleppte, versklavte und vergewaltigte. Die Jesiden, die seit je von der KRG schikaniert und diskriminiert werden, fürchten nun, verdrängt zu werden. Erbil, von der Bundesregierung politisch unterstützt und mit Ausbildung und Ausrüstung für die Peschmerga zuletzt auch militärisch gestärkt, hat in den vergangenen Jahren bereits arabischsprachige Einwohner seines Herrschaftsgebiets systematisch vertrieben. US-Beobachter warfen der KRG bereits 2015 eine "ethnische Säuberung" vor.

Turkey accused of unlawful killings, destruction in southeast

About 2,000 people were killed and entire neighborhoods razed in southeastern Turkey in 18 months of government security operations characterised by massive destruction and serious human rights violations, the United Nations said on Friday.

The UN human rights office said in a report on the period July 2015-December 2016 that up to 500,000 people, mostly Kurds, had been displaced, while satellite imagery showed the "enormous scale of destruction of the housing stock by heavy weaponry".

Turkish military says 71 Kurdish fighters killed in Syria in last week

German delegation in Shengal on KDP weapons used against Êzidîs

A German delegation has arrived in South Kurdistan after the emergence of news that KDP-affiliated groups' used the weapons Germany had given them for the fight against ISIS in their attack on Khanasor.

....ohne kommentar... Rojava Peshmergas not trained by Turkey: Kurdish official

"Kurdish Peshmerga officials and Turkish officials have confirmed to ARA News there has been no training by the Turkish army to Syrian Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in Iraqi Kurdistan."

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 07.03.17, 19:09  Betreff: Erdogans Kriege und die Naivität der Bundesregierung  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Peshmerga setzen bei rechtswidrigen Einsätzen deutsche Waffen gegen Eziden im Shengal ein

Die Türkei hat eine der größten Militäroperationen der vergangenen Jahre im Südosten der Türkei gestartet. Die Nachrichtenagentur afp meldete unter Berufung auf Sicherheitskreise, es ginge um die "Neutralisierung" von PKK-Kämpfern und ihrer Komplizen. Im Nordirak rücken türkische Truppen im Verbund mit den KDP-Peschmerga Richtung Shengal-Gebirge vor. Zur Ausrüstung gehören deutsche Waffen.

Von einer Antwort auf diesen Artikel....

Naivität? Das ist blanker Zynismus!

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 06.03.17, 13:30  Betreff: Erdogan und der Präsident der Autonomen Region Kurdistan, Barsani, als Strippenzieher  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Kurdische Peschmergas griffen am Freitag die kurdischen ezidischen (jezidischen) Einheiten im Shengal (auch Shingal) an. Auf beiden Seiten gab es Tote und Verletzte. Auch zwei Journalisten wurden bei den Gefechten verletzt, darunter die Journalistin Nûjian von Cira TV. Vieles deutet darauf hin, dass Erdogan diesen Angriff mit Barsani eingefädelt hat.

Video: Two HPG guerrillas murdered whilst trying to stop clashes in Shengal

Two guerrillas were viciously martyred in Shengal

KDP hands over those refusing to fight in Shengal to Turkish MIT

During the clashes that erupted after the gangs affiliated to the South Kurdistan's KDP and the Turkish state attacked Shengal Resistance Units /YBŞ in Shengal on March 3, 80 people from the armed groups, called “Rojava Peshmergas” were arrested by KDP intelligence service Parastin. These 80 people from Rojava were abducted from the area and taken to somewhere not disclosed.

20 from Turkish intelligence MIT participate in the attack on Shengal

HDP's Uca asks the Parliament about MIT's involvement in Shengal attack

HDP Amed MP Feleknas Uca submitted a parliamentary question on 21 MIT members participating in the KDP-AKP attack on Shengal’s Khanesor town.


The situation in Shengal in 10 questions

e have compiled the attacks launched on Êzidî people in Shengal on March 2 in 10 questions and answers.

What happened in Shengal, how did the clashes erupt?

Around 500 armed people calling themselves 'Rojava Peshmergas' went to Shengal's Khanesor (Xanesor) town and attempted to enter the areas held by Shengal Resistance Units, YBŞ on March 2. The mentioned group got positioned in this area after the YBŞ rejected this demand and attempt. With heavy weapons and armored vehicles taken from KDP, the group formed emplacements here and attacked the YBŞ positions at 06:00 in the morning of 3 March. 5 YBŞ fighters and 2 HPG guerrillas that intervened the scene to hinder a fighting were massacred by this group.....

Êzidî mothers: Barzani sold Shengal out to Erdoğan

PJAK Co-President: Barzani is serving the colonialists

KDP's asayish forces detain the people protesting the Shengal attack

More 'Rojava Peshmergas' dispatched to Shengal's Khanesor town

According to local sources, the mentioned groups already situated in Old Mosul area have been taken out of this region and are heading for Khanesor now.

Shengal’s call to the world: They want to annihilate the Êzidîs

Institutions in Shengal held a joint press statement and protested KDP’s attacks, saying: “We want the peshmerga who abandoned us to the ISIS gangs to leave Shengal, not the YBŞ.”

Turkish army attacked Rojava land 89 times in two months

YPG Press Office released the balance sheet of war for the months of January and February, 2017.

According to the balance sheet;

The Turkish army targeted civilians and YPG forces positioned on the borders between Rojava and Bakur Kurdistan with heavy weaponry 89 times.

A Kurdish-Russian deal against Turkey!

Lieutenant General Sergei Rudskoy, Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff, has confirmed a deal between Russia, the Syrian government and the Kurds in Manbij against Turkey and Turkish-backed rebels.

“The detachments of the Syrian army approached the south-west areas of the city of Menbij, which is under control of Kurdish militia groups,” he said.

In Syrien gerät die Türkei zwischen USA und Russland

Die türkische Regierung beansprucht die nordsyrische Stadt Manbij (Manbidsch) für sich, nachdem türkische Truppen und die mit ihnen verbündeten Milizen die Stadt al Bab nach langen Kämpfen und vermutlich über einen Deal mit dem Islamischen Staat eingenommen haben. Damit setzt sich die Türkei zwischen zwei Stühle und konfrontiert sich mit den russischen und amerikanischen Verbündeten gleichermaßen. Der Konflikt nützt den radikalen, nicht mit der Türkei verbundenen islamistischen Gruppen. So schließen sich immer mehr Gruppen der al-Qaida-Formation Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham an, die die türkische Invasion ablehnt.

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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 04.03.17, 13:52  Betreff: YBŞ/YJŞ: We have the power to respond to every attack on our soil  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Shengal/Women's Resistance Units (YBŞ/YJŞ Commands released a statement about the attack of KDP forces on Shengal.

The statement said the followings:

On March 2, a group of gangs, called "Roj Peshmergas" led by ENKS, made their way from Sihelan and Duhok to Shengal. These groups of gangs came to Khanesor at 13:30. Our forces talked to this group to find out why they came here. It was understood from the talks that this group wanted to occupy Shengal and control other areas in the hands of our forces.

When our people in the region heard the arrival of these groups of gangs, they disagreed with them, standing against them and all the children, women and elderly people expressed their anger. At the same time, our forces took measures to prevent this group from progressing and for no other tension to take place.

On the other hand, our efforts continued for this group to go back. But despite all our efforts, in the morning of March 3, these groups of gangs attacked our forces simultaneously from many sides with 30 Humvees, armored vehicles and all kinds of weapons. For this reason, our forces responded to the attack in the framework of defense and clashes began.

The clashes lasted approximately 3 hours, in which seven of our comrades reached martyrdom and 20 of our comrades were injured. Two of our fallen comrades are HPG fighters. These comrades were also martyred because they did not want to get involved and fight.

It is very strange and meaningful that this attack was launched after the Ankara talks. It is very clear that these attack plans were planned during those talks. These aggressive gang groups were directly trained and financed by Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MIT). In this framework, these groups of gangs are used everywhere for the interests of Turkey.

YPJ: We are ready to protect our people in Shengal

YPJ described the KDP attack on Shengal as a conspiracy of AKP and Erdoğan, stressing that: “We are ready to protect our Êzîdî people in Shengal against these attacks like we did in 2014.”

KDP forces forming emplacements on the road leading to Shengal

KDP-affiliated groups are conducting emplacement works on the road leading to Shengal center.

PJAK Co-President: Barzani is serving the colonialists

PJAK Co-President: KDP and affiliated Rojava peshmergas did not fight against the ISIS in Shengal one single day, but they are attacking Shengal today. Barzani is serving the gains and interests of the colonialists.

So , ist klar das Barzani Spiel mit den "Rojava Peshmerga" um die PYD zu besiegen, deshalb ihren reise nach Washington , Erste Ziel ist Sinjar aber seine Traum , Rojova ...
aranews hat vor einiger Tage ein Artikel über "Rojava Peshmerga" geschrieben die weit von der Realität ist , es war dieses "schöneheit" zu ihnen nur einiger tage vor der angriffe nur "Zufall" , wie heute dieser Artikel zeigt ich denke nicht.... sie versucht gleich zeit beiden schuldig machen , wenn die Realität war , die "Rojava Peshmerga" , YBŞ/YJŞ Gebiet angegriff hat....

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 03.03.17, 12:08  Betreff: Die türkischen Flüchtlinge  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Bis zu einer halben Million Kurden wurden im letzten Jahr durch den Krieg im Südosten des Landes vertrieben

Die Türkei stellt sich als das Land dar, das den Großteil der syrischen Flüchtlinge aufgenommen hat. Auch die Bundesregierung argumentiert so, wenn der Flüchtlingsdeal gerechtfertigt oder als erfolgreich geschildert werden soll. Was dabei untergeht, ist der Fakt, dass die türkische AKP-Regierung selbst durch den Krieg im Südosten des Landes gegen die PKK bzw. gegen Kurden Flüchtlinge schafft (Der Krieg der türkischen Militärs im Südosten des Landes).

IS überlässt türkischen Truppen Al-Bab

Die Syrien-Politik der Türkei gegen die Interessen Russlands und der USA und das Stillehalten Deutschlands

Türkei und USA wieder auf Konfrontationskurs

Die unter hohem Druck stehende türkische Regierung versucht, die USA zu einer Entscheidung für oder gegen die syrischen Kurden zu zwingen

Top US general visits Kurdish-led SDF troops amidst ongoing Raqqa operation

General Joseph Votel, head of the U.S. Central Command, visited Kurdish headquarters at the Kobani and Raqqa frontlines on Friday to discuss the final phase of the Euphrates Wrath campaign to capture Raqqa in another sign of support for the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Syrian Kurdish delegation arrives in Washington for talks on Rojava Peshmerga

A delegation from the Kurdish National Council (KNC) arrived in Washington on Monday, after being invited by the US State Department, officials said.

Majdal Delli, a member of the Kurdish Yekiti Party, told ARA News that the KNC-leader Ibrahim Biro (Yekiti party), Kamiran Hajo (KDP-S), chairman of the KNC foreign relations office and Siamand Hajo (Future Movement), a representative of KNC foreign relations office arrived in Washington.

US struggles to maintain two key allies in Syria: Kurds and Turkey

The Pentagon’s top military officer on Thursday underlined that one of the complex challenges the US will face in the future is how to navigate the animosity between the two key US allies in Syria: Turkey and the Syrian Kurds.

Turkish fascists attack participants of the Long March

Internationalist activists from 15 countries and representatives of Kurdish institutions in Europe continue their march to Strasbourg which they launched from Luxembourg on February 1 with the motto 'Freedom for Öcalan, status for Kurdistan' in protest at the international conspiracy that targeted Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan on February 15, 1999.

British anti-ISIS volunteers condemn UK support for Turkey, demand support for Kurds

The British government secured a multi billion pound fighter jet deal with Turkey after a visit by the UK Prime Minister Theresa May to Turkey last Friday.

British volunteers in anti-ISIS forces in Syria –YPG and SDF– say that Turkey only bombs the Kurds in Syria, and that the Kurds need more support.

Liberated Manbij city institutionalizes its self-administration

Co-presidents of the self-administration of the liberated Manbij city stated that the people of Manbij, who are ruling themselves for the first time, will heal the wounds of ISIS cruelty with their democratic and egalitarian self-administration.

Pro-Turkey rebels attack US-backed SDF forces near Manbij, jeopardizing Raqqa operation

The Turkey-backed Euphrates Shield rebels in Syria attacked positions of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), on Wednesday afternoon. This comes just one day after Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan vowed to attack Manbij after completing the al-Bab operation.

AKP’s Syria police gathered from FSA, Al Nusra and ISIS

AKP’s political and military institutionalization in line with their Turkifying concept to become permanent in the cities they invaded continue. Most recently, they have formed a “police” organization. Volunteers gathered from Ankara, Antep, Kilis and villages of Jarablus, Rai, Azaz and Shehba are paid 200 dollars and taken in for training. The trainees are called “police”, and some 400 of them have been sent to Jarablus, 250 to Rai and 300 to Azaz. There are still hundreds in training by Turkey in Ankara, Antep and Kilis.

Many of these people trained by Turkey as “police” are understood to be part of FSA, Al Nusra and ISIS previously. They are selected from among those placed in Sultan Murad gang in the body of Turkish intelligence MİT with the Turkish state’s invasion operation. Now the same people are on duty with police uniforms. Here are some examples:

Reports say Turkey Behind Airdrop To ISIS in Tal Afar

Can fragile Ankara-Moscow friendship survive Russian strike?

Despite Turkey's fast-developing political and economic ties with Russia and the cooperation between the two countries in Syria, doubts are emerging on the Turkish side. Russian statements also show that the relationship is not a bed of roses.

Russia: We do not view the PKK and YPG as terrorist organizations

Russian Foreign Ministry official Aleksandr Batsan-Harçenko stated that they do not view the PKK and YPG as terrorist organizations.

KDP provocation in Shengal

A group affiliated to the KDP called 'Rojava Peshmerga' has attempted to forcibly enter the Xanesor town of Shengal under the control of Shengal Resistance Units (YBŞ).

The group accompanied by heavy weaponry and armored vehicles has reportedly started to form positions and dig a trench around where they forcibly stationed.

Rival Kurdish groups clash in Iraq's Sinjar region

Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani's close ties with Ankara blamed for clashes between Peshmerga and YBS fighters.

.......Friday morning's clashes came after Barzani's official visit to Turkey. YBS forces suggested that by deploying troops to the Sinjar area, the KRG was trying to force out the group affiliated with the PKK to please Ankara.

"These efforts [by KRG affiliated Peshmerga] that comes after Barzani's visit to Ankara is not a coincidence. It is a provocative attempt, based on an order from Ankara," YBS said in a statement published by the Kurdish news agency Rudaw.

Die Rojava Peshmerga , der trojan Pferd von KDP in Rojava

Civilians take up arms in Shengal in response to the attacks

Clashes have erupted this morning after a so-called Rojava-Peshmerga group affiliated to the KDP of South Kurdistan forcibly attempted to enter the areas held by Shengal Resistance Units (YBŞ in Xanesor town of Shengal.

The people staying in tents in Serdest region on Mount Shengal are voicing strong reaction to the attacks and some have taken up arms in response. KDP forces are also trying to hinder the activity of civilian population.


In the meantime, reports suggest that around 80 peshmergas who refused to take part in the fighting have been taken to an area by KDP's intelligence service Parastin, and they are reportedly facing a risk of execution.

YBŞ/YJŞ Command: KDP should withdraw its forces immediately

YBŞ/YJŞ (Shengal/Women's Resistance Units) Command said that that the instructions for the ‘Rojava Peshmerga’ to enter the Xanesor area were developed after Barzani’s visit to Ankara where he met with Turkish officials.

Free press member Nujiyan Erhan and a cameraman accompanying her have rushed to Shengal to cover the fighting that erupted after KDP-affiliated groups started to attack Xanesor and Sinune towns of Shengal in the early hours of the morning. The two press members were subjected to a targeted attack

Increased conscription of Kurdish youth in Kobane facing widespread criticism

The increased conscription of Kurdish youth in the town of Kobane in northern Syria has caused a widespread criticism, leading to the local administration to temporarily suspend the campaign until 15 April, after 400 military aged men were conscripted.

The local administrations of Rojava-Northern Syria, led by the Democratic Union Party (PYD), started to implement the law of Mandatory Self Defence Duty relatively late in Kobane compared to the canton of Cezire (Hasakah), where Kurdish youth between 18 and 30 were conscripted already in 2014.

Über , auf meine meinung... aranews mann kann lesen um sich zu Kurdistan zu informiren , meine Meinung nach , die Politische Richtung von aranew aus wetlische orentiert , vielleicht mehr nach der USA ....

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New PostErstellt: 08.02.17, 23:04  Betreff: Former US official urges Trump to arm Syrian Kurds, help Turkey to fight PKK  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Antony J. Blinken, former Deputy Secretary of State in the Obama administration, called on Trump to directly arm Syrian Kurds to take Raqqa, regardless of Turkey’s opposition.

However, Blinken also urged President Donald Trump to help Turkey to take al-Bab city in northern Syria and to kill the leadership of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

CIA chief visits Turkey to discuss Kurds, Gulen, and ISIS

The CIA head Mike Pompeo is visiting Turkey on Thursday to discuss the US-led coalition support to the Syrian Kurds, and the Fethullah Gulen movement that Turkey accuses of orchestrating the failed military coup in the summer of 2016.

Pompeo’s visit was reportedly decided during a 45-minute telephone conversation between US President Donald Trump and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan late on Tuesday, where both discussed their shared commitment to ‘combatting terrorism in all its forms’, and in which Trump welcomed Turkey’s contributions to the anti-ISIS campaign.

Turkish districts ban film by Kurdish 'traitor' director

The mayors of two Turkish municipalities have slapped screening bans on the latest film by renowned Kurdish director Mahsun Kirmizigul, calling him a “traitor” and saying the movie “lampooned national values”.

The film Vezir Parmagi, or the Vizier’s Finger in English is a comedy set in Ottoman times and had its countrywide release on 25 January.

Mehmet Ture, the mayor of Anamur district in the southern province of Mersin, who is from the right -wing Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), said he wouldn’t allow the film to be screened in his district since he wasn’t willing to provide a stage for a sympathiser of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

“As long as I am around, a film like Vezir Parmagi or something similar by someone like Mahsun Kirmizigul will never hit the screens within the boundaries of Anamur,” Ture was reported as saying by local media.

Police attack the families of Ankara massacre victims during hearing

Turkish soldiers kill two civilians, injure five others near Rojava border

Southern Kurdistan youth continue to join the PKK ranks

British anti-ISIS volunteers condemn UK support for Turkey, demand support for Kurds

The British government secured a multi billion pound fighter jet deal with Turkey after a visit by the UK Prime Minister Theresa May to Turkey last Friday.

British volunteers in anti-ISIS forces in Syria –YPG and SDF– say that Turkey only bombs the Kurds in Syria, and that the Kurds need more support.

During his meeting with Theresa May in Ankara, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim asked for more support for the Turkish army and rebel operations in northern Syria, whose fighters also attacked the Kurds.

In response, the UK Prime Minister said that the United Kingdom would support the Turkish army.

What did the PYD and Russia discuss in Moscow?

PYD Representative to France Xalid İsa, who was in the committee that met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow, said "We stated that a democratic Syria could only find peace through the project we propose. The efforts of some of our Russian friends were positive."

PYD Representative to France Xalid İsa spoke to ANF on the meeting they attended in Moscow.

Why did Russia offer autonomy for Syria’s Kurds?

UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura praised the Russian-brokered Syria talks in Astana, Kazakhstan, which ended Jan. 24, as a “concrete step” toward implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions dealing with Syria, commending Russia, Turkey and Iran for setting up a mechanism to ensure compliance with the cease-fire announced last month.

Russia’s diplomatic blitz did not end in Astana, however. On Jan. 27, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Syrian opposition parties in Moscow for further discussion of a Russian draft of a new Syrian Constitution that had been offered in Astana. While representatives of the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee of the Syrian opposition and the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces refused to attend, the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), which Turkey had excluded from the Astana talks, participated in the Moscow meeting.

Hope and fear for Syria's Kurds

What happens when a black rat mates with a white rat?” The question prompted nervous giggles in a classroom in northeastern Syria. A dark-haired girl in a white hijab hazarded a guess: “All their babies will be born black."

Of the 23 teenagers attending the evening biology prep course at Taleyah lycee in the town of Derik, only three are boys. “Most boys their age are either fighting Daesh or have fled the country,” teacher Shiwan Jamil explained during a brief pause in the lesson.

Ceremony in Rojava for YPG's fallen British fighter Ryan Lock

A ceremony was held in Rojava, West Kurdistan for British YPG fighter Ryan Lock who fell martyr during the Raqqa operation on 21 December, 2016.

Rojava and disinformation

This accusation is one of the most recurring and often repeated. These allegations against the Kurds of Rojava date from yesterday and came mainly from Turkey, which is also a specialist in ethnic cleansing against the Kurds by razing to the ground in the 1990s between 3000 and 4000 Kurdish villages. They became institutionalized when Amnesty International published a report which accused the main Syrian Kurdish party PYD of practicing ethnic cleansing against Turkmen and Arabs. This report was largely repeated. Yet many questions arise in view of its realization process. Let's start with one of its editors are close to the AKP, the Islamist Party of Erdoğan known for its ability to produce large amount of intoxication. Then the question of sources arises quickly. In the video of Amnesty that accompanies his report. Vice News then went to see the "victims" of forced displacements in Turkey. It is clear that its members support Daesh.Before telling you about my work there, it is important to look at the charges and the context.

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New PostErstellt: 25.01.17, 22:37  Betreff: IHD reports 46,292 human rights violations in the Kurdish region in 2016  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Human Rights Association (IHD) Amed Branch announced its yearly report on human rights violations committed in Northern Kurdistan during 2016 in a press conference in its branch building today.

IHD Deputy President and Amed Branch President Raci Bilici read out a press statement, and IHD Regional Representative Abdusselam İnceören announced the figures of human rights violations in the Kurdish region.


In its report, IHD said police and gendarmes executed 304 people without due process and 131 people were wounded this way.

6 people died in prisons, 6 people were killed in ‘unidentified murders’, and 11 people died due to official mistakes and negligence.

IHD stated that hundreds of soldiers, police officers, guerrillas and civilians were killed and 1,159 others were wounded during armed confrontations over the past year.

36 died on the border lines and 13 people, 9 of whom children, were killed in unidentified explosions of bombs.

16 men, 8 women and 2 children were victims of suspicious deaths.

On the other hand, 11 women committed suicide. 30 women and 8 children lost their lives as a result of domestic violence. 11 women died and 6 others suffered sexual abuse in social sphere.

IHD noted that bodies of several guerrillas were not given to their families, and shared the following figures of right violations in the Kurdish region of Turkey during 2016:

37 teachers detained in İzmir and two jailed journalists held in isolation

37 teachers member to Eğitim-Sen Union were detained in İzmir while two journalists jailed in Istanbul are held in isolation.

Minor injured in Adana prison fire dies

Jailed minor Ferhat Kaya who got injured in the fire that broke out in an Adana prison last week, has died after 8 days of struggle for life.

Barzani participates in Davos Economic Forum in Turkey

.......................It is scheduled for Barzani to meet with Turkish President ,Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish Prime Minister , Ahmed Davutoglu to discuss the issue of facing ISIS organization and export the oil of the region to world markets via Turkey.

The first sessions of the forum begins on Monday with a speech by Turkish President , Erdogan to begin the Forum acts, followed by a session titled "Understanding the dynamics of power in the region, by the management of Turkish Energy Minister , Taner Yildiz as a speaker with the participation of the President of Kurdistan Regional Government , Nechirvan Barzani.

The Minister of Natural Resources of Kurdistan , Ashti Hawrami will deliver a speech during the same meeting.

SDF: Excluding Kurds from Astana a violation of our right and sacrifices

The General Command of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released a statement about Astana congress held in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana.

The SDF statement said:

“Despite the victories of our forces against the terrorists that represent ISIS in every campaign that we launched and are still launching, and despite the sacrifices of all the components to liberate our area from the hands of terrorists and solidify safety, we were excluded and pushed away from all the congresses that were held until now for the sake of Syrian crisis solution.

Syrian opposition calls Kurdish fighters ‘terrorists’, regime rejects federalism

Syria’s Kurdish parties were not impressed by the statements being issued from Astana. Opposition representatives called for the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the Democratic Union Party (PYD) to be listed as “terrorists,” while the regime’s delegation explicitly rejected federalism.

YPG fighter from the US martyred in northern Raqqa

YPG Media Center announced that YPG fighter Paolo Todd (Kawa Amed) from the US fell a martyr during clashes with ISIS on January 15. In its statement, YPG emphasized that the war against ISIS represents not only a battle against terrorism, but a battle to protect human values, saying: “If there is value such as freedom, democracy, brotherhood, women's rights, children, etc. ISIS and its supporters want to destroy them. That is why the resistance in North Syria and Rojava is growing because it fulfills the role of protecting the common values ​​of the people.”

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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 23.01.17, 11:03  Betreff: Turkey’s war on Syrian Kurds under scrutiny  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Turkish Army announced the death of 291 Kurdish fighters of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) during military operations in northern Syria.

The death toll, declared by Turkey on 7 January 2017, included Kurdish casualties since Turkey launched its operations in Syria last August.

The Kurdish YPG leadership condemned Turkey’s attacks on their positions, arguing that Turkey’s offensive on their headquarters came in support of jihadist groups in Syria.

Talk of Kurdish autonomy still makes Syrians squirm

At the Syrian Ministry of Information, where I and a fellow reporter recently were seeking authorization to travel to Qamishli, we were told we would also need the permission from the Political Directorate. The directorate is the press and information unit of the General Staff that controls the movements of foreign media inside Syria. A brigadier general behind the desk asked, ‘‘Why do you want to go to Qamishli?”

Kurds release 74 Turkey-backed rebels north Syria

Syrian Kurdish forces of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) and Asayish police released 74 Turkey-backed rebels, although the rebels have repeatedly attacked Kurdish positions near Afrin in Aleppo Governorate, officials said on Saturday.

The Turkish-backed rebel groups in Syria have not confirmed the release.

Jaysh al-Thuwar, a multi-ethnic armed rebel coalition in Syria affiliated to the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Friday announced they released 74 prisoners affiliated to Turkey-backed rebels that had attacked Kurdish headquarters.

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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 16.01.17, 11:49  Betreff: 'The victims of Syrian ceasefire are the Kurds'  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Although the announcement of a fragile ceasefire on 30 December brought some respite to the majority of people across Syria, the tides have been turning in a different direction for some groups in the war-torn country.

The truce, backed by Turkey and Russia acting as guarantors, involves the return of the warring sides to negotiations in Astana, after nearly six years of fighting and before the revival of the Geneva peace process on 8 February.

The ceasefire also involves a deal that was struck between Russia and Turkey, and a tightening of ties that has meant that rebel groups have lost out on support from Ankara. Yet the biggest loss seems to lie among the Kurds in northern Syria.

Ceremony for fallen American YPG member Israel in California

Ceremony for fallen Canadian YPG member Tassoned in Ottowa

AKP starts employing paramilitary forces

The chaos and crisis created by the dirty war policies implemented by the AKP regime continue to expand. The palace regime failed to take hold in the face of the war concept they implemented and are now trying to save face by increasing the number of village guards in the region. The regime has started giving incentives to people to be village guards under the guise of security, and they are forming paramilitary forces.

The project aims to employ 30 thousand new counterguerilla units, and it will be implemented in Kurdish cities. Officially, 15 thousand of them will be registered as village guards and the other 15 thousand people will go down in the records as “volunteer village guards”.

Turkey awards the family of Taksim suicide bomber in Jarablus

The family of the ISIS member and Taksim bomber are members of the ‘Jarablus assembly’ established by Turkey. Turkey has awarded several pro-ISIS members of the family of Nebil Fadli, who had massacred 11 people in Taksim, Istanbul.

7,500 liras in 12 installments for 33 lives taken in Suruç

33 revolutionaries were killed in Suruç. But the District Police Chief of the period was sentenced to just a 7500 lira fine. The fine was divided into 12 installments and the Police Chief never saw the inside of a court room.

New inquiry request on the Paris murders: Turkey gave the order

On January 9, 2013, PKK founding member Sakine Cansız, KNK Paris representative Fidan Doğan and Kurdish youth movement member Leyla Şaylemez were murdered with 3 bullets to their heads in Paris. The only arrested suspect in the case, hitman Ömer Güney, died on December 17, 2016 under suspicious condiions. According to the suspect’s lawyers, Güney died of a lung infection. It was also said that the suspect had a brain condition, but there were no statements up to date that his health was getting worse. There is no official statement on the cause of death yet. But this death happened just weeks before the trial was scheduled to start. The trial was supposed to start on January 23 and continue until February 24.

“We don't want dictator Erdoğan in Geneva” demo in front of the UN

Cyprus Conference to begin with the slogan “Dictator Erdoğan”

Turkish President Erdoğan will be protested in front of the UN building at the time the conference will start.

The first phase of the Cyprus negotiations that started with the talks between Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic President Mustafa Akıncı and Greek Leader Nikos Anastasiadis on January 9 in the UN Geneva Offices were completed yesterday when the parties submitted their maps to the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General Espen Barth Eide.

Hogtie torture in Van Type T Prison

The torture and rights violations in the Type T closed prison in Van’s Tuşba district have peaked. Ferit Hasçelik was tortured in Van Type T Closed Prison, which almost looks like it has been picked as a pilot prison for torture. Hasçelik called his family on Monday and informed them of the torture.

We demand an autonomous and free Shengal

"KDP must explain why Barzani was silent on Turkish PM's comments"

Reaction against KDP Leader Masoud Barzani staying silent against Binali Yıldırım’s comments of “PKK and PYD are terrorists” is on the rise.

PUK Iraqi Parliament member Mihemed Osman stated that PKK and PYD are legitimate parties of the Kurdish freedom movement, and said: “If PKK and PYD are terrorists, then I am too.”

KRG speaker: Independent Kurdish state complex issue

When Yusuf Mohammed Sadiq took up the position of speaker of the Kurdish parliament at the age of 36, the political circles in Iraq, and in particular the Kurdish ones, were shocked, as having a young man in this senior position was an unexpected development.

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