Teaching English in Taiwan!
Taiwan's teachers' board is providing a discussion forum for anyone involved in teaching or learning English. Improve your English!
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Teaching English and living in Taiwan

Welcome to the ESL activity board. We provide a discussions forum for teaching ESL in Taipei, Taiwan. The Bulletin board is for ESL job search and classifieds free for schools and teachers. Teaching English as a second language to young students has many different concepts. We are grateful for anyone sharing his/her thoughts and experiences in this forum!
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Teachers board
   Top 10 Authors   Messages 
1 jobinchina 737
2 networkeslx 308
3 esltochina 295
4 networkesl10 117
5 Admin 68
6 houmickey 44
7 Tobias 30
8 eslinchina 29
9 linkesl3 16
10 esljobschina10 15
11 recruit4china 14
12 Winny 13
13 IACC 13
14 cliffdewey 13
15 interedu 12
   Top 10 Topics   Read 
1 Possessive Pronouns Adjectives exercise worksheet 42799
2 Looking for Qualified Teacher(ASAP) in Kaohsiung city 36474
3 english keyboard worksheet 35239
4 kindergarten worksheet template 35177
5 past simple worksheet 29535
6 free esl worksheets 25570
7 kindergarten fingerprint teaching book weekly lesson plans 19020
8 teaching English in Taiwan 18969
9 typewriter alphabets woksheets for kids 18648
10 esl jobs in Taipei taiwan 17548
11 Simple present tense 16315
12 English kindergarten math sheets 16183
13 Teaching without a degree 15875
14 Study Chinese in Taiwan 14755
15 How to get an esl certification 13958

   Top 10 Files   Location   Downloads 
1 possessive-pronouns-adjectives.jpg pronouns 201420
2 simple-present-1.jpg present simple 117043
3 teaching_english_in_taiwan.jpeg taipei 82735
4 past-simple-worksheet2.jpg simple past 62708
5 keyboard_blank.JPG kindergarten_writing_grids 51273
6 kindergarten_worksheet_professions.jpg professions 40881
7 what_sports_do_they_like.jpg sports 37536
8 past-simple-worksheet.jpg simple past 34021
9 simple present tense.jpg present simple 30582
10 present_continuous_1.jpg present continuous (progressive) 26383
11 worksheet_conditional_present_future.jpg conditionals- would, will, should, could, if, wish, in case, as long as, in case 26006
12 blkballs.gif Bilder 22807
13 simple-past.jpg simple past 18422
14 match the instruments.JPG Bilder 15939
15 peter.JPG Bilder 14564
16 present perfect.jpg present perfect 11122
17 taipei-101-at-night.JPG taipei 11044
18 future-with-going-to.jpg going to 9882
19 worksheet_going_to_sentences.jpg going to 9657
20 there_are_three_apples.GIF Bilder 8620

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