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New PostErstellt: 20.09.10, 07:40     Betreff: Re: Lara Croft in Prison in Nevada (german/english)

TFA Digitales Thermo-Hygrometer 30.5...
Important information for english users to download savegames: There are two links: "anzeigen" and "speichern". "anzeigen" means "show" which is only useful for pictures or text, and "speichern" means "download" or "save". You don't have to be a member or register.

"Dateianlagen" means "attachment".

Note: Download package has been updated with a bugfixed settomb.tr4 file on Sep 19, 2010!

My savegames do not work with the old version!


Automatic Translation by Google!


1. Military Prison:

Push on the right the block, the switch pull, and up climb. Further, the lever pull, and thus run down in the shaft that Lara lands on the safe place. Further, and at the end pull the switch behind the MG. Then go down to the guard, the switch press, and wait, until the guard runs in the laser trap. Then Secret 1/10 take. Savegame 0.

Again up jump, then on the right in that wall up climb, back in the cell, and out go. All cells open, down below all switches press, and go down in the corner in the corridor. The switch pull, back, and further go, to the right in the dining room, the switch press, and go to the ventilating fans. One must lure this guard to the laser trap at the entrance, and take then his Silver Key. The Key in the toilet use, and further go. On the right one can get near the MG Secret 2/10. Then one must jump in the left corner, thus on the corridor which leads to the switch. There fast duck, and creep to the right wall. To the switch creep, pull, and Key to the Door take. Then again go out. Savegame 1.

Go to the kitchen, and duck near the left ventilating fan, and then sprint press. Lara rolls under the ventilating fan through. Further, the key use, the ladder up climb, and jump off. The time lever pull, a somersault jump to the right do, to the ladder jump, and fast up climb. Open on the right the door, the block pull out in the corridor, and on top Secret 3/10 get. Then press the switch, and fast run next door in the water.

Further, go ashore, and further go, until the door opens. Press on the top right the time switch, and fast run out. The switch pull, and down go to the controlling room. The switch press, and fast go on. In the corner to the Medipack creep, this is Secret 4/10. On the dark place go, and fast up jump. Then go further to the hall. The key use, get further, and on the left at the ventilating fan Secret 5/10. Go there further to the next hall. About the slant jump to the Jumpswitch, and fast go on. The guns and the Shotgun get and shoot box, and take Battery. Then again go back to the last hall and push lower box, then one can pull on top the box, and use the Battery. Further go, the grid shoot, and out creep.

Further go, and on the left near the truck get the crowbar. Then in the wall edge climb, the crowbar as a lever use, go on, and push the cage to the back. The ceiling hatch open, and get Secret 6/10. Then two switch press. Go to the next hall, MG to the entrance steer, then on the right crawl around, and behind MG get the Desert Eagle. The box shoot, the laser take, and combine with the Desert Eagle. Then shoot the red tank of MG. Savegame 2.

The Silver Key take, go back to the swinging block, and use the key. Then further, and to the switch box jump where Lara is safe if she stands directly on the wall. The box shoot, the time lever pull, and with a role jump back, and out run. Now one must shoot first MG, then again back to the time lever, and run to the floor hatch. Savegame 3.

2. Division of Alien:

Savegame 4 = level beginning

Secret 7/10: from the sand hill jump to the block at the entrance, and take the laser.

At backside the Desert Eagle get, pull there the time switch, and fast run to the door. Secret 8/10 get, the Uzi, and again go out. The switch press, and down go to the hall. MG shoot, and the Uzi take. The switch press, and down go to the hall. The time switch press, and fast jump to the door. Push behind the block in the other corner, Lara falls down. Then carefully to the left further creep, and on the box pull up. Shoot from here MG, and push the box. At the swinging block go on, Secret 9/10 get, the switch box shoot, the lever pull, again out jump, and up climb. The lever pull, go back, and go to the new entrance. The Silver Key get, and now one must go again back to the beginning, and use the key.

On and on go and press two switch in the corners, with the rope swing over, and up climb. Behind in the corner use the crowbar as a lever, then come up in the corridor, and further creep. In the ceiling further work the way along, and jump to the time switch. Now one must jump fast up. Savegame 5.

Further go and push two boxes on the marked places and get Battery, go back, from the box jump to the entrance, further go back, and use Battery. Up climb, go on, three counters and two Jumpswitch pull, and further go. In the next hall one must release, perhaps, two balls. Then further in the next hall where one can get on top in the corner Secret 10/10. Then further, and down go to the hall. On the right the torches take, then hang on the hole to the edge, to the slant let down, to the left work the way along, and come up. Further go to the hall, the block to the other side push, and again back. The lock in the grid shoot, and on the block move up. In the ceiling to the slant work the way along, on the slant drop, grab, and jump off. In the corridor creep, the grid shoot, further and take crossbow, further, at the end shoot the guard, and his Access Disk take. Now again back, and the Disk use.

Further go, the time switch press, and fast up climb. The switch press, go on, the grid shoot, and out go. On the right one can jump on the slant to the block, and get Secret 11/10. Then go on, and push the block to the middle. The lever pull, jump fast on the block, and with a lateral somersault jump by the time door. Savegame 6.

Further go, down slide, without grab forwards jump, and fast go on. The ladder go up, in the wall bars climb up to half way, and with role jump off, and pull up. With running jump in the entrance, and out go. Further go to the Quadbike, up jump and shoot box, and take the grenade launcher. Then back, and all guards shoot. Two Access Card take, use, in the water jump, and go ashore. In the slant to the left work the way along, come up, jump over, the switch press, and with the Quadbike go on...


Alle Lösungen - all walkthroughs:ösungen-für-user-level/

[editiert: 02.10.10, 08:43 von laraweb]
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