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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 20.07.15, 00:08     Betreff: Israeli army and PA detain 6 Palestinians 'behind' West Bank shooting

The Israeli army and Palestinian security forces have detained six Palestinian "Hamas operatives" responsible for a shooting in the occupied West Bank last month that left one Israeli settler dead and three injured, the Israeli army said in a statement Sunday.

The statement identified the alleged shooter as Mehad Hamad, a 26-year-old resident of Silwad northeast of Ramallah.

It claimed that he and the other five had "confessed" to carrying out the attacks, although it later added that the investigation only "suggest(ed)" he had personally committed the shootings.

Four Israeli settlers were injured in the attack on June 29 near the illegal settlement of Shvut Rachel south of Nablus, with one of them, Moshe Malachi Rosenfeld, later succumbing to his wounds.

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