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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 17.10.15, 18:04     Betreff: US says airdropped ammo went to Syrian Arabs, not Kurds

Salih Muslim of Kurdish PYD claims he recovered an airdrop of ammunition, US insists supplies were sent to Syrian Arab Coalition

PYD co-chair Saleh Moslem confirmed that they have recently received weapons from U.S. forces and said “We do not attack anyone but we will defend ourselves against those who attack us” in response to the threats uttered by Turkish Prime Minister.

Dozens of gang members who get wounded in the ongoing Russian airstrikes against Aleppo, Hama, Humus, Damascus and İdlib cities of Syria are brought to hospitals in Antep and Kilis for treatment. According to reports by local sources, the gangs are transported to state hospitals in ambulances escorted by Turkish police and soldiers.

Commemorations at the 1st week of Ankara massacre: We will not forget

What has the state done in Kurdistan in 9 months?

The state terror in North Kurdistan has left 63 civilians dead in 9 months. 3,564 people, including 293 children, have been detained and among them 788, including 41 children, have been remanded in custody during this process.

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