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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 15.12.15, 22:32     Betreff: Rival brothers: The Kurds who join the Islamic State

"I hate this town. The people are poor and conservative," utters Mustafa, an English literature student, whilst the coach struggles on its way to Bingol. It crosses a long straight line of parapets with barbed wire, between which the Turkish military supervises any intrusion, fingers on the trigger. Then it lets off its group of students who, just like Mustafa, come from Diyarbakir and study in this Kurdish town of 267,000 inhabitants.

Two months earlier, five residents from Bingol drove the 150km separating them from the main Kurdish town in Turkey in the other direction.

On 26 October, at dawn, when police forces in Diyarbakir forced the door down, two of them triggered their suicide belts. The assault lasted seven hours. In the end, 15 people were arrested and seven, including five youngsters from Bingol, were killed. The governor from Diyarbakir later declared that this was a branch of Islamic State (IS).

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