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Türkische Expansionskonzepte und Westliche Interessen schuldig der Kobane angriff

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 07.03.16, 21:49  Betreff: Kurdistan – Traum oder Wirklichkeit?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

ich weiss arte ist eine liberal media , aber die Doku man kann anschauen ..
ich bin zur Arte web seite gegangen aber sie verpflichten ihre Cookies in meine Browser zu speicher .... die das möchte ich nicht ....

Die Kurden sind das größte Volk der Welt ohne einen eigenen Staat. Verteilt auf vier Länder - Syrien, Irak, Iran und die Türkei - kämpfen sie seit Jahrzehnten um Eigenständigkeit und Anerkennung. Spricht man von Kurdistan, sind die kurdischen Siedlungsgebiete in diesen vier Ländern gemeint.

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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 29.02.16, 21:42  Betreff: IS-Offensive mit Unterstützung der Türkei?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Am vergangenen Freitag griffen zwischen 23:00 und 0:00 Uhr etwa 200 Dschihadisten des IS die Stadt und Umgebung von Gîre Sipî (kurdischer Name, arabisch: Tall Abyad oder Tal Abjad) an. Die Stadt Gîre Sipî liegt direkt an der türkischen Grenze, die sie von der Kleinstadt Akcakale auf der türkischen Seite trennt. Bei dem Angriff wurden nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur DIHA mindestens 15 Zivilpersonen aus einer arabischen Familie durch den IS getötet, die abschließenden Zahlen können jedoch noch weit höher liegen. Nach Angaben der YPG starben dabei mindestens 100 IS Mitglieder.

Can the Kurdish Question Be Settled by Killing People in Sur?

I am in Suriçi district with Lale Mansur, Zeynep Tanbay, Ferhat Tunç, Ayşegül Devecioğlu, Bahri Belen, and Dilek Gökçin, who came from Istanbul today. We are meeting Sibel Yiğitalp, the HDP (People’s Democratic Party) Diyarbakır deputy who is on constant watch in Sur. Ms. Yiğitalp is able to talk with the families inside from time to time. A heavy bombardment is going on. Small particles are falling where we stand.

We listen to phone conversations with the people in the basements. Remziye talks:

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 28.02.16, 16:13  Betreff: Traurige Nachricht aus Kurdistan  drucken  weiterempfehlen

“Die Revolution ist nicht nur Krieg und Waffen tragen, die Revolution bedeutet, das Leben richtig zu verstehen. Um dieses Leben zu verteidigen, und die Werte der Menschlichkeit, sind wir bereit, in diesem schwersten Krieg Erfolg zu haben.”
Günter Hellstern

Nun ist es offiziell, dass ein weiterer deutscher Internationalist, gestern in Al Shadadi in der Provinz Heseke gefallen ist. Sein Klarname ist Günter Hellstern, sein Kampfname Rustem Cudi. Günter war 55 Jahre alt, hat 30 Jahre bei der Bundeswehr und der Fremdenlegion gekämpft. In dem Film berichtet er, dass er Vater eines Sohnes ist.

“Ich musste hierherkommen”, sagte er. Nachdem er die Grausamkeiten von Daisch im Internet gesehen hatte, konnte er nicht anders, als zur YPG zu gehen. (…) “Ich kämpfe hier nicht für mich oder für Deutschland oder für irgendeinen Privatmann, oder sonst irgendwas, ich kämpfe für das kurdische Volk, das neue System hier mit der Rätestruktur, Kommunestruktur, das alles funktioniert wirklich. Kobani funktioniert schon so.”

End Times for the Caliphate?

The war in Syria and Iraq has produced two new de facto states in the last five years and enabled a third quasi-state greatly to expand its territory and power. The two new states, though unrecognised internationally, are stronger militarily and politically than most members of the UN. One is the Islamic State, which established its caliphate in eastern Syria and western Iraq in the summer of 2014 after capturing Mosul and defeating the Iraqi army. The second is Rojava, as the Syrian Kurds call the area they gained control of when the Syrian army largely withdrew in 2012, and which now, thanks to a series of victories over IS, stretches across northern Syria between the Tigris and Euphrates. In Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), already highly autonomous, took advantage of IS’s destruction of Baghdad’s authority in northern Iraq to expand its territory by 40 per cent, taking over areas long disputed between itself and Baghdad, including the Kirkuk oilfields and some mixed Kurdish-Arab districts.

ISIS takes advantage of Syria ceasefire, attacks Kurds north Raqqa

With the start of a U.N.-sponsored two-week ceasefire in Syria, militant fighters of the Islamic State (ISIS) launched a fierce offensive on areas held by Kurdish forces of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) on the border with Turkey, military sources reported on Saturday.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 20.02.16, 15:03  Betreff: TAK claims responsibility for the action in Ankara  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (also known as the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks, Teyrêbazên Azadiya Kurdistan, or TAK) has released a statement claiming responsibility for the action against Turkish army convoy in capital city Ankara.

TAK said the action that resulted with hundreds of dead members of the Turkish Army was conducted to avenge the defenseless and wounded civilians brutally massacred in basements in Cizre. “Everyone should know that those who ordered the massacre of civilians were responsible for the Ankara incident”, it underlined. The statement also recalled TAK's previously highlighted statement that they would avenge every Kurdish person victimized by attacks.

Was this week's Ankara attack just the beginning?

The car bomb attack that rocked Ankara Feb. 17 killed 28 people, most of them military personnel. About 100 others were wounded. The assailant was also killed.
Three features of this attack were seen for the first time in Ankara. First, a moving vehicle was used for a suicide attack. Its location was also significant: 500 meters from the parliament, 300 meters from the headquarters of the chief of General Staff, 150 meters from the air force command and 100 meters to the quarters where generals reside. It was the first time military and civilian personnel working at the Chief of Staff offices and at air, naval and ground forces commands have been targeted. The question everyone is now asking is whether such an attack could be repeated there or in Istanbul and other major Turkish cities.

Turkey defends Syria’s Islamists by combatting Kurds

Subsequent to the Kurdish advance against Islamist rebels in Syria’s northern Aleppo province, Turkey’s military has launched a fierce offensive on areas held by the Kurdish forces of the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Afrin and Azaz.

The Turkish army bombed with heavy artillery several YPG-held villages near Azaz and Afrin over the past few days, including Menagh, Miremin, Malkiyah, Meranaz, Tannab and Kashtaar. The Turkish operations coincided with mortar shelling by Syria’s wing of al-Qaeda, Nusra Front, on the Kurdish headquarters in the same areas.

Police kill a woman and wound her 10-year-old daughter in Nusaybin

Woman executed in a building after detention by state forces in Cizre

Latest SMS from Sur basement: We cannot breathe, we will suffocate here

In his most recent text-message, DİHA reporter Mazlum Dolan noted that state forces continue to attack the area with trapped civilians, who would soon suffocate because they could not breathe.

Attacks on the area in Amed's Sur district where DİHA reporter Mazlum Dolan and other trapped civilians continue. Fatma Ateş was heavily wounded today during an attack on the house where Dolan is trapped. In his latest text-message today afternoon, Dolan reported that state forces’ intense bombardment continued, and trapped people could not breathe nor go out, and would soon suffocate.

Turkish army defectors in the PKK: Fight for freedom, not slavery

The number of Turkish army defectors who join the guerrillas increases day by day. Two young former soldiers who joined the PKK called upon everyone to not serve in the Turkish military and join the guerrillas’ freedom struggle against brutality.

Turkish army defectors who joined the PKK spoke to ANF

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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 19.02.16, 12:38  Betreff: Kurds know the history of the deep state and this kind of false flag operation  drucken  weiterempfehlen

False flag operation?

Some people in Turkey told MEE that they think that events are
manipulated behind the scenes by a secret “deep state” that carries
out false flag operations to serve the government.

“Kurds know the history of the deep state and this kind of false flag
operation would be nothing new in Turkey,” Bajalan added. “You know
what people will be saying at the moment: This is a very convenient
attack and will give Turkey the excuse to cross the border.”

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 18.02.16, 12:43  Betreff: Today's Attack In Ankara Could Be A False Flag Incident  drucken  weiterempfehlen

In March 2014 tape recordings of a meeting between the Turkish then Foreign Minister Davutoglu, the chief of the Turkish intelligence MIT Hakan Fidan and others leaked to the public. They talked about a false flag attack on Turkey to be used as a justification form a Turkish attack on Syria. The new was mostly ignored by the "western" main stream media. As I wrote about the tape:

Are Green Berets Leading The YPG In Taking The Azaz Pocket?

The Syrian Arab Army and the YPG troops of the Syrian Kurds are making good progress in the Azaz pocket. The pocket formed after the Syrian army cut through the "rebel" corridor between Aleppo city and the Turkish border. The aim now is to push all foreign proxy forces who are still in that pocket (green) back north into Turkey and to get full control of the border.

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 18.02.16, 12:12  Betreff: Ahmet Davutoglu, “Wait for a few days; you will get your answer.”  drucken  weiterempfehlen

....Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, when asked last week if Turkey would do anything to reopen the corridor, aroused curiosity by replying, “Wait for a few days; you will get your answer.” Naturally, his cryptic response fanned the debate over whether a military intervention is in the making.

Turkey blames Syria's YPG group for Ankara blast

Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has blamed Syria's PKK-linked YPG group for a blast in the capital Ankara that killed at least 28 people.

The Turkish leader used the speech on Thursday to call on the country's allies to pick a side.

Davutoglu blamed the suicide attack on a Syrian Kurd with links to the YPG, adding nine others linked to the attack were arrested after the bombing.

YPG denies involvement in Ankara attack

The General Command of YPG (People's Defense Units) has released a statement in response to Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu who blamed the YPG for yesterday's attack in the heart of Turkish capital Ankara which left 28 people dead and 64 others wounded.

YPG General Command said they have no links to the attack, remarking that Davutoğlu put forward this accusation to pave the way for an offensive on Rojava and Syria. The General Command stressed that YPG hasn't engaged in any kind of military activity against the Turkish state so far in spite of all its attacks and provocations.

We hereby publish the full text of the related statement by YPG General Command;

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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 14.02.16, 12:55  Betreff: Turkish army attacks Rojava for second day  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Attacks conducted by the Turkish military and jihadist groups in cooperation are going on in the wake of last night's Turkish aggression on Manegh and Maranas villages of Azaz city liberated from Ahrar Al-Sham/Jabhat Al-Nusra 3 days ago.

According to reports received from the ground, Turkish army has been conducting howitzer attacks against the emplacements of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) since 9 am Monday morning. The aggression which is being conducted from the Turkish outpost at the border to Efrîn's Yazıbağı village is also targeting civilian areas in the towns of Malikiye, Der Cemal and Tal Rıfat.

In the meantime, jihadist groups acting in coordination with the Turkish army have also intensified their attacks on the towns of Malikiye, Der Cemal and Tal Rıfat.

Armed attack on Kurdish protestors in Stockholm leaves one wounded

Kurds in Sweden staged a long march from Södertälje to Fittja district of Stockholm yesterday to condemn the February 15 international plot against Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan. The people joining the demo were targeted by an armed attack, which left a Kurdish man by the name of Gafur Mihemed heavily wounded.

The man from East Kurdistan who was hospitalized after suffering a heavy injury in the attack remains in life-threatening condition, according to police and hospital officials.

Some 100 people massacred brutally in Cizre

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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 13.02.16, 17:03  Betreff: Demonstrantinnen unterbrechen Erdogan in Ecuador  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Am Rande des Ecuador-Besuchs des türkischen Präsidenten Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ist es am Donnerstag in der Hauptstadt Quito zu Protesten gekommen. Dabei wurde mindestens ein Demonstrant von türkischem Sicherheitspersonal verletzt.

An einem Forschungsinstitut demonstrierten Studierende und Aktivisten wegen der Gewalt der türkischen Regierung gegen die Kurden sowie der Unterstützung der Terrormiliz IS. Erdoğan befindet sich seit Montag auf Dienstreise in Südamerika. "Erdoğan raus", "Freiheit für Kurdistan" und "Erdoğan liebt ISIS" war auf Schildern zu lesen, mit den Rufen "Asesino" ("Mörder") störten Demonstranten den Vortrag des türkischen Staatsoberhauptes. Bei einem Handgemenge wurde ein Abgeordneter der Regierungspartei, Diego Vintimilla, von Sicherheitsleuten Erdoğans leicht verletzt. Vintimilla ließ auf Twitter verlauten, er habe einer Mitarbeiterin des Instituts zu Hilfe kommen wollen, die von Erdoğans Sicherheitspersonal angegriffen worden war.


video :


People demonstrate against the visit of Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Ecuador in Quito on Feb. 4.jpg (88 kByte, 600 x 340 Pixel)

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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 09.02.16, 23:19  Betreff: French police attack demo for Cizre in Paris  drucken  weiterempfehlen

As Kurds across Europe are taking to the streets to protest the Cizre massacre, hundreds have gathered outside the Turkish Embassy in the French capital Paris. The demo organised by Democratic Kurdish Council of France is being joined by Kurdish people and members of revolutionary organisations from Turkey.

“Murderer Turkey, Collaborator Europe” is among the slogans chanted by demonstrators who gathered outside the Turkish Embassy at 12:00 today noon. Protestors also condemn the silence of the French state which describe as complicity in this crime against humanity.

25 detained in police crackdown on demonstrators for Cizre in Paris

27 corpses taken to Cizre State Hospital

Families of civilians in Cizre basement: We won't kneel down

AKP government and its media continue to spoil the evidence on the Cizre massacre that targeted the basement where 52 wounded people and 10 dead bodies had been awaiting evacuation. Details cannot be clarified due to the ongoing siege.

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