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New PostErstellt: 25.10.09, 15:41     Betreff: Re: Friska Viljor

die Friskas laufen mit 2 Vorbands auf..

William the Contractor..
Warehouseman hört sich nicht mal schlecht an.. ;)
schön folkig mit Banjoklängen

Infos William the Contractor
In the beginning this whole thing started as a tribute to my father that passed away a couple of years ago.
I am now releasing a demo version of “warehouseman", which is one of the first songs I wrote and recorded for this project. Today I became a father to a beautiful little boy, and I'm marking this moment in my life by releasing this song. Good bye death, hello life.
1st of October 2009 / William the contractor


Lena Malmborg
ist mir glaub zu bluesig..

Producers of my debutalbum "A new time, a new life, a new religion" and the second album "Real Love": Daniel Johansson and me.

greeks said, best time of the day is while sleeping and eating :D
(greek lady from a leather shop)
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