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Nahost: Scheinverhandlungen in Washington

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New PostErstellt: 31.07.13, 15:27  Betreff:  Nahost: Scheinverhandlungen in Washington  drucken  Thema drucken  weiterempfehlen

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Nahost-Gespräche in Washington

Von Knut Mellenthin

Palästinenserpräsident Mahmud Abbas hat sich dem Druck der reaktionären arabischen Monarchien gefügt und hilft der israelischen Regierung wieder einmal, »Friedensprozeß« zu spielen. Premier Benjamin Netanjahu läßt die Gespräche, die am Montag in Washington unter US-amerikanischer Obhut begannen, »aus strategischen Gründen« führen. Gemeint ist ein diplomatisches Ablenkungsmanöver, in dessen Deckung Israel günstigere Voraussetzungen für Militärschläge gegen Iran und Syrien finden könnte.

In Wirklichkeit hält Netanjahu aber nur ein Null-Angebot bereit. Seine eigene Partei, der Likud, lehnt in ihrem 1999 verabschiedeten Programm die Schaffung eines palästinensischen Staates ausdrücklich ab. Das gilt ebenso für die noch rechtere Jisrael Beteinu des ehemaligen Außenministers Avigdor Lieberman, mit der der Likud sich im vorigen Jahr zusammengeschlossen hat, und für die an der Regierung beteiligte Bajit Jehudi. Wenn Netanjahu trotzdem von Verhandlungen über einen Palästinenserstaat spricht, will er die internationale Öffentlichkeit täuschen, und er rechnet damit, der Gegenseite die Schuld zuweisen zu können, wenn die Gespräche in einigen Monaten scheitern.

Israels Premier will den Palästinensern zwar eine Fahne und eine Hymne, aber kaum Souveränität zugestehen. Was das bedeutet, hat Netanjahu detailliert erläutert: Israel soll die Kontrolle über sämtliche Außengrenzen des Westjordanlandes, einschließlich seines Luftraumes, behalten. Israel beansprucht darüber hinaus die gesamte westliche Seite des Jordantales – das Ostufer gehört zu Jordanien – einschließlich der angrenzenden Bergkette. Dabei geht es nicht zuletzt um die Herrschaft über wichtige Wasserressourcen, und zwar nicht nur über die des Jordan, sondern auch über die Vorkommen in und unter der Bergkette. Das so definierte Jordantal macht rund ein Drittel der Westbank aus. Eine dauerhafte israelische Kontrolle über dieses Gebiet würde die Abhängigkeit der palästinensischen Wasserversorgung von Israel festschreiben. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, daß Israel nicht nur das arabische Ostjerusalem behalten will, sondern auch sämtliche Siedlungen im Westjordanland, in denen jetzt schon nach offiziellen Angaben 340000 bis 360000 Menschen leben.

Netanjahu sei bereit, den Palästinensern in einem Friedensabkommen 86 Prozent des Westjordanlandes zu »überlassen«, klagt der stellvertretende Außenminister Zeew Elkin, ein Mitglied des Likud, und findet das ganz schändlich. In dieser Rechnung ist aber unter anderem nicht berücksichtigt, daß Netanjahu das Jordantal für 90 oder 100 Jahre »pachten« will. In Wirklichkeit bliebe den Palästinensern bei Netanjahus Plan kaum die Hälfte der Westbank – durch Streifen israelischer Siedlungen in zwei oder drei Einzelteile getrennt. Und während Scheinverhandlungen geführt werden, geht die Bautätigkeit in den besetzten Gebieten weiter. Eine »Zweistaatenlösung« liegt aufgrund der von Israel geschaffenen irreparablen Fakten längst jenseits der Realität.

... ich tue was Linke tun, Ungerechtigkeit bekämpfen!
von Yossi Wolfson
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Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 05.08.13, 18:19  Betreff: When they fail, peace talks will only deepen crisis for Palestinians  drucken  weiterempfehlen

It may not have reached the level of fevered expectation unleashed by that famous handshake between Israeli and Palestinian leaders on the White House lawn in 1993, but the sense of hope inspired by the long-awaited revival of peace talks is both tangible and deeply misplaced.

The talks, which are set to begin in earnest in mid-August, are taking place not because either Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, or the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, believes a deal is in reach. The two sides are talking to avoid being blamed for embarrassing John Kerry, the US secretary of state.

The mistaken mood of “change is in the air” was illustrated last week by a much-touted poll showing that 55 per cent of Israelis would vote for an agreement if presented with it, with 25 per cent opposed. Overlooked was the fact that many more – 70 per cent – believe an agreement cannot be reached, with 60 per cent saying Mr Netanyahu will never partition the land.

Palestinians are no more sanguine. A recent poll revealed that a measly eight per cent had any degree of trust in the US as mediator.

Israel adds 20 settlements to government aid list

The Israeli government on Sunday added 20 illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank to a list drawn up in 2009 of communities prioritized for aid.

Hundreds of communities in the occupied Palestinian territory figure on the list for public aid in housing, infrastructure, education, cultural activities and security spending.

Video: Israeli soldier hits Palestinian child in Hebron

Video Shows Israeli Soldier Beating Palestinian Workers “Without Mercy”

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New PostErstellt: 09.08.13, 22:48  Betreff: German minister to visit Mideast to boost peace talks  drucken  weiterempfehlen

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle will travel to Israel and the Palestinian territories in a bid to lend backing to revived peace talks, a ministry spokesman said Friday.

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Dr. Klaus Weber
New PostErstellt: 13.08.13, 19:00  Betreff: Re: German minister to visit Mideast to boost peace talks  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ja hallo wieder - nach langer Abwesenheit bin ich endlich wieder da - Euer Klaus Weber aus Paderborn! Die Diskussion zum Friedensprozess in Nahost möchte ich als sachkundiger Kenner der Materie begleiten und dafür sorgen, dass hier ausgewogene Argumentationskultur entstehen kann. Nur so können wir eine allzu antiisraelische Debatte verhindern. Wohl an denn!
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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 15.08.13, 16:22  Betreff: John Kerry’s Israeli-Palestinian talks are a cover for aggression and annexation  drucken  weiterempfehlen

@Dr. Klaus Weber

Ich weiss nicht was du meints von "Nur so können wir eine allzu antiisraelische Debatte verhindern "

The so-called “peace talks” initiated by John Kerry between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are meaningless theatrics that are part of a stratagem concealing and obscuring the real intentions of the US and Israel in the Middle East.

When US President Barak Obama went to visit Israel, in March 2013, the peace talks were not even a priority for his administration. The world was bluntly told by Obama that the so-called “peace process” was not even on the agenda for discussion between the US and Israeli governments. Hence, the big question on a lot of minds: why have the talks become a priority for the US government now?

"Peace" talks are meaningless, says survivor of Gaza massacre

“All our lives, we’ve heard about negotiations and peace processes,” Jamal al-Dalou said Monday afternoon in his Gaza City apartment, hours before the latest round of talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority began in Washington. “We’ve never seen them achieve anything.”

“What’s the meaning of negotiations if we are still killed by missiles from Israeli F-16s and Apaches?” he added. “What’s the meaning of negotiations if the Israelis keep stealing our land, our heritage and everything meaningful in our lives? What’s the meaning of negotiations if they besiege our land, sea and sky?

Israel’s prisoner release doesn’t legitimize “negotiations”

When I heard that the Palestinian Authority agreed to resume negotiations with the Israeli occupation, I fell into a depression. Here we go again, I thought.

It is a repeat of the what followed the 1993 Oslo accords, time after time.

Yet again, the Israelis are represented by Tzipi Livni, who as a member of the government played a key role during Israel’s 2008–2009 invasion of Gaza.

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Dr. Klaus Weber
New PostErstellt: 15.08.13, 20:53  Betreff: Re: John Kerry’s Israeli-Palestinian talks are a cover for aggression and annexation  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hoppsa - da ist es schon passiert. Lieber Admin - bitte den Beitrag von "Palestina libera" löschen. Grund: Zitierung antiisraelischer Quellen, Verwendung eines unzulässigen Namens. Danke!
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Beiträge: 7353
Ort: Berlin

New PostErstellt: 16.08.13, 06:56  Betreff:  ... in Sachen Weberknecht alias "Dr." Klaus Weber  drucken  weiterempfehlen

    Zitat: palestina libera
    @Dr. Klaus Weber

    Ich weiss nicht was du meints von "Nur so können wir eine allzu antiisraelische Debatte verhindern "

Lieber palestina libera,
don't feed the troll einfach ignorieren.

... ich tue was Linke tun, Ungerechtigkeit bekämpfen!
von Yossi Wolfson
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Dr. Klaus Weber
New PostErstellt: 16.08.13, 11:38  Betreff: Re: Nahost: Scheinverhandlungen in Washington  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Aber lieber Herr Kudanek - Sie können mich nach so langer Debattenarbeit im ehemaligen CDU-Forum doch nicht einfach ignorieren? WO sind sie überhaupt alle geblieben, die Diskutanten von damals. Ich würde sie gerne alle mal wieder erleben - und auch maßregeln und zensieren natürlich.
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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 16.08.13, 23:33  Betreff: Poll: 80% of Israeli Jews say peace impossible  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Almost 80 percent of Israeli Jews believe a peace deal with the Palestinians is impossible, an opinion poll found on Friday, two days after the resumption of negotiations in Jerusalem.

Asked whether "this time, we will reach a final agreement that will put an end to the conflict," 79.7 percent of respondents said no, and just 6.2 percent said yes.

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New PostErstellt: 28.08.13, 22:45  Betreff: Negev activist: Prison better than displacement  drucken  weiterempfehlen

A prominent activist in the Negev village of al-Araqib said Tuesday that he would rather stay in prison than be displaced from his village.

Sayah al-Touri was arrested on Monday with three other activists from the Bedouin village, which has been repeatedly demolished by Israeli forces.

"Prison is better for me than being deported away from al-Araqib," he said via his lawyer.

Several of the villagers detained by Israel were told by police that they would be released on condition that they didn't go back to al-Araqib.

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New PostErstellt: 01.09.13, 13:47  Betreff: Permanent Status Negotiations continue in spite of increased Israeli violations against Palestinians  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association mourns the death of three martyrs (Younis Jahjouh, Jihad Asslan and Robin Zayyid ) who were murdered early this morning in Qalandiya Refugee Camp during a violent IOF raid that injured dozens, putting some in critical condition. One of the martyrs was an ex-prisoner who was released in the prisoner exchange in 2011. Yousef Al-Khatib was also arrested during the raid.

The attack on Qalandiya Refugee Camp today highlights the continued aggressive policies of the Israeli occupation despite the false façade of a “peaceful solution” through the latest round of negotiations. Since the beginning of the Oslo Process in 1993 thousands have been martyred and approximately 86,000 arrested.

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New PostErstellt: 09.09.13, 18:42  Betreff: Israel seeks to pit Christian Arabs against Muslims in a cruel clash  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Holy Land may be the cradle of Judaism, Christianity and Islam – the three Abrahamic faiths that share much in common – but Israel has preferred to draw on a tradition that imagines the region in terms of a clash of civilisations.

Theodor Herzl, the father of Israel’s national ideology, Zionism, averred that a Jewish state should act as “a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilisation as opposed to barbarism”. On this view, Israel is on the fault line between a Judeo-Christian west and the barbarian hordes of the Islamic east.

The idea of a clash has played out most obviously in Israel’s repeated wars against its Arab neighbours, its threatening posture towards Iran, and its interminable occupation of Palestinian territority – heavily subsidised both directly and indirectly by the United States and Europe.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 15.09.13, 20:20  Betreff: Ramallah, Gaza and the Palestinian identity crisis  drucken  weiterempfehlen

........There is a clear thirst for alternatives. Oslo has done more than dividing Palestinians into many political strands. It has also confused and fragmented their supporters as well.
........This third way cannot be elitist and must come from the streets of Gaza and Ramallah, not academic papers or press conferences.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 22.09.13, 11:46  Betreff: From handshake of peace to handcuffs of subjugation  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Two decades after the Arafat-Rabin meeting kicked off the peace process, Israel continues to oppress Palestinians and usurp their land under the cover of negotiations

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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 23.09.13, 23:04  Betreff: Deutschland Unterstürtz Israel mit ihrem Atomwaffen  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Es ist bekannt das der Israel staat Atomwaffen hat ,
Der letzte Freitag haben die arabischen Staaten auf den IAEA (Internationale Atomenergieorganisation) getroffen in Wien um eine Resolution geruft das Israels nukleare Kapazitäten geäußert und Israel aufgefordert hätte, dem Atomwaffensperrvertrag (NPT) beizutreten und seine Atomanlagen unter die Kontrolle der IAEA zu stellen .
Mit 43 Pro- und 51 Gegenstimmen, bei 36 Enthaltungen (viele Absenzen), wurde der Text abgelehnt .
Die Läden gegenstimmen gegeben sind israel, USA, Canada, Britain, New Zealand, Australia und die EU .

Israel’s chemical arsenal under new scrutiny

A plan to inspect and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons has focused new attention on Israel’s undeclared WMDs

ich habe versucht welcher EU Länder sind , aber ohne Erfolgt , und ich habe mehr als zwei stünde gesucht .... dass bedeuten die sie das vertecken Möchten ..deshalb ich denke die Deutschland dabei war ....
ich werde mehr gesucht un dieser Information bestätigen


Die französchise Diplomat Marion Castaing wurde von der Israelische armee Mishandelt wenn sie einer palästineser Familie hilfe tragen weil die armee seiner Haus Zestört haben .

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 10.10.13, 16:58  Betreff: Rechtsextremist Israelische NRO Organitation verhindert Sozialen Projekten in Palästina  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Der NRO Organitation NGO Monitor , die Gute verbindung mit der USA Neokonservativer Mitgliedern hat , hat sie zusammen mit den Israelische Regierung ein Erfolg gehabt gegen NRO die in Palästina in Sozialen Projekten Arbeiten zu verhinden .
Die NRO Organitation EVZ-Stifung ,,_Responsibility_and_Future%22 oder ihrer web Seite
arbeitet in verschidenen sozialen projekten in Israeli und Palästina bis letzte Jahr wo "danke" der Drück von NGO Monitor haben alle seinen projekten in Israeli und Palästina abgeschlischen .

Die information kommt von hier :

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 20.10.13, 21:24  Betreff: Jewish women banned from night shifts to avoid Arab 'contact'  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Jewish women have been banned from working night shifts as a part of their national service at hospitals in Israel in order to avoid "contact with Arabs," Israeli Channel 10 reported on Wednesday.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 26.10.13, 18:16  Betreff: Have you murdered and also taken possession?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

First the moderate Judaism of Mizrahi Jews was trampled and some of them were pushed into an extreme orthodox practice that originated in Europe. Then the Mizrahi Jews were blamed for Ashkenazi-originated orthodoxy, and now MK Ruth Calderon reinvents moderate Judaism as if none of this has ever happened.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 04.11.13, 17:28  Betreff: On the twisted logic that portrays the occupied as hateful and the occupier as peaceful  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The New York Times recently published an editorial by Yuval Steinitz, an Israeli politician and Knesset member for the Likud party, under the headline "How Palestinian hate prevents peace". It is not necessary to elaborate on the argument that Steinitz presents in this article, as the title speaks for itself.

srael's New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land

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New PostErstellt: 08.11.13, 17:50  Betreff: Danke der Besetzung , Israel hat ein reichen Land geworden  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Anfag 80'er Jahren Israel staat wechsel ihre Wirtschaft Symtem von ein Agrar-Wirtschaft zur einem IT Wirtschaft aber wenn man wergleich die Export und Import , man kann sehe wie bei Agrar-Wirtschaft Era , Israel wurde mehr Exportier als Später , dann , wo kommt die Israel Reichtung ?
So einfach , von den Bielliger Palästinenser , Beispiel , ein Israelise Automechanika ist Eigenturm geworden weil Bielliger Palästineser arbeiter hat und dieser Israeliser ist in der Mittelschicht beitreten , so ist die Mittelschicht in Israel geworden nicht wie das Märchen uns Erzält wird dass sie Reicht sind weil sie viel IT Export haben .

What's behind Israel's biggest economic boom? The occupation

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 21.11.13, 22:55  Betreff: In rare public display, Iranian Jews rally in support of nation's nuclear program  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hundreds of Iranians, including university students and members of the country's Jewish community, rallied Tuesday in support of the Islamic Republic's disputed nuclear program on the eve of the resumption of talks with world powers.

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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 10.12.13, 18:09  Betreff: Deutschland Indymedia hat dieser Artikel Zensiert  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Gestern habe ich dieser Artikel gepostet und Heute umgeähr um 15.00 Uhr haben sie gelosst .Ich weiss nicht was ihnen nicht gefällt habt , vielleich das Bild von dem Jung den mit 14 alt erschosst von einem Israelische Scharfschütze und auf der Rückseite seiner Körper getroffen und getotet war .Vielleich seinen Gewissenen schmerzen sich weil sie so Heuchlichkeit sind und dann können sie weiter sagen , das beiden Seiten Schuldig sind ...
das lauftt Oft mit dem Gewissen von viele deutschen "linke" ab .

Der Artikrl mit dem Bild

Deutschland verkauft an Israel Kriegsschiffe

Deutschland möchte an Israel Kriegsschiffe und Raketen zu verkaufen .
Die Israelische arme möchte seine Marine zu Verstärker weil sie möchte Öl und Gas im Mittelneer zu fördern ohne dass die Seegrenzen tatsächlich mit den anderen Ländern festgelegt sind

Letzte Samstag würde ein Junge ( 14 Jahre Alt ) von einem Israelische Scharfschütze getöten wenn er gegenüber seine Schule war , er wurde auf der Rückseite seiner Körper getroffen .


254172.jpg (22 kByte, 225 x 400 Pixel)

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New PostErstellt: 15.12.13, 11:49  Betreff: What does 'Israeli Apartheid' mean, anyway?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The meticulous sub-division of people in Israel is guided by a principle of inequality that benefits the ruling class.

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New PostErstellt: 23.12.13, 15:12  Betreff: Israels secret Uranium buy  drucken  weiterempfehlen

How Argentina fueled Ben-Gurion's nuclear program

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New PostErstellt: 07.01.14, 00:00  Betreff: African asylum seekers in Israel lobby foreign embassies  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Thousands of African asylum seekers demonstrated outside Western embassies in Tel Aviv on Monday in a second day of mass protests against Israel's immigration policies.

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New PostErstellt: 14.01.14, 16:10  Betreff: Ariel Sharon: Peacemaker, hero... and butcher  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Beiden Artikel wurden von dem Journalis Robert Fisk geschrieben , beiden sprechen wie Heuchlicher Regierungen und Medien über dieser Mörder gesprochen haben .

Any other Middle Eastern leader who survived eight years in a coma would have been the butt of every cartoonist in the world. Hafez el-Assad would have appeared in his death bed, ordering his son to commit massacres; Khomeini would have been pictured demanding more executions as his life was endlessly prolonged. But of Sharon – the butcher of Sabra and Shatila for almost every Palestinian – there has been an almost sacred silence.

Cursed in life as a killer by quite a few Israeli soldiers as well as by the Arab world – which has proved pretty efficient at slaughtering its own people these past few years – Sharon was respected in his eight years of near-death, no sacrilegious cartoons to damage his reputation; and he will, be assured, receive the funeral of a hero and a peacemaker.

Thus do we remake history. How speedily did toady journalists in Washington and New York patch up this brutal man's image. After sending his army's pet Lebanese militia into the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982, where they massacred up to 1,700 Palestinians, Israel's own official enquiry announced that Sharon bore "personal" responsibility for the bloodbath.

The ‘flowers’ of the Arab Spring are so distracting that Ariel Sharon’s death has barely raised a whimper

Has ever the Arab awakening – the Arab “Spring” if we were to believe the nonsense spouted at the time – looked more desperate, more bloody, more hopeless, more despairing than it does today? I am not referring to the anguish so distracting the Arab world that it scarcely raised a whimper this weekend when the man most of them regarded as a war criminal – Ariel Sharon – was mourned by the West and its frightened journos as “iconic”, “legendary”, “audacious”, a “bulldozer” and “a proudly Zionist general”.

Incredibly, the presenter of Al Jazeera English even offered her “sincere condolences” to an Israeli friend of this dreadful man. When the Israeli Kahan Commission report was quoted by reporters, they inaccurately said it held Sharon only “indirectly” responsible for the 1982 Sabra and Chatila massacres of up to 1,700 Palestinian civilians murdered by Israel’s proxy Lebanese militia. In fact, the official text also states that Sharon was “personally” responsible.


1) Palestinian women pass the body of one of the victims of the massacres in the Palestinian refugee camp of Sabra .

2) Palestinian refugees living in the Shatila refugee camp in the Lebanese
capital of Beirut hand out sweets as they celebrate following the news
of the death of former Israeli premier Ariel Sharon, on Jan. 11, 201


Sabra.jpg (49 kByte, 620 x 465 Pixel)

Shatila.jpg (27 kByte, 345 x 230 Pixel)

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New PostErstellt: 15.01.14, 23:25  Betreff: Poor showing among heads of state for the lonely funeral of Ariel Sharon  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Old soldiers never die, they just fade away. Or in the case of Ariel Sharon who passed over the weekend at 85, they are strapped in a vegetative state for eight years and then put to rest after a lonely funeral. The late Israeli Prime Minister was eulogized in a service at the Knesset in Jerusalem earlier today and the turnout was low. There was no scramble for foreign dignitaries to board planes and travel hundreds or thousands of miles like they did for Nelson Mandela weeks ago. No one showed up from Africa or Latin America, and Vice President Joe Biden was the only international representative to give an address.........
........Heading up the American delegation to memorialize Sharon, Vice President Biden used the opportunity to reaffirm unbending U.S support to Israel; “We have made the case for Israel around the world,” he said, continuing, “We have never failed to defend Israel’s legitimacy.” Biden then closed his remarks by stressing, “the bond with the U.S. will never, ever be broken.”

Biden did praise Sharon for personal character. He mentioned his “political courage” and “physical courage,” which the former prime minister and minister of defense used “to lead men straight into enemy lines and behind them,” but Biden was careful to not mention any military feat by any specifics. He quickly U-turned to Sharon’s love of the Jewish people, by quoting James Joyce and William Shakespeare. Biden conveyed the sanitized point that Sharon was committed to the “survival of the state of Israel and the Jewish people, wherever they resided.”

“Prime Minister Sharon was a complex man,” said Biden. “Since he passed away in the days ahead there will be much written about him.”.......

Noam Chomsky on the Legacy of Ariel Sharon: Not Speaking Ill of the Dead "Imposes a Vow of Silence"

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New PostErstellt: 20.01.14, 17:32  Betreff: Mehr über der "Engel" Sharon...  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Der Jüdische niederländische Dreht Author , George Sluizer eines mal sagte
"that he had witnessed the then Defense Minister Ariel Sharon personally shooting Palestinian children from close range near the Sabra-Shatilla refugee camp in 1982 "

Es muss zu sagen das deutsche Wikipedia das Verschweigen ....

Wikipedia auf Castillier und deutsch Sprachen Oft entstellen sich das Gesicht , und über Palästina "Konflikt" , zu viel mal ....

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New PostErstellt: 20.01.14, 17:49  Betreff: Mehr über George Sluizer Erzehlung  drucken  weiterempfehlen

'I saw Ariel Sharon murder 2 Palestinian toddlers in Lebanon'

Was sagte Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland über Sharon

Der deutsche Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier

"Scharon selbst würde heute auf eine Zweitstaatenlösung in Nahost hoffen und hätte die aktuellen Verhandlungen zwischen Palästinensern und Israelis unterstützt. "

Über Steinmeir Deklarationen .............

" Although Benjamin Netanyahu publicly opposed the ‘disengagement’ from Gaza in 2005, the same strategies are being implemented and continued by him. In this regard, it can be argued that Prime Minister Netanyahu is executing Sharon’s plan to create Greater Israel by continuing his expansionist policy of annexing East Jerusalem and the West Bank through the systematic development of Israeli settlements/colonies. Beneath the surface, the continuation and expansion of the Israeli settlements and the leverage they have given Israel in negotiations is why Ariel Sharon is really the “architect of modern Israel.”

Sharon’s objectives of annexing East Jerusalem and the West Bank, however, are not a view he shaped, they are part of an expansionist ideology widely held in the Israeli political establishment and popularly supported in Israeli society. He is merely the man who put together the strategy of doing it while appearing to pursue peace. In this context, it should come as no surprise just days before Sharon died, in late December 2013, that the Israeli government’s Ministerial Legislative Committee voted to annex the West Bank’s Jordan Valley, effectively insuring that the West Bank will barely have a border with Jordan and that most the West Bank will encircled by Israel.

Nor does Sharon’s death mean that Israel’s embrace of militarism has ended. Sharon is just one of many military leaders, like Shimon Peres, that have built Israel with war and around the military as the most important institution in Israel. To equate Ariel Sharon with Israel means that his death marks an end to a bloody history, when in reality the bloody history still continues with Netanyahu and Israel’s current leaders.

Since Sharon left office due to his coma, Israel attacked Lebanon in 2006, has launching multiple attacks on Gaza, conducted attacks on Syria, and repeatedly threatened to start wars against other countries. Tel Aviv’s leaders have always blamed Hamas for attacking Gaza, but it is important to note that they have done this while Israel continues its military operations and occupation in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, even though Fatah rules the West Bank and has insured that no real attacks have been launched against Israel for years. "

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New PostErstellt: 30.01.14, 23:16  Betreff: Open Letter from NY Jews to Mayor de Blasio: ‘AIPAC does not speak for us’  drucken  weiterempfehlen

An Open Letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio:

We are Jewish residents of New York who read, in the leaked transcript of your private speech to a meeting of AIPAC leaders, the following:

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New PostErstellt: 13.04.14, 11:32  Betreff: Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

If things proceed normally, President Barak Obama will soon proclaim April 11, 2014 “Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.” Despite the innocuous name, this day honors the memory of a religious leader whose lesser-known teachings help fuel some of the most violent attacks against Palestinians by extremist Israeli settlers and soldiers.

The leader being honored on this day is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, charismatic head of a mystical/fundamentalist version of Judaism. Every year since 1978, a Presidential Proclamation, often accompanied by a Congressional Resolution (the 1990 one had 219 sponsors), has declared Schneerson’s birthday an official national day of observance.

Congress first passed a Resolution honoring Schneerson in 1975. Three years later a Joint Congressional Resolution called on President Jimmy Carter to proclaim “Education Day, U.S.A.” on the anniversary of Schneerson’s birth. The idea was to set aside a day to honor both education and the alleged educational work of Schneerson and the religious sect he headed up.

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New PostErstellt: 03.05.14, 12:25  Betreff: Kerry Grovels over Israeli ‘Apartheid’  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Secretary of State Kerry gets to say whatever half-truth or fiction comes into his head about Syria, Russia or other “designated villains,” but when he cites the inconvenient truth of Israeli “apartheid,” he must scramble as fast as he can to retract and apologize.

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New PostErstellt: 07.05.14, 16:18  Betreff: Israel bedanke der USA untertürtz ......  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.

Whatever happened to honor among thieves? When the National Security Agency was caught eavesdropping on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone, it was considered a rude way to treat a friend. Now U.S. intelligence officials are saying—albeit very quietly, behind closed doors on Capitol Hill—that our Israeli “friends” have gone too far with their spying operations here.

According to classified briefings on legislation that would lower visa restrictions on Israeli citizens, Jerusalem’s efforts to steal U.S. secrets under the cover of trade missions and joint defense technology contracts have “crossed red lines.”

Israel’s espionage activities in America are unrivaled and unseemly, counterspies have told members of the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees, going far beyond activities by other close allies, such as Germany, France, the U.K. and Japan. A congressional staffer familiar with a briefing last January called the testimony “very sobering…alarming…even terrifying.” Another staffer called it “damaging.”

The Jewish state’s primary target: America’s industrial and technical secrets.

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New PostErstellt: 12.05.14, 17:07  Betreff: 50,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty  drucken  weiterempfehlen

More than one out of four Holocaust survivors in Israel — some 50,000 out of 193,000 — live in poverty. More than 1,000 survivors die every month in this country, the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel said Wednesday, painting a stark picture of how these aged people live.

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New PostErstellt: 03.06.14, 18:25  Betreff: How will the EU elections affect Israel-Palestine?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The EU’s measures on settlements, limited as they were, remain a source of serious concern in Jerusalem. Some in the Israeli Right hope that the rise of the ‘Euro-Skeptics’ will rid Israel of the problem.

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New PostErstellt: 12.06.14, 16:41  Betreff: Keine Korvetten aus Deutschland?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Keine Korvetten aus Deutschland?
Eine Geschichte aus der Gerüchteküche in Israel

von Otfried Nassauer

Noch sind die Meldungen keine Woche alt. Israelische Medien berichten, der Kauf neuer Korvetten für die israelische Marine in Deutschland werde sich zerschlagen. Kanzlerin Angela Merkel habe dem israelischen Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu mitgeteilt, dass Israel beim Kauf solcher Schiffe nicht mit einem erheblichen Kostenbeitrag durch Deutschland rechnen könne. Die Begleittöne der Meldung sind wenig freundlich. Pikiert wird angemerkt, die deutsche Absage sei ausgerechnet am 66. Gründungstag Israels eingegangen. Es handele sich wohl eine Strafmaßnahme gegen Israel, weil der israelische Premier, Benjamin Netanjahu, für das Scheitern der jüngsten Friedensverhandlungen mit den Palästinensern verantwortlich gemacht werde. Vielleicht gehe die Absage auch auf US-Präsident Barack Obama zurück, der sie bei den Deutschen angeregt habe. Das Schiffbauprojekt werde nun wohl international ausgeschrieben. Werften in den USA, Italien und Südkorea seien ebenfalls fähig, solche Schiffe zu bauen. Auch andere Mütter haben schöne Töchter, so die Logik, und die israelische Marine benötige die Schiffe dringend.

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New PostErstellt: 08.11.14, 00:03  Betreff: 105 Israel Ex-generals, Urge Netanyahu to Make Peace With Palestinians  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Over 100 former high-ranking Israeli army members, police officers and spy chiefs have called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to pursue peace with the Palestinians, media reported Monday.

"We, the undersigned, reserve IDF (army) commanders and retired police officers, who have fought in Israel's military campaigns, know first-hand of the heavy and painful price exacted by wars," 105 signatories said in a joint letter addressed to Netanyahu.

Going against Netanyahu, 84 percent of US Jews favor Iran nuclear deal

Strong Jewish support for an Iran nuclear deal was a surprise finding of a poll of American Jews who voted Tuesday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned against any deal that leaves Iran with an enrichment program.

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New PostErstellt: 23.11.14, 22:38  Betreff: Eisernes Kreuz in Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

250 deutsche Soldaten sollen ab 2015 im Urban Warfare Training Center in Tze'elim Häuserkampf und Aufstandsbekämpfung lernen.

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New PostErstellt: 26.11.14, 10:46  Betreff: Possible 2016 US presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren to meet Netanyahu  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Possible 2016 US presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren to meet Netanyahu

........During an August meeting with constituents, Warren was pressed on her support of Israel and her votes to send money to support its fight against Hamas, and said that Israel was being attacked “indiscriminately” and had a right to fight back even though civilian casualties were the “last thing Israel wants,” the Globe said.

“But when Hamas puts its rocket launchers next to hospitals, next to schools, they’re using their civilian population to protect their military assets,” Warren was quoted as saying. “And I believe Israel has a right, at that point, to defend itself.”............

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New PostErstellt: 02.02.15, 21:34  Betreff: Gaza in Arizona  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Roei Elkabetz, a brigadier general for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), was explaining his country’s border policing strategies. In his PowerPoint presentation, a photo of the enclosure wall that isolates the Gaza Strip from Israel clicked onscreen. “We have learned lots from Gaza,” he told the audience. “It’s a great laboratory.”

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New PostErstellt: 07.02.15, 00:16  Betreff: Ukrainian Oligarch Fugitives Wanted by Interpol  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ukrainian Oligarch Fugitives Wanted by Interpol, Pay Bribes for Israeli Citizenship

Galey Tzahal (Army Radio) reported today that Israel welcomed with open arms two Ukrainian oligarchs wanted by Interpol for serious crimes. The suspects, Yuri Borisov and Eduard Stavitsky, are suspected of embezzlement and money-laundering in Ukraine. They flew into Ben Gurion airport and received Israeli entry visas. Borisov’s visa was approved for the purposes of medical treatment, though it’s not clear what, if anything ails him except him criminal predicament. Borisov fled Israel immediately after the arrest of Yisrael Beitenu MK Faina Kirschenbaum, but stayed long enough (about a month) to get citizenship and passports for him and his entire family.

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New PostErstellt: 10.02.15, 22:14  Betreff: Longest-serving US senator to skip Netanyahu speech  drucken  weiterempfehlen

At least two US senators, including the chamber's longest-serving lawmaker, will skip Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress next month, deepening a partisan fissure over the controversial address.

In a blunt statement Tuesday, Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy accused Republican leaders in the House of Representatives of "unilaterally" arranging and politicizing Netanyahu's planned address before a joint meeting of Congress on March 3.

Bibi: You Don’t Speak for Me. Cancel the Speech

A few weeks ago, House Speaker John Boehner and Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer cooked up what they thought was a surefire way to stick a finger in the eye of their nemesis, Pres. Barack Obama, advance Israel’s anti-Iran interests, and ensure Bibi wins the next election. Boehner invited Bibi Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress two weeks before the Israeli elections. The topic of his talk would be Iran: why the mullahs are untrustworthy; why sanctions should be tightened; and why a nuclear deal will be bad for the world, but good for Iran.

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New PostErstellt: 17.02.15, 21:55  Betreff: Netanjahus Exodus: Auszug der Waffen aus Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Menschen- und Waffenschieber: Israelische Verteidigungsindustrie verkauft über Sicherheitsfirma europäische Waffen für zehn Rüstungsfirmen an Uganda zur gefälligen Weiterleitung in dunkle Kanäle.

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New PostErstellt: 18.02.15, 22:07  Betreff: Auf der suchen nach "Antisemiten" in Paris  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Der israelische "Journalist" Zvika Klein fuhr nach Paris und mit einem Kamera und mit einer Kippa , lief er durch Paris 10 Stunde in der Viertel wo viele Araber sind , von dieses 10 Stunden hat er ein Video dem nur 1,37 Minuten andauer Öffentliche Gemacht .

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New PostErstellt: 20.02.15, 15:38  Betreff: Israel’s Decimation of Gaza  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Operation Protective Edge is the killing machine of the 2010s, to Israel’s everlasting shame. That is not how Israel perceives it, nor, increasingly, world, and especially American, Jewry. I write as a proud Jew, seeking to rid Judaism of the incubus of a hubristic-militaristic Israel that needn’t have taken the form it did, as emulator of Nazi-style practices against a resident population on land which could have been the refuge of both. The nakba was inexcusable, degrading, cruel, immoral, the very antithesis of what Torah proclaims about care for the oppressed and love of the stranger. Israelis, by their actions, have forfeited their claim even to be considered Jewish, so vile their treatment of those they have already reduced to a parlous state. Gaza today is Dresden, rubble as far as the eye can see; only Hiroshima and Nagasaki look worse. Children playing amid ruins, families in tents and caravans, building materials intercepted by sea and turned back, infrastructure, UN schools, hospitals demolished—an Israeli society, passive onlookers, casual, uninterested, deaf to the cries of suffering and privation. Judaism mocked at the highest levels.

Hamas Rebuffs Blair’s Allegations
Quartet Links Rebuilding Gaza With Ceding Palestinian Rights

Senior member of Hamas’ political bureau Mousa Abu-Marzkouk yesterday revealed that Quartet peace envoy Tony Blair is trying to blackmail Hamas in return for reconstructing the Gaza Strip.

On his Facebook page, Abu-Marzouk revealed five conditions put by the Quartet that Hamas has to meet in order to make way for the reconstruction of what the Israeli occupation destroyed during last summer’s 51-day war in Gaza.

Abu-Marzouk said: “Once again, and in the name of the international community, Tony Blair is exploiting the tragedy made by the Israeli occupation that includes the destruction of homes and making people homeless.”

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New PostErstellt: 03.03.15, 21:37  Betreff: Netanjahus Rede vor dem Kongress  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Today, Bibi Netanyahu lectured American Jews at the Aipac national conference about his Churchillian date with destiny. John Boehner’s even giving him a bust of the dead Brit tomorrow as a gesture of eternal political omerta. Tomorrow, Bibi will address those members of Congress who don’t have the temerity to skip his megalomaniacal oration. As of the minute I write this 55 members (UPDATE: now 56), including eight Senators, will be absent. That’s 15% of the House and one-quarter of the entire Democratic caucus, and just short of 10% of the Senate. These people are heroes. They shouldn’t have to be, but in light of the power of the Lobby, they are.

Jewish protesters in anti-Netanyahu rally outside AIPAC

Some of the protesters said they were of Palestinian descent, but others were Jewish.

It was this second group that surprised many of those exiting the AIPAC conference.

Jacob Weisfeld of 'Texans for Israel', said he "didn't expect to see any Jews out here protesting at all. I expected to see more people with Palestinian flags talking about the occupation". ....

There are Lies, Damn Lies, and Ron Dermer

Two incendiary Likudist media provocations today: the first is yet another in a series of Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s New York Times ads touting Sheldon Adelson’s anti-Muslim agenda. Previous ads in the series have attacked Iran, Hamas and the UN with equal vitriol.....
.... It essentially accuses Susan Rice, Obama’s national security advisor, and by extension the President himself, of being willing collaborators in a future genocide against not just Israel, but the entire Jewish people....
.........Note, in the ad the attempt at drawing a parallel between Rwandan and Jewish genocide. This is no accident: Paul Kagame is a “good friend” of both Israel’s and Shmuley’s. He’s appeared at pro-Israelfests along with Elie Wiesel and Adelson. Kagame’s Rwanda is a major customer of Israel’s military defense industry, buying millions in advanced weaponry. As I’ve written here, Israel likes its African clients to be hungry for weapons, corrupt and tyrannical. Kagame, co-author of Congolese genocide which has murdered over 4-million, fits the bill perfectly.....
.........There is another thinly concealed factor in the attack on Rice: race. It’s no secret that the majority of those Congress members refusing to attend Netanyahu’s Congressional speech are members of the Black Caucus. The Israel Lobby, which heavily finances some House races in minority districts, doubtless sees this as a betrayal. Further, Boteach and Adelson can’t attack Obama head-on since he’s the President, so they attack the second most senior African-American in the administration, Susan Rice. Make no mistake, this is politics as ugly as it gets. And the only reason it won’t get a lot uglier in the next election is the likely Democratic candidate will be white.

More must be done to inoculate the American people against the hate and lies spewed by the Adelson-Boteach cabal.

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New PostErstellt: 04.03.15, 22:08  Betreff: Netanyahu is reaching for the red button  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Netanyahu lies when he speaks about peace, or preventing a nuclear war. What he wants is to keep Israel as the only nuclear power in the Middle East. What Israel wants is to prevent the emergence of any deterrence, or “balance of terror”, which will force it to start negotiating seriously with the Palestinians and its Arab neighbors.

Israel requests more US aid despite Congress speech tension

Despite current tensions with the American president over today's speech to Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his administration are requesting an additional $317 for Israel's missile-defence programmes. Will business continue as usual?

Netanyahu calls off Hebron visit

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has called off a planned 10 March visit to the southern West Bank city of Hebron following advice from the Israel Security Agency (ISA).


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New PostErstellt: 22.04.15, 09:11  Betreff: US judge allows 'Muslims killing Jews' ads on buses  drucken  weiterempfehlen

A United States federal judge has ordered New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to display on its buses a controversial ad that refers to Muslims killing Jews, rejecting the argument that the ad could incite "terrorism" or imminent violence.

In his ruling, published on Tuesday, US District Judge John Koeltl in Manhattan said the ad from the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), which had previously run in Chicago and San Francisco, was protected speech under the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

(Geller and the American Freedom Defense Initiative made headlines in September 2014 by launching a $100,000 anti-Muslim ad campaign in New York City’s subway system.

One of the ads depicted American journalist James Foley shortly before he was murdered by ISIS. In a letter to Geller, the Foley family’s attorney stated, “The advertisement you are preparing to run seems to convey the message that ordinary practitioners of Islam are a dangerous threat. This message is entirely inconsistent with Mr. Foley’s reporting and his beliefs.”

The New York Daily News later reported, “Foley’s parents joined critics saying the ads were bigoted and slanderous to law-abiding Muslims, prompting firebrand blogger Pamela Geller to pull the campaign and send a letter to the family.” )


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New PostErstellt: 07.05.15, 21:50  Betreff: Israel Spied on U.S. Even Before State Was Founded  drucken  weiterempfehlen

U.S. counter-intelligence figures calculate that Israel is the third most active country in spying in and on the U.S. Jonathan Pollard, Larry Franklin, Ari Ben Menashe, and scores of other American Jews who spied for Israel are almost household words in the spy trade. Not to mention Israeli-Americans like Arnon Milchan, who pursued their careers while also lending their hands to Israeli intelligence efforts.

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New PostErstellt: 08.05.15, 13:53  Betreff: Obama congratulates Netanyahu on securing government  drucken  weiterempfehlen

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New PostErstellt: 10.05.15, 20:14  Betreff: The List Of Israel’s Agents Within British Politics  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ahead of Election Day tomorrow, the ultra Zionist published its list of Sabbos Goyim operating within British politics.

“With Polling Day in the General Election this Thursday, here is a list of all the parliamentary candidates who have sent positive replies to the Fairness for Israel Charter,” the Zionist outlet informed its followers.

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New PostErstellt: 12.05.15, 11:05  Betreff: Ottawa considering hate charges against those who boycott Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Harper government is signalling its intention to use hate crime laws against Canadian advocacy groups that encourage boycotts of Israel.

Israeli Extremism Will Encourage Global Boycott

(Omar Barghouti is a Palestinian activist and one of the founders of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. He is the author of “Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights.” )

Israel has elected the most fanatic government in its history. But many Palestinian human rights activists and politicians expect this government, an unpalatable cocktail of right, far-right and fundamentalist Jewish parties, to be the mother of all silver-lined clouds.

This drastic shift to the right cannot, in the short term, bode well for Palestinians languishing under Israel’s regime of oppression. The siege of Gaza, the illegal construction of settlements, especially in Jerusalem, the destruction of Palestinian communities in the Jordan Valley and the Naqab (Negev) will get worse, exacting an even steeper human price.

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New PostErstellt: 18.05.15, 00:31  Betreff: Israeli forces chase 5-year-old with 'skunk water'  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Amateur photographer Ahmad Nazzal captured Israeli forces spraying 'skunk water' at a Palestinian child during the Kafr Qaddum weekly march in the occupied West Bank on Friday.

Five-year-old Muhammad Riyad appears standing in front of Israeli forces wearing a Palestinian Keffiyeh before the forces begin chasing him with skunk water, the boy eventually falling to the ground.

The foul-smelling liquid has been used by the Israeli military as a form of non-lethal crowd control since at least 2008 and can leave individuals and homes smelling like feces and garbage for weeks.

Skunk water was developed by Israeli company Odortec Ltd. in conjunction with the Israel policeand is generally sprayed from specially designed trucks up to a range of 30-40 meters, according to Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem.


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New PostErstellt: 23.05.15, 14:09  Betreff: Why Americans are 'deranged about Palestine' and what to do about it  drucken  weiterempfehlen

A longstanding staple demand of the US Palestine solidarity movement is ending our country's military aid to Israel. It has been a goal of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation for years. It is often seen as the premier contribution US citizens and activists can make to the Palestinian cause. Indeed, when asked by Americans what they can do to support Palestine, Palestinians all too often tell us to stop our government from paying for the weapons Israel uses to kill them and demolish their homes.

Based on aMemorandum of Understanding between the US and Israel, that amount is projected at $30 billion over a decade (2009-2018), or roughly $3 billion per year. In one of its more noteworthy projects, the US Campaign designed leaflets and posters and even an interactive graphic map showing the percentage of each locality's tax dollars that go to military aid to Israel and what sorts of things – green jobs, education, housing – that money could be used for instead.

Recently, in an eye-opening report, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) has documented another kind of warfare to which the US Palestine solidarity movement must attend.

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New PostErstellt: 30.05.15, 09:58  Betreff: Israel on the Run  drucken  weiterempfehlen

These are desperate times for Israel. While Prime Murder Benjamin Netanyahu forms a new government with people who have said that Palestinians are not human, and who have openly called for genocide against them, he and they continue to talk about their security concerns, how the Israeli army is the most moral in the world, etc., etc. Yet beyond the ivory towers in which they have ensconced themselves, few people are buying the tattered goods they are selling.

Let’s look at a few examples.

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New PostErstellt: 05.06.15, 13:09  Betreff: Canada pledges 'unwavering' support for Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Canada's foreign minister on Wednesday reaffirmed his country's ironclad support for Israel and said the realities of the Middle East left the Jewish state no choice but to defend itself.

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New PostErstellt: 07.06.15, 11:57  Betreff: Israel’s Clandestine Alliance with Gulf Arab States is Going Public  drucken  weiterempfehlen

In 2009, a U.S. State Department diplomatic cable gave one of the first glimpses of what is becoming a burgeoning alliance between Israel and the Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The cable quoted Israeli Foreign Ministry official Yacov Hadas saying, “the Gulf Arabs believe in Israel’s role because of their perception of Israel’s close relationship with the United States,” adding that GCC states “believe Israel can work magic.”

Israel and the Gulf states also shared an interest in countering what they saw as rising Iranian influence in the Middle East. So while the two sides sparred in public — Israel’s “Cast Lead” military operation had just claimed more than 1,400 lives in the Gaza Strip and was condemned by Saudi Arabia, in a letter to the United Nations, as “fierce aggression” — they enjoyed “good personal relations” behind closed doors, Hadas said, according to one cable. Hadas reportedly added that the Gulf Arabs were still “not ready to do publicly what they say in private.”

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New PostErstellt: 12.06.15, 11:24  Betreff: Israel, Saudi Arabia in Secret Talks on Iran  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Representatives from the Israel regime and Saudi Arabia have secretly met five times since the beginning of last year to discuss their positions against Iran.

The five bilateral meetings were held over the last 17 months in India, Italy, and the Czech Republic, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.

The outlet cited one participant, Shimon Shapira, a retired Israeli general, as saying, "We discovered we have the same problems and same challenges and some of the same answers."

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New PostErstellt: 19.06.15, 14:08  Betreff: Ban Ki-moon und seinen Heuchlerkeit  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ban Ki-moon hat kritisiert das israelische Gewalt gegen palästinenscher kinder aber er hat abgelehnt israel auf Liste aller Länder die nicht achten die kinder in Konfliktgebieten zu stellen

Why has Israel embraced al-Qaida’s branch in Syria?

Amos Yadlin, a retired Israeli general, has offered a candid explanation for Israel’s partnership with al-Nusra.

“There is no doubt that Hizballah and Iran are the major threat to Israel, much more than the radical Sunni Islamists, who are also an enemy,” he told The Wall Street Journal. “Those Sunni elements who control some two-thirds to 90 percent of the border on the Golan aren’t attacking Israel. This gives you some basis to think that they understand who is their real enemy — maybe it isn’t Israel,” he reasoned.

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New PostErstellt: 26.06.15, 01:22  Betreff: Turkey in 'reconciliation' talks with Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Turkey on Wednesday said it was holding talks with Israel over a deal to reconcile the two former allies following a deadly Israeli commando raid on a Turkish aid vessel bound for Gaza.

"It's quite normal for the two countries to talk for the normalization of the ties. How can reconciliation be achieved without holding any meetings?" Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in Ankara.

Cavusoglu's comments came a day after Israel's Haaretz daily reported that Israeli and Turkish officials had held secret talks in Rome on Monday in a bid to restore relations between the two countries.

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New PostErstellt: 27.06.15, 12:06  Betreff: US Secretary of State Kerry's Israeli connection  drucken  weiterempfehlen

While former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has received significant scrutiny over allegations that she unethically used her position for personal financial gain, current Secretary of State John Kerry is now being hit with similar charges. If you haven't heard about it, that's because it's happening abroad.

As The Times of Israel reports, Kerry allegedly pressured the Israeli government to make energy policy decisions which would be favorable to Noble Energy, a Texas oil company in which he holds as much as $1 million in stocks. The Israeli government has considered forcing Noble to break into smaller companies on antitrust grounds, as the corporation (in partnership with Delek Energy) effectively monopolizes the Israeli natural gas market.

Kerry reportedly encouraged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "forgive" Noble and Delek, and his State Department also helped negotiate export deals between Noble and several countries near Israel. In December, a State Department representative said the agency would continue to support Noble's natural gas deals in the Middle East, because it "strongly believe[s] that these deals would enhance energy security in the region." Bonnie Kristian.

Israel Project urges Drexel to withdraw honor for anti-Israel activist Chomsky

The U.S.-based Israel education group The Israel Project (TIP) on Friday sent an email asking supporters to sign a petition urging Philadelphia’s Drexel University, “Don’t honor hate. Withdraw your award to hateful extremist Noam Chomsky.”

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New PostErstellt: 01.07.15, 13:22  Betreff: The Poison Pill of Israeli, and Wikipedia Censorship  drucken  weiterempfehlen

One of the most interesting aspects of the Israeli national security state is the IDF military censor and the ways in which it stymies the free flow of ideas and information within Israeli society. Unlike in the U.S., where the NSA and the covert side of the CIA operate in almost total secrecy (except when someone like Edward Snowden comes along), Israel is a place more uncertain and anxious about such things. There the military censor even publicly addresses criticism of her role. Not because she wants to (I would argue), but because the military constantly feels the need to justify the restrictions it places on Israelis and the sacrifices it forces them to accept. One of the ten most powerful armies in the world has an inferiority complex that compels it to self-justify.

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New PostErstellt: 02.07.15, 23:23  Betreff: Has human rights group B’Tselem ended its role in Israel’s propaganda?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has distanced itself from comments attributed to the former director of its US office that it sought to assist Israeli government propaganda against the movement for Palestinian rights and accountability for Israeli crimes.

Uri Zaki, who was initially identified by Ynet as the director of B’Tselem USA, told the Israeli publication that his organization’s efforts to help combat the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement had been rebuffed by the government, which only wanted to work with more right-leaning organizations.

“Uri Zaki’s term of employment at B’Tselem USA ended in May 2013,” B’Tselem spokesperson Sarit Michaeli told The Electronic Intifada in response to an inquiry about the Ynet report. “If quoted accurately, his comments were not expressed on behalf of either B’Tselem or B’Tselem USA, nor do they reflect the policies of either.”

Ynet later updated its article to describe Zaki as the “former” director of B’Tselem USA.

Michaeli did not elaborate on why Uri Zaki left the organization but the former staffer’s comments nevertheless raise troubling questions about how B’Tselem’s US advocacy arm has functioned, even after his departure.

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New PostErstellt: 21.07.15, 23:03  Betreff: The untold story of Israeli military exports to South Sudan  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Since South Sudan’s independence, Israel has continuously sold it weapons, military training, homeland security and surveillance technology. The only problem? They are being used to commit war crimes and potential crimes against humanity

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New PostErstellt: 22.07.15, 14:34  Betreff: Jewish leader condemns German vice chancellor's Iran trip  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The head of the World Jewish Congress sharply criticized German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel Wednesday for his recent visit to Iran, accusing him of putting business interests before morals and calling his approach to Tehran naive.

Lured by the prospect of an easing of economic sanctions against Iran following a landmark nuclear deal with western powers last week, Gabriel, who is also vice chancellor, made a three-day trip to Iran from Sunday to Tuesday, meeting President Hassan Rouhani and his top ministers.

Iran Nuclear Deal Leaves Bibi High and Dry

...The deal has the Republicans and Israelis howling. Which is as it should be. Remember that George Bush was offered a Grand Bargain by Pres. Khatami in 2003. Ending Iran’s nuclear program in return for ending sanctions and normalizing relations. The Bush-Cheney response was the American version of Khrushchev’s infamous: Nyet. If a Republican president turned down the most generous offer Iran’s ever made to end its nuclear program, what would you expect his successors in Congress to do?

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New PostErstellt: 24.07.15, 01:08  Betreff: 44 years of Black Panthers in Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

On May 18, 1971, Israel's Mizrahi Black Panthers launched a resistance movement against the Labour Party-led Zionist establishment. Eventually, this led to the first Israeli political coup in 1977, when the Likud won a landslide victory against Labour. This year marks the 44th anniversary of the Black Panther movement.

This article analyses the emergence and decline of Israel's Black Panther movement and explores its relationship to the Palestinian struggle. Thinking back on the Black Panthers can shed light on contemporary Israeli social movements, such as the recent Ethiopian Israeli uprising against racism and police violence.

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New PostErstellt: 02.08.15, 19:28  Betreff: Transforming the U.S. into Clone of Israeli National Security State  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Introductory Note: This is an expanded version of the article that Middle East Eye published earlier this week. I also just published a new piece at Mint Press News, In Israel, Jews Can’t Be Terrorists, on the Jerusalem Gay Pride attack and the West Bank arson attack that killed a Palestinian baby. Please help me publicize it via social media and your e mail list.

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New PostErstellt: 19.08.15, 23:19  Betreff: Netanyahu Names Danny Danon as Israel’s UN Ambassador  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Israel has had a remarkably “varied” string of UN ambassadors. Some were distinguished statesmen like Abba Eban, Gideon Rafael and Yosef Tekoah. Others like Ron Prosor were affable hatchet men doing their country’s biding in the world’s most august body. Dore Gold was a hatchet man with no affable qualities whatsoever. With the impending appointment of Danny Danon to this post, Israel has reached a remarkable milestone: it has named one of its most racist, thuggish and corrupt rising young politicians to represent it before the world body in New York. Aside from these virtues, Danon was fired from his last ministerial post (as deputy defense minister) when he criticized his boss, the prime minister, for not killing more Gazans during Operation Protective Edge.

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New PostErstellt: 18.09.15, 12:14  Betreff: Israel up in arms over the Corbyn threat  drucken  weiterempfehlen

.....................The disturbing logic informing Pfeffer’s analysis is that in order to be a player on the world stage one has to support either a mainstream or a right-wing agenda. A leader cannot have a complex political agenda, challenge imperialism, support anti-colonial movements, or espouse an international socialist agenda if he or she wants to have influence in the global arena. He also unwittingly reveals that the most hated enemy of liberal Zionism is actually the international left, not the right. And yet, ironically, the attempt to render the political vocabulary of the left as both illegitimate and ridiculous suggests that it still constitutes a viable threat.

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New PostErstellt: 20.09.15, 22:16  Betreff: Reykjavik:first western capital to support BDS  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The city council of Reykjavik, Iceland's capital, approved a motion to boycott all Israeli products “as long as the occupation of Palestinian territories continues.”

Two prominent US Jewish groups on Friday also denounced the move.

The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, a human rights group, issued a travel advisory to warn Jews of Reykjavik's "racist vote" which it said could "create an environment hostile to Israelis and other Jews."

The New York-headquartered World Jewish Congress meanwhile urged Iceland's federal government to act against the boycott, which it said "only strengthens extremists on both sides."

Israel to bypass EU labeling by direct state contacts

Israel will circumvent EU plans to label settlement products by directly lobbying EU member states against implementation of this guideline.

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New PostErstellt: 30.09.15, 01:59  Betreff: Dani Dayan, a war criminal  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon requested that his Brazilian counterpart, Jaques Wagner, facilitate approval of Dani Dayan as Israel’s ambassador to Brazil. Ya’alon appealed to Wagner after the government learned that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff intended to reject the appointment of the settler leader.

Dani Dayan is an Argentinean citizen who resides in the settlement of Ma'ale Shomron, located to the east of Qalqilya. From 2007 to 2013 Dayan served as Chairman of the Yesha Council and later was appointed as the only official representative of the settlement movement to the international community.

The Yesha Council is an umbrella organisation of West Bank settlement municipal councils.

Obviously, as a leader of the Israeli settlement movement, Dayan participates in Israeli violations of international law, specifically international regulations that prohibit transferring a civilian population into territories it occupies.

As chairman of the Yesha Council, Dayan was engaged in planning and executing the transfer of Israeli civilian population into territories occupied by Israel in 1967. In many cases Dayan exerted political pressures on the Israeli government to violate international understandings in order to make possible this transfer. According to the statutes of the International Criminal Court, Article 8(2)(b)(viii), such an act constitutes a war crime.

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New PostErstellt: 07.10.15, 15:29  Betreff: Dissent on Israel Not Permitted at Bernie Sanders Event  drucken  weiterempfehlen

.........Fast forward to 2015, this past Saturday, when Bernie Sanders, an increasingly viable contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, held one of his biggest campaign rallies to date, drawing more than 20,000 people to an event at the Boston convention center. Among those visitors were a number of young activists from Boston Students for Justice in Palestine, who were curious about Sanders’ position on the occupied territories. They had a sign with them; in a playful nod to one of Sanders’ campaign slogans, it simply asked, “Will Ya Feel The Bern For Palestine?” The activists say they were well-received by other Sanders supporters in the crowd.

But staffers working for a candidate widely viewed as one of the most progressive members of the Senate were apparently not happy. Security was made aware of a threat: Some students who support Sanders were holding a sign with a question on it. A tactic right out of the Bush campaign “playbook” went into action.

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New PostErstellt: 20.10.15, 01:57  Betreff: STOP EU funding to Israeli military companies  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Israeli military, police and settler violence against Palestinians is intensifying quickly. Over the past week, at least 900 Palestinians have been injured, at least 60 with live fire. Just on Saturday October 10th, six Palestinians in Gaza were shot dead by Israeli soldiers who opened fire on a demonstration. These peaks in lethal violence are a part of the systematic violence Palestinians are subjected to under Israel’s apartheid regime

Aside from maintaining this siege and engaging in direct military attacks on Gaza, the Israeli army’s primary ongoing task is to enforce the occupation of the Palestinian land and people. Israeli arms companies benefit enormously from European Union expenditures. With a total budget of nearly *€80 billion, Horizon 2020, the new EU research and innovation programme, is one of the world’s largest research and innovation
programmes. Israel is associated to Horizon 2020, allowing Israeli entities to participate in the programme. Already during the previous funding cycle, Israeli entities participated in over 1500 projects.

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New PostErstellt: 27.10.15, 12:17  Betreff: First-Ever U.S. Presidential Candidates' Forum Held Abroad in Jerusalem  drucken  weiterempfehlen

US presidential candidates have been invited to participate in the first-ever US Presidential Candidates' Forum held abroad, focusing on foreign and defense policy issues. From Jerusalem, Israel, each presidential candidate will have an opportunity to present their views on U.S. foreign policy, US-Israel relations, threats affecting US allies in Europe and Asia, the instability in the Middle East, terrorism, and solutions to increase the economic well-being and security of Americans in the US and abroad.

US freezes $370m in aid to PA

House of Representatives blocks State Department request for funds, citing ongoing incitement on social media and in schools.,7340,L-4715457,00.html

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New PostErstellt: 03.11.15, 23:34  Betreff: Silver lining in US Congress’ debate on Palestinian “incitement”  drucken  weiterempfehlen

On Monday, the US House of Representatives voted on H.Res.293, a resolution “Expressing concern over anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incitement within the Palestinian Authority.”

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New PostErstellt: 09.11.15, 15:58  Betreff: Star-studded US gala raises $31m for IDF, in one night  drucken  weiterempfehlen

A fundraiser in aid of the Israeli army brought in $31 million in one night on Thursday, as some 1,200 people turned out for an annual Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) gala in California.
The sold-out Western Region Gala at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills was attended by guests from the United States and Israel. Guests included actors Jason Alexander, Antonio Banderas, Liev Schreiber, Jason Segel and Mark Wahlberg, as well as the KISS frontman, Israeli-born Gene Simmons.

Israel to request $5 billion in aid

Aid package requested set to include F-35 stealth jets, Arrow 3 missiles and V-22 Osprey helicopters; issue to be discussed during Netanyahu, Obama meeting next Monday.,7340,L-4721343,00.html

A “Blue and White Kristallnacht: Only a Matter of Time

Israeli Palestinian MK Haneen Zoabi is once again stirring up a hornet’s nest among Israeli Jews. For those not well versed in how she is perceived, imagine Malcolm X in the year or two before he died, when he was reviled by white America as a white-hating firebrand and inciter of racial violence. She has been threatened with death too many times to mention, including a Facebook group which put a bull’s-eye right above her forehead.

Invited to address a Dutch Jewish leftist group, Platform Stop Racism and Exclusion, in Amsterdam on the anniversary of Kristallnacht, Zoabi took the opportunity to link the victimization of European Jews by the Nazis to the suffering of Palestinians under Occupation. Zionists insist they have a monopoly on suffering and the world’s sympathy and exploit the Holocaust regularly for this purpose. Having a Palestinian probe the issue and point out both the flaws in the argument and the implications racial hatred may have in today’s Israel-Palestine conflict is simply maddening.

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New PostErstellt: 12.11.15, 13:14  Betreff: Democratic think tank lets Netanyahu lie unchallenged  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Despite objections from liberals and progressives, the Center for American Progress (CAP) hosted Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday afternoon, giving him a platform to spout wild fabrications and half-truths to a left-leaning audience completely unchallenged.

As Politico aptly put it, the Israeli prime minister “stepped into a liberal lions’ den on Tuesday — and walked away with nary a scratch.”

Israel in U.S. Presidential Politics and Foreign Policy

As we come to the close of Pres. Obama’s second term and near the 2016 presidential election, it’s time to make a few predictions about the role Israel will play in the coming campaign and how U.S. foreign policy will play out in the region. To do this, I have to make a prognostication about who will win the election. At this point, I’d say the odds-on favorite to win is Hillary Clinton. To be very clear, I don’t support her and won’t vote for her (I support Bernie Sanders in the primary campaign).

US state department v Edward Said

In these remarks, I will present the following analysis: (1) the most ardent Zionist forces have longed tried to conflate criticism of Israel and Zionism with hatred of Jews, the traditional understanding of anti-Semitism, but this effort has intensified recently, and even has been endorsed by the US Government and is currently under consideration by the University of California and elsewhere; (2) examine the definition of anti-Semitism adopted by the U.S. State Department, and discuss briefly why it has pernicious implications for academic freedom, and indeed even for an understanding of the genuine nature of anti-Semitism; (3) show why Edward Said despite his intense opposition to anti-Semitism would nevertheless be vulnerable to allegations of being an anti-Semite if the State Department definition were to be applied to his writings and activities; (4) and finally to point out that according to the imperatives most influentially expressed by Noam Chomsky and Said, the ‘responsibility of the intellectual’ would perversely require them to be ‘anti-Semitic’ according to this pernicious wider conception.

#UNDropG4S: tell UN to drop contracts with G4S

Palestinian groups and solidarity networks across the world are campaigning for the UN to cancel its contracts with G4S, the private security company that helps Israel run prisons at which Palestinian political prisoners are held without trial and subjected to torture.

In October alone, Israel arrested over 1,000 Palestinians as a means to repress Palestinian popular resistance. Many of these people will be held in Israeli prisons that G4S is helping to run. By contracting G4S to provide security services worth than $22m each year, the UN turning a blind eye to the role that G4S plays in Israel's oppression of Palestinians.

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New PostErstellt: 13.11.15, 12:55  Betreff: The EU helps Israel oppress Palestinians  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Despite Israel’s descent into unmasked, right-wing extremism, particularly with the current escalation of its brutal occupation and repression, Europe remains largely complicit in supporting Israel’s occupation and violations of Palestinian rights, despite the empty rhetoric coming from the European Union.

All the buzz in Brussels and Tel Aviv about EU labeling of products from Israel’s settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory cannot hide the fact that Europe’s relationship with Israel conflicts with its espoused values and legal commitments.

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New PostErstellt: 18.11.15, 17:11  Betreff: America’s papers brush aside Israeli brutality  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Editorial statements allow newspapers to articulate their collective position on the issues of the day and, in the case of major publications, they carry particular authority. Such articles play an important role in shaping public opinion and therefore need to be subject to special scrutiny.

Severely flawed editorials on the current uprising throughout Palestine have appeared in The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and the The Washington Post.

Israel Outlaws Nation’s Leading Muslim Group

Contemplate this: the Department of Homeland Security announces that henceforth the Nation of Islam, the Westboro Baptist Church, and Zionist Organization of America are outlawed organizations. They are considered supporters of a terrorist ideology and must completely dissolve their organizations and their programs. Anyone found to be a member of any of the groups is liable to criminal prosecution.

Academics express concerns after Salaita settlement

Hundreds of academics have expressed concern in the wake of the $875,000 settlement reached last week between Steven Salaita and the University of Illinois.

They are urging the American Association of University Professors not to remove the university’s Urbana-Champaign campus from its list of institutions censured for grave violations of academic freedom.

Questions are also being raised about the future of the boycott of the university, launched after Salaita was fired in August 2014 over tweets critical of Israel’s attack on Gaza.

Video: Israel studies director assaults Texas students

Students at the University of Texas at Austin are calling for a professor to be investigated after he assaulted a group of students staging a Palestine solidarity protest.

The incident occurred just before a lecture on Friday promoting the Israeli military as an “offensive, daring, highly effective and initiative-driven army.”

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New PostErstellt: 27.11.15, 16:41  Betreff: Israel to open first mission in UAE  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Israel and the UAE are known to have a strong security relationship and now Tel Aviv will open a diplomatic office through an energy agency in Abu Dhabi

The Emirati plan for ruling EgyptA top-secret strategy document prepared for Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan reveals that the United Arab Emirates is losing faith in the ability of Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to serve the Gulf state’s interests.

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New PostErstellt: 27.11.15, 21:51  Betreff: Israeli participants in Horizon 2020  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Horizon 2020 is a new EU research and innovation program with around €80 billion available over the period from 2014 to 2020. At the moment
70 Israeli companies participate in 212 projects under the Horizon2020.

Kerry endorses Israeli violence against Palestinians

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Tuesday during his first visit to Palestine/Israel in over a year.

Prior to meeting Netanyahu, Kerry and Netanyahu addressed the press, standing side-by-side.

Kerry asserted “no people anywhere should live with daily violence, with attacks in the streets with knives or scissors or cars.”

To anyone remotely knowledgeable about the recent uptick in violence, Kerry’s description of “daily violence” as attacks with knives, scissors or cars clearly references Palestinian attacks against Israelis.

While Palestinians have killed 16 Israelis and injured about 100 since October using such methods, Israeli military and police have killed 94 Palestinians and injured over 2,000 with live-fire and “crowd-control” weapons.

Why Salaita settlement is a victory for Palestine solidarity movement

When the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign dismissed my client, Professor Steven Salaita, from a tenured faculty position in August 2014 over tweets critical of Israel’s assault on Gaza, it sent reverberations throughout the movement for Palestinian rights in the US.

Although almost every Palestine solidarity activist has their own story of having been vilified, censored or punished, the particulars of the case, especially UIUC’s unabashed speech-based justification for its decision, struck a distinct nerve.

Salaita has a stellar record as a scholar, having obtained tenure in 2009 at the age of 33 and published six books before the age of 40.

If a university could get away with firing someone like him on the basis of tweets criticizing the policies of a foreign government, what does it means for the junior scholar weighing whether to sign a divestment petition? Or the student thinking of organizing a demonstration?

It became clear to us at the Center for Constitutional Rights that this was a line in the sand case that required a strong response.

The controversy brought me back to my formative days working on Palestinian rights as a student organizer at Stanford University in the early and mid 2000s. At the time, Palestine felt very much like a fringe issue on college campuses, virtually impossible to build coalitions around and consistently relegated to the margins.

The story behind Israel's shady military exports

....... All the weapons of the Chilean police and army were Israeli. In Chile I went around with a photograph of my brother in uniform. At checkpoints and in searches I would take out the picture and tell them that this was my brother, who was an officer in the IDF – even though he was a regular soldier – and that did the trick. The Chilean army greatly admired the Israeli army. When Pinochet wanted to visit Israel, he threatened that if he were not received here he would cancel a large arms deal. No dictator in the world, however bad he may be, can exist without international support. The dictatorship in Chile lasted as long as it did because there were countries that supported it, and Israel was one of them.

…It’s clear that there is documentation of arms sales, and also obviously of the training provided to Chilean intelligence. There is information about the fate of the missing Jews in Chile. Maybe there is even information about my father. The people who tortured him, who killed him – who are they? Maybe they were here, in Israel? Maybe they received training from the Shin Bet [security service] here? When the documents are uncovered, we will be able to understand how the infrastructure of the dictatorship worked and how deeply involved Israel was.


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New PostErstellt: 10.12.15, 13:57  Betreff: Silicon Valley, Achtung! Israel greift an!  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Tzipi Hotovely, eine 37-jährige Frau georgischer Herkunft, gehört zu den härtesten Falken in Netanjahus Likud-Partei und Regierung, in der sie als stellvertretende Außenministerin amtiert. Sie erlangte Berühmtheit aufgrund einiger historischer Aussagen wie dieser: “Der [israelisch-palästinensische] Konflikt ist kein territorialer Konflikt… Er ist ein religiöser Kampf, der vom Islam geführt wird. Wir dürfen diese grundlegende Wahrheit nicht ignorieren" (Juli 2011) oder "Es ist wichtig für mich, die Systeme zu überprüfen, um Mischehen zu vermeiden, und Lehava ist das passendste, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen” (anlässlich der Einladung zur Knesset der Lehava-Organisation, die 2015 als terroristische Organisation eingestuft wurde,). In ihrer ersten Ansprache als stellvertretende Ministerin sagte sie im Mai: „Das Land gehört uns. Das gesamte Land gehört uns. Wir sind nicht hierhergekommen, um uns dafür zu entschuldigen“. Diese Kämpferin für den Nur-für-Juden-Staat begab sich vor kurzem in die Silicon Valley. Hier ist die offizielle Mitteilung zu diesem Besuch .

‘Being Evil’: Google Censors Tikun Olam from Certain Hebrew Searches

Google doesn’t just censor searches at the behest of China or the EU (controversial issues which have embarrassed the company over the past few years). It does so in Israel, as 7th Eye reported a few days ago. The reporter discovered that the Israeli search engine had removed search results related to Israeli double agent, Boris Krasny, who also betrayed the Russians’ longest serving Israeli spy, Marcus Klingberg. We knew this was under military censorship. But Google isn’t, as far as I know, subjected to military censorship.

Since then, I’ve been trying determine what exactly it’s censoring. If I can do that I might get an idea of why it’s censoring or who is behind it.

US nonprofits 'donate over $220 million' to West Bank settlements

Over $220 million has been given in tax-exempted US funds to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank over the last five years, according to an investigative report by Israeli news site Haaretz this week.

Haaretz published the findings after analyzing thousands of documents from filed taxes as well as official papers from dozens of US and Israeli nonprofit organizations, several of which were directly involved with raising money to support settlements.

Around 50 tax-exempt nonprofit organizations in the US have been “massively funding” settlement residents, with nearly $224 million transferred as grants to the illegal settlements between 2009 and 2013, Haaretz reported.

Christian groups urge US to bar Israeli rights abusers from receiving aid

Representatives of 11 churches and faith-based organizations submitted evidence to the US State Department on Wednesday of specific gross violations of human rights by Israeli forces.

They are demanding that the Obama administration apply US laws that would halt military assistance to the Israeli units responsible.

Israel, the largest beneficiary of US military aid, currently receives about $3 billion a year. This could rise to nearly $5 billion per year under a package currently being considered by the Obama administration.

UCLA student groups face funding cuts over Israel divestment

The Graduate Students Association at UCLA in California has put stipulations on funding for student groups based on affiliation with Palestinian rights activism.

Students and civil rights organizations are concerned that such conditions are the result of overt willingness by University of California’s top officials to exceptionalize free speech rights and threaten punishment against student activists.

In mid-October, the president of UCLA’s Graduate Students Association sent an email to a student group that was seeking funding for a diversity caucus event. The association represents thousands of UCLA’s graduate students and provides resources, including funding, to graduate students and organizations. Members pay mandatory fees each academic quarter.

The association’s president informed the group that “GSA leadership has a zero engagement/endorsement policy towards Divest from Israel or any related movement/organization” (emphasis in original) and awarded the group $2,000 in funding based on their “zero connection” to a “Divest from Israel” group.

US cops trained to use lethal Israeli tactics

US police officers are being tutored by Israel on how to employ the tactics that have brought death and serious injury to huge numbers of Palestinians in the past few months.

Officers from 15 US police agencies recently traveled to the Middle East for lessons from their Israeli counterparts.

For 10 days in late November, police officers from New York, Miami, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department, the Drug Enforcement Agency and US Customs and Border Protection observed the daily operations of the Jerusalem police, the Israeli Border Police and the Shin Bet secret service, all of which play a vital role in administering Israel’s system of control over Palestinians.

The training junket was hosted by the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a neoconservative think tank that claims to have organized Israeli training sessions for some 9,500 law enforcement officials since 2004 through its Law Enforcement Exchange Program (LEEP).

Jeb Bush says he’d order crackdown on BDS as president

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush has promised that if he is elected president next November he will deploy the full might of the US Department of Justice to crack down on the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel.

“On day one I will work with the next attorney general to stop the BDS movement in the United States, to use whatever resources that exist,” the former Florida governor told the Republican Jewish Coalition in a speech on Thursday.

“A Bush administration will forcefully restore America’s leadership in the world in other ways as well,” Bush added.

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New PostErstellt: 06.01.16, 14:40  Betreff: Zwei Araber verlassen Flugzeug auf Druck von israelischen Mitreisenden  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Vehemente Proteste israelischer Passagiere haben zwei arabischstämmige Fluggäste zum Verlassen einer Maschine der griechischen Gesellschaft Aegean Airlines veranlasst. "Eine zunächst kleine Gruppe von Fluggästen forderte sehr lautstark und eindringlich, dass zwei andere israelische Passagiere aus Sicherheitsgründen überprüft werden", erklärte Aegean am Dienstag. Der Vorfall ereignete sich demnach bereits am späten Sonntag und sorgte für eine 90-minütige Verspätung des Flugs von Athen nach Tel Aviv.

Bei den beiden Passagieren handelte es sich laut israelischen Medien um israelische Araber. Aegean gab an, einer der Fluggäste habe einen israelischen Pass, der andere eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung für das Land gehabt. Als die Polizei zur Überprüfung der Papiere eingetroffen sei, hätten nach anfänglich "drei bis vier" schon "60 bis 70 Passagiere" gefordert, die Männer des Flugzeugs zu verweisen. An den Papieren hatte die Polizei nichts zu beanstanden.

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New PostErstellt: 11.01.16, 10:35  Betreff: U.S. Intelligence Ought to Target Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

An article in the Wall Street Journal about what the journalists describe as U.S. interception of communications of Israeli leaders has caused a stir, especially among those habitually quickest to leap to the defense of Israeli policies. We in the public do now know how much of the article's content is true; it represents one stream of reporting by one newspaper's correspondents. The administration and the intelligence agencies, quite understandably and appropriately, are not confirming or denying any of this. But worthy of comment are some of the reactions to the report, as well as what U.S. intelligence should be doing in this direction regardless of what it is or is not doing right now.

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New PostErstellt: 13.01.16, 13:35  Betreff: Israel receives fifth German nuclear-capable submarine  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Israeli regime has received of a fifth submarine from Germany, amid pressure on Berlin to halt the delivery of the state-of-the-art weaponry that is capable of being armed with nuclear warheads.

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New PostErstellt: 14.01.16, 09:44  Betreff: Bundeswehr entscheidet sich angeblich für israelisches Modell „Heron“  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Laut einem Bericht des „Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger“ hat sich die Bundeswehr nunmehr auf einen Typ ihrer zukünftigen Kampfdrohne festgelegt. Demnach sei geplant, die von Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) hergestellte „Heron“ in ihrer neuesten Baureihe „TP“ zu beschaffen. Die Meldung geht auf eine Aussage des Grünen-Bundestagsabgeordneten Tobias Lindner zurück. Lindner ist Mitglied im Verteidigungsausschuss des Bundestages, vermutlich stammt die Information von dort.

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New PostErstellt: 17.01.16, 20:19  Betreff: As Israeli Military Collaboration with Saudi Arabia Increases, Murder of Elbit Engineer Remains Unso  drucken  weiterempfehlen

As Israeli Military Collaboration with Saudi Arabia Increases, Murder of Elbit Engineer Remains Unsolved

Iran announced that it expects western sanctions to be lifted today. It awaits an IAEA report that will confirm it is adhering to provisions of the nuclear deal finalized several months ago by the P5+1 powers and Iran.

This is a major milestone not just for Iran, but for its enemies as well. While it could lead to a recalibration of relations between the Iranians and the U.S., it will also intensify hostility with the former’s leading regional adversary, Saudi Arabia.

The GOP and Israel are also deeply unhappy with the unraveling of their anti-Iran machinations. But the Saudis are most angry of all. Anything that helps their worst enemy hurts them, or so they believe. That is certainly one of the reasons they executed Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr last week. It is also why they were only too happy to cut off diplomatic relations with Iran after Iranians trashed the Saudi embassy in Tehran in response to the hanging. Finally, the Saudi-led war in Yemen is another extension of this rivalry as the Kingdom sees the Houthi rebels there as allies of Iran.

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New PostErstellt: 02.02.16, 12:27  Betreff: Israel hopes for EU leverage with Eastern Mediterranean push  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Israel, Cyprus and Greece have agreed to deepen their energy, security and tourism ties in the Eastern Mediterranean, a deal that may have implications for Israel’s testy relationship with the European Union, too. The agreement, signed in Nicosia last week by a beaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, focused on energy and the exploitation of natural-gas deposits off Israel and Cyprus.

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New PostErstellt: 10.02.16, 11:58  Betreff: Why are Oscar nominees being given a free trip to Israel?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Only some of the stars nominated for this year’s Academy Awards will go home with the golden Oscar trophy. But all of the nominees, winners or losers, will get consolation gift bags worth $200,000 according to a report by the Daily Beast. Among the overpriced frivolous gifts that these stars will receive are skin creams, Audi car rentals, fitness training, cosmetic surgery procedures and a 10-day first class trip to Israel, worth $55,000, care of the Israeli government.

There are a few stories within this story. We could talk about the grotesque excesses in the lives of the rich and famous in times of growing global inequality. We could mention the sickening societal obsession with unreachable beauty norms that can only be achieved through buying more fitness and beauty products, including costly surgery.

But what is a trip to Israel doing in that package?

Massive Donations From Controversial Israel Supporter Follow Clinton’s Pledge to Fight BDS

Recent disclosures show that media mogul Haim Saban, a controversial supporter of Israel, is spending millions of dollars to put Hillary Clinton in the White House after Clinton reiterated a promise to use her influence to oppose a growing campaign to temper Israeli militancy through boycotts, divestment and sanctions.

Malcolm X meets the freedom fighters of Palestine

Reviewing Keith Feldman’s A Shadow over Palestine and Alex Lubin’s Geographies of Liberation in conjunction induces both happiness and consternation. But before I try to clarify this bit of obliqueness, allow me to go ahead and announce that both books are superb and I urge anybody reading this review to pause now and purchase them.

Back to the obliqueness. The consternation arises from the fact that each book is distinctive despite significant theoretical and methodological overlap. Feldman and Lubin both examine the interplay of Palestinian activist and intellectual traditions with US racism and imperialism, with emphasis on Black internationalism in relation to the Arab world.

Israeli Arabs take their message to the White House

Quietly and under the radar of the Israeli media, Knesset member Ahmad Tibi entered the holiest of holies of America’s most important strategic assets Feb. 4: Washington’s White House, State Department and Capitol Hill. As far as anyone can remember, no such meetings have been held in the past with such high echelons and such levels of intimacy between American administration sources and an Israeli Arab Knesset member. Tibi’s international status, his popularity in the Israeli Arab community and the conspicuous estrangement between the White House and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office were probably among the factors that contributed to the setting up of the meetings.

EU leadership divided over settlements

The dispute over the settlements, for years a divisive issue in Israeli politics, has recently penetrated into the heart of European politics, too. There’s growing anger in the European Parliament against President Martin Shultz, who has apparently adopted the position of the Israeli right regarding an economic project in the occupied territories.
Twenty-six members of the parliament from different factions are demanding that Schulz clarify the meaning of a Jan. 14 Facebook post by Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein: “I was pleased to hear today from European Parliament President Martin Schulz, with whom I met in Berlin, that he opposes the labeling of products from Israel.” Despite his choice of words (products from Israel, not products from West Bank settlements), it’s safe to assume that the Knesset speaker, who himself lives across the Green Line, knows that the labeling pertains only to products made in the settlements, which are not recognized internationally as part of the State of Israel.

Academic boycott of Israel takes off in Italy

There have been major breakthroughs in Italy for the campaign to boycott Israeli academic institutions.

More than 200 academics from 50 Italian universities have signed a call for the boycott of Israeli academic institutions until Israel complies with international law.

This is the first time a significant number of Italian academics have taken a public stand in support of the Palestinian-led campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS).

The move comes just months after Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi lashed out at the BDS movement as “stupid and futile” in a speech to the Israeli parliament.

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New PostErstellt: 14.02.16, 19:45  Betreff: Obama to sign anti-BDS legislation  drucken  weiterempfehlen

U.S. President Barak Obama indicated that he will sign the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015. The U.S. Senate passed the act on February 11th, 2015.

Mondoweiss reported that though the policy is not centered on U.S. trade with Israel, it includes a number of anti-BDS provisions. For example, the bill establishes legal protections for American companies operating in Israel and will require the U.S. administration to report to Congress on global BDS activities 180 days after it becomes law.

In addition to undermining BDS initiatives, the bill introduces new language on Israel to the arena of U.S. policy. In the legislation, Israel is defined as all “Israeli controlled territories," including illegal settlements.

Bernie Sanders and the question of Palestine

At a March 1988 news conference endorsing Jesse Jackson’s candidacy for president, Bernie Sanders blasted Israel’s brutal treatment of Palestinian protesters as “an absolute disgrace.”

“The sight of Israeli soldiers breaking the arms and legs of Arabs is reprehensible. The idea of Israel closing down towns and sealing them off is unacceptable,” the then mayor of Burlington, Vermont, said to a gaggle of reporters.

Sanders was referring to the television images that shocked the world in those early months of the first intifada, of Israeli soldiers methodically breaking the limbs of Palestinian youths on the orders of then defense minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Netanyahu meets with EU Commission VP over Israeli-European relations

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini to discuss Israeli-European relations and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on Friday.

Relations between the European Union and Israel had been tense in recent months after the EU Commission adopted measures to label products from Israeli settlements, considered illegal under international law, in November.

But Mogherini stressed on Friday the EU’s opposition to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, and its “firm rejection of BDS attempts to isolate Israel,” a statement released by the EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy department quoted her as saying.

Mogherini also “expressed solidarity with the people of Israel who have suffered from terrorist violence,” the statement said, and reaffirmed the EU’s “commitment” to Israel’s security.

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New PostErstellt: 22.02.16, 12:22  Betreff: Israeli winner of Berlin Film Festival brands Netanyahu government 'fascist'  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Israeli director Udi Aloni, who won the top audience at Berlin Film Festival on Saturday, has labelled the Israeli government "fascist" and urged Germany to cease its military support of the Jewish state.

At a Q&A session about his award-winning film Junction 48, hours before being presented with the Panorama Audience Award for best fiction film, Mr Aloni said Germany supported the “fascist regime of Israel”, according to a report by Channel 10 News.

Ich habe gesucht in die deutsche Medien die Aloni Deklarationen , aber KEINE sprechen es ......

Art, theory and action: Udi Aloni interviewed

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New PostErstellt: 05.03.16, 10:29  Betreff: Israel “quietly” pushed for anti-BDS legislation in US, UK  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Israeli government played a direct role in recent policy and legislative moves in the US, UK and other countries to suppress the free speech rights of citizens calling for the boycott of Israel over its human rights abuses.

Israel is now planning to significantly step up its efforts to thwart the Palestine solidarity movement, through its embassies in key capitals.

A 23 February article in Israel’s Ynet takes to task Israeli politicians for making too much public noise about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

It cites as an example the fuss Israeli politicians made about the “subvertisements” Palestine solidarity activists placed on the London Underground this week.

Ynet claims that Israeli politicians helped the activists achieve their goal by giving them free publicity.

“The government, which prefers to deal with BDS activists quietly and under the radar, is now forced to deal with local politicians who threaten to ‘hijack’ this work to serve their local political interests,” the article states.

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New PostErstellt: 08.03.16, 19:29  Betreff: Why Israel needs Putin more than it needs Erdogan  drucken  weiterempfehlen

A fascinating and volatile drama has been unfolding in recent weeks around the intrigue that begins in Jerusalem and winds through Moscow, Damascus, Beirut, Ankara, Tehran and Canberra. Israel, Russia, Turkey, Australia and Iran are the key players, while Syria and Lebanon have supporting roles. To the players in the field, the game is reminiscent of a regional chessboard with a lot more than two contestants.
It all began with an official state visit that Israeli President Reuven Rivlin was supposed to have made to Australia on March 17. The visit was scheduled via direct contacts between Jerusalem and Canberra. Israel and Australia enjoy a close, warm relationship, and the Australian government officials were very excited for the visit of the popular Israeli president. They cleared their schedules for him, and one high-level government official even canceled a planned trip abroad.

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New PostErstellt: 16.03.16, 13:28  Betreff: The U.S. will not end the occupation  drucken  weiterempfehlen

On Tuesday of last week, Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, met with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The meeting was conducted in an atmosphere rife with rumors and uncertainty: uncertainty about whether Israel would (again) embarrass Biden during his visit with an announcement of settlement expansion; whether Obama had indeed planned to meet Netanyahu in Washington D.C. later this month; and whether Netanyahu really did cancel his visit to the U.S. so as to avoid influencing the U.S. presidential primaries.

Prior to Biden's arrival in the area, it was clear his agenda would ignore the Israeli occupation and focus on American-Israeli cooperation in Syria, Iran and ISIS, and the perpetual question about (the size of) American military aid to the Jewish state.

Now isn’t the time to liberate Palestine

Last month France presented to Israel its initiative for an international conference in Paris on peace in the Middle East. It anticipated Israel wouldn’t directly reject its proposal, but instead would claim to be “studying” it. France is aware of this common Israeli tactic, as it is one that Israel has used to gain the upper hand in all negotiation initiatives, even those of its strongest ally the United States.

The Jewish state has one unequivocal requirement for dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: direct negotiations, without preconditions. Israel then takes its time "studying" the negotiations and then simultanously establishes facts on the ground through Judaisation and settlements that are difficult to undo.

Billionaire donor using British Council to combat Israel boycott

New documents seen by The Electronic Intifada, obtained under freedom of information laws, show that the British Council has been quietly working to thwart the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in support of Palestinian rights.

The revelations about the government-funded program come as the UK attempts to ban local government from boycotting companies complicit in Israeli human rights abuses.

The Electronic Intifada has also discovered that Nathan Kirsh, a billionaire businessman profiting directly from Israel’s wall in the occupied West Bank, is a donor to the British Council’s little-known anti-boycott project BIRAX: the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership.

Mossad bleibt im Matsch stecken

Der israelische Geheimdienst sollte die Überführung eines U-Boots von einer Werft in Kiel nach Haifa begleiten. Dabei blieb das Auto der Agenten im Morast in Quarnbek stecken.

Mossad Agents Monitoring Dolphin Nuclear-Armed Sub Get Stuck in Mud, German Mayor Sends $2,000 Towing Bill to Mossad

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New PostErstellt: 19.03.16, 13:31  Betreff: Bernie Sanders says he will not attend AIPAC conference  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has said he will not be attending the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) next week, after over 5,000 people signed a petititon urging him not to share a stage with "Islamophobes, anti-immigrant activists, and religious extremists".

"Unfortunately, I am going to be traveling throughout the West and the campaign schedule that we have prevents me from attending," Sanders wrote in a letter to AIPAC President Robert Cohen.

Instead, he offered to send written remarks that he requested be distributed to AIPAC members.

Meanwhile, the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, in addition to all three GOP hopefuls - Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich - have confirmed they will speak at the conference.

Pro-Israel lobby in uproar over 'neutral' Trump

It may seem self-evident that a “neutral” broker should manage negotiations between adversaries.

Not so, when it comes to Israeli-Palestinian violence. At least, that is the message ahead of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference that starts in Washington on Sunday.

Ever since Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, promised to be a “neutral” negotiator between Israelis and Palestinians, his intentions behind that phrase have been scrutinised by analysts.

“It’s a very significant distinction from his opponents,” Yousef Munayyer, director of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, told Middle East Eye.

In the absence of the US president and the Israeli prime minister, Trump, together with the Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, among other White House hopefuls are headlining this year’s AIPAC conference.

You Don’t Need a Weathervane to See Which Way the Wind–and Sheldon Adelson–Blows

I published a new piece at Mint Press this week: Haaretz Columnists Propose Genocide In Lebanon, Promote Right of ‘Artists’ To Rape Young Girls ‘For Their Art.’ Give it a read.

Excuse the arcane reference in the post title to a revolutionary Dylan song from my youth. But if you did need a weathervane to tell which way Sheldon Adelson was “blowing” in this presidential election, you’d look no farther than Israel HaYom’s front page.

Yesterday, the lead story falsely claimed that the radical left was using a new “weapon” against Trump: violence. The subheader read:

“Many want to see Trump fail; protests have now become violent; Chicago rally crashed…”

The report featured several videos, only one of which shows any violence (and that is one short clip featuring a shoving match between two groups of individuals whose allegiances cannot be identified). The videos show protesters waving placards, they show people shouting at Trump rallies. But they don’t show any violence. But far be it from Bibiton to be held to the same standards as real newspapers.

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New PostErstellt: 21.03.16, 12:03  Betreff: AIPAC Rejects Sanders Offer to Speak via Video, as Romney and Gingrich Did in 2012  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Bernie Sanders confirmed on Friday that he will not attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington next week, and his campaign revealed that the candidate’s offer to address the gathering by video link was turned down by the organizers.

In a letter to Robert Cohen, the group’s president, released on Friday afternoon, Sanders wrote that while he “would very much have enjoyed speaking at the AIPAC conference,” like all of the remaining presidential candidates, his campaign schedule made it impossible for him to attend in person.

“Since AIPAC has chosen not to permit candidates to address the conference remotely,” Sanders added, “the best that I can do is to send you a copy of the remarks that I would have given if I was able to attend.”

Michael Briggs, his communications director, confirmed that an offer to speak via video link was rejected.

Black student leader disinvited from AIPAC for opposing Hillary Clinton

The powerful Israel lobby group AIPAC has disinvited a youth leader from a major Black civil rights organization from its annual conference.

Da’Shaun Harrison, 19, is the vice president of the NAACP chapter at Morehouse College, the historically Black institution in Atlanta, Georgia, from which Martin Luther King Jr. graduated.

Harrison had his invitation to attend the conference revoked after AIPAC learned that he participated in an October protest against Hillary Clinton and that he supports Palestinian rights.

For years AIPAC, the most influential arm of the Israel lobby on Capitol Hill, has been recruiting students from historically Black colleges in an effort to counter growing support for Palestinian rights among young people of color.

Presidential frontrunners, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, both of whom are scheduled to speak at AIPAC’s conference, have attracted protests on the campaign trail from young Black activists involved in the movement to end state-sanctioned racial violence.

Harrison spoke to The Electronic Intifada about how AIPAC rescinded his invitation.

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New PostErstellt: 30.03.16, 19:47  Betreff: Student darf nach Kritik an Zentralrat der Juden kein Rabbi werden  drucken  weiterempfehlen

In Potsdam sorgt die Entlassung eines Rabbineranwärters am Abraham-Geiger-Kolleg für Furore. Der 25-jährige Armin Langer hatte zuvor scharfe Kritik an der politischen Ausrichtung des Zentralrates der Juden und seinem Vorsitzenden, Josef Schuster, geübt.....

.......Langer argumentierte hingegen, mehr als 95 Prozent der antisemitischen Straftaten in Deutschland würden von Menschen ohne Migrationshintergrund begangen. "Wenn jemand behauptet, dass es Antisemitismus vor allem unter Arabern gibt, der ist entweder dumm und hat schlechte Berater – oder er ist einfach ein Rassist", schrieb der Student weiter, um im sarkastischen Ton eine Umbenennung der Interessenvertretung in "Zentralrat der rassistischen Juden" vorzuschlagen....

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New PostErstellt: 04.04.16, 21:50  Betreff: Israeli settlement goods “welcome” in Europe, says EU envoy  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The top European Union diplomat in Tel Aviv has encouraged the sale of goods made in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Speaking in Jerusalem on Monday, Ambassador Lars Faaborg-Andersen said that “settlement products are welcome on the EU market.”

Faaborg-Andersen made his comments at a conference aimed at stopping the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) in support of Palestinian rights, sponsored by the Israeli publications Yediot Ahronot and Ynet.

“Let me make something 100 percent clear: the European Union is against BDS,” Faaborg-Andersen said. “Our policy is totally the opposite of BDS, our policy is one of engagement with Israel.”

What sours Israel-EU relations

In the corridors of power in Jerusalem, one can detect a sense of satisfaction lately. Ministers and senior officials believe that the world is coming closer to Israel in policy and values in the aftermath of the March 22 Brussels terror attacks and the migration crisis in the European Union and the United States.

U.S. states, academies crackdown on BDS

On March 18th the Illinois Investment Policy Board blacklisted 11 companies from doing business with the state for allegedly boycotting Israel.

The Illinois legislation behind this move, SB 1761, was passed in 2015. It made Illinois the first state in the country to punish companies for boycotting Israeli trade. Now, Illinois is the first state to actually form a list of companies barred from working with the state’s government due to their alleged boycott of Israel.

As the list of the blacklisted companies illustrate, the law even applies to companies who have ceased to conduct business with Israeli companies in the West Bank, but continue to work with Israeli companies within Israel’s 1948 borders. Companies blacklisted by Illinois include G4S, a security giant that recently announced it would sell its Israeli subsidiaries for financial concerns; Karsten Farms, a South African company that stopped working with an Israeli settlement company in 2013, and British retail chain, the Cooperative Group, that stopped trading with companies in Israeli settlements.

Colorado and Florida joined in on passing anti-BDS legislation this month. The states both approved legislation similar to Illinois to block companies thought to be boycotting Israeli trade from doing business with their governments.

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New PostErstellt: 09.04.16, 16:51  Betreff: Palestinians slam EU 'double standard' on settlements  drucken  weiterempfehlen

At a conference in Jerusalem last month, hundreds of Israelis and their supporters gathered under one roof, with an explicit aim to combat the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, a Palestinian-led human rights campaign.

The panellists - including the US comedian Roseanne Barr - called for varied methods to fight the movement, including the "targeted civil elimination" of BDS leaders, which some have called a euphemism for assassinations. Among the speakers at the Stop the Boycott conference was the European Union's ambassador to Israel, who said that Israeli settlement products were "welcome on the EU market".

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New PostErstellt: 29.04.16, 11:13  Betreff: Germany's BDS movement and the paradox of anti-Semitism  drucken  weiterempfehlen

When Sophia Deeg, a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, was protesting on the streets of Berlin in support of the Palestinian cause, one passer-by spat in her face. Others shouted,"How can you do this?" and accused her of being an anti-Semite.

"Of course I'm not an anti-Semite, and anti-Semitism cannot be read out of anything I ever wrote or said," Deeg, a 63-year-old journalist and translator, told Al Jazeera. "On the contrary, I feel hurt and attacked myself whenever I hear someone utter something racist or anti-Semitic."

Am Freitag(09-02) protestierten »Antideutsche« gegen die Premiere eines israelischen Filmes. Gespräch mit Dror Dayan

Israeli beach volleyball team to play in Qatar under Israeli flag

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New PostErstellt: 02.05.16, 12:38  Betreff: Guardian’s Peter Beaumont “Piles on” Ken Livingstone, Mangles Nazi-Era and Zionist History  drucken  weiterempfehlen

: It’s important to understand what my two posts about the current bout of UK mass-hysteria are and aren’t. They are about correcting the historical record. They are about understanding the important distinctions between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. They are about preventing the Israel Lobby from setting the political agenda concerning debate around Israel.

They are not an argument that Zionism is evil personified. They are not an argument that Zionism=Nazism or Zionism=genocide. They are not a tool for the anti-Semitic right or left to use in an effort to claim that Israel itself is a state conceived in sin, which must be extirpated root and branch.

Anti-Semitism exists. But not in the places and among those the Lobby claims it does. We must oppose anti-Semitism. But anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.

1933 Zionists sign a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement

How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party’s anti-Semitism crisis

Last year, socialist stalwart Jeremy Corbyn won the leadership of the UK’s Labour Party by a landslide.

Since then, there has been a steady flow of claims by Israel’s supporters that Corbyn has not done enough to combat anti-Semitism.

This has only accelerated in the lead-up to a major test for Corbyn, the UK local elections on 5 May.

Even as this story was in preparation, two more victims were claimed in the war against his leadership.

Lawmaker Naz Shah and the former mayor of London, long-time Palestine campaigner Ken Livingstone, were also suspended from the party – within hours of being accused of anti-Semitism.

But an investigation by The Electronic Intifada has found that some of the most prominent stories about anti-Semitism in the party are falsified.

The Electronic Intifada can reveal that a key player in Labour’s “anti-Semitism crisis” covered up his involvement in the Israel lobby.

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New PostErstellt: 04.05.16, 20:42  Betreff: The American Jewish scholar behind Labour’s ‘antisemitism’ scandal breaks his silence  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Norman Finkelstein is no stranger to controversy. The American Jewish scholar is one of the world’s leading experts on the Israel-Palestine conflict and the political legacy of the Nazi holocaust. Apart from his parents, every member of Finkelstein’s family, on both sides, was exterminated in the Nazi holocaust. His 2000 book The Holocaust Industry, which was serialised in the Guardian, became an international best-seller and touched off a firestorm of debate. But Finkelstein’s most recent political intervention came about by accident.

Last month, Naz Shah MP became one of the most high-profile cases to date in the ‘antisemitism’ scandal still shaking the Labour leadership. Shah was suspended from the Labour party for, among other things, reposting an image on Facebook that was alleged to be antisemitic. The image depicted a map of the United States with Israel superimposed, and suggested resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict by relocating Israel into the United States. It has been reported that Shah got the image from Finkelstein’s website. I spoke with Finkelstein about why he posted the image, and what he thinks of allegations that the Labour party has a ‘Jewish problem’.


Did you create the controversial image that Naz Shah reposted?

Jonathan Freedland (My plea to the left, 30 April) asks us to imagine if a country far away was created for black people and asks if the left would treat it as it does Israel. As a Palestinian I want to tell him that if, instead of a country for Jews, a country for black people or any other group had been created in our homeland without our consent, we would have objected and resisted as Palestinians with the same vigour.

UK councils face anti-Semitism claim over settlements goods ban

A group is taking legal action against three UK councils at the High Court on Wednesday in an attempt to strike down their decisions to support boycotts on Israeli goods manufactured in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Jewish Human Rights Watch (JHRW), which describes itself as an anti-racism campaign group, has won a judicial review against three authorities - Leicester, Swansea and Gwynedd – on the basis that a boycott of settlement goods is “anti-Semitic”, illegal and violates the Local Government Act 1988 and the Equality Act 2010.

In court, JHRW representatives argued that its aim was not to silence criticism of Israel but to stop local councils abusing their powers and failing to have "due regard to the impact of their actions upon the Jewish community".

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New PostErstellt: 10.05.16, 21:42  Betreff: Gazans on Corbyn: 'We hope he's more useful than the others'  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Britain’s Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn stirs up strong feelings in many places around the UK, but it seems that he has also become a bit of a sensation in Gaza.

Corbyn came under fire last week when right-wing website claimed that a senior Hamas member had “welcomed” Corbyn’s statement that he would talk to the organisation, seen as "terrorist" by the US and UK as well as Israel, in order to bring about peace in the Middle East.

A few hours, later, however, Taher A-Nunu - the top Hamas figure who allegedly made the remarks - denied the whole incident. He told Middle East Eye that not only did he not make those comments about Corbyn, he never even spoke to a journalist from Breitbart Jerusalem.

Now is not the time to surrender to Israel's bullying on 'anti-Semitism'

Von Ilan Pappe

There comes a time in a movement’s struggle when success is both a rewarding moment but also a very dangerous one. The apartheid regime in South Africa pursued its most vicious and lethal policies shortly before the fall of the regime. If you do not threaten a certain unjust regime or state, and their supporters, they will ignore you and will see no need to confront you; if you are hitting the nail on its head, the reaction will come.

This is what has happened to the boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. The movement is the logical extension of the great work done before by all the solidarity groups and committees with Palestine. It displays an assertive, unwavering support for the Palestinian people through direct contact with authentic representatives of the Palestinian communities inside and outside Palestine. Until recently, Israel deemed this development as marginal and ineffective; even some of Palestine’s friends in the West objected to BDS on the same grounds: its ineffectiveness.

83% of senators call for boosting exorbitant U.S. aid to Israel; Bernie Sanders one of 17 who didn’t

Israel's Influence: Good or Bad for America?

Sea change is reshaping American views of Israel

On the face of it, the US-Israeli relationship appears as robust as ever.

Polls show that 70 percent of Americans view Israel favourably. At the recent meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a pro-Israeli lobby group, presidential wannabes from both main parties vowed to back their Middle Eastern ally to the hilt.

But scratch beneath the surface and cracks in the monolithic support for the country have begun to show.

In recent months, Democratic lawmakers have called for an investigation into alleged Israeli abuses against Palestinians, while legal activists are increasingly using US courts against Israelis. Some pollsters even suggest that public opinion may be less pro-Israel than previously thought.

And, of course, Bernie Sanders, a Democratic senator from Vermont, has broken from the gaggle of presidential candidates by highlighting the suffering of Palestinians when talking about their conflict with Israelis.

“Public opinion is changing,” Seth Morrison, from the campaign group Jewish Voice for Peace, told Middle East Eye. “Younger Americans grew up in a very different environment to their parents and are willing to look at the Israel-Palestine conflict differently.”

Israeli-Turkish reconciliation makes progress, more talks needed: envoy

Long-running efforts to fully restore Israeli-Turkish relations have made good progress but need a few more rounds of negotiations, though a political shift in Turkey should not affect the process, Israel's top diplomat in the country said.

The impetus behind fixing a relationship badly damaged by a clash over Gaza in 2010 is now security, especially with ISIS and other extremists holding swathes of Syria, which Israel and Turkey both border, said Israeli consul-general Shai Cohen.

Dutch diplomat joins leading Israel lobby group

A Dutch diplomat has been hired as a leading lobbyist with a pro-Israel group that is encouraging bigotry against Muslims.

In the past two years, George van Bergen has gone from working as a civil servant handling dossiers on the Middle East to persuading his former colleagues that they should work in Israel’s interests.

After a stint with the Netherlands’ embassy to the European Union, van Bergen now serves as deputy director with the AJC Transatlantic Institute, the Brussels office of the American Jewish Committee.

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New PostErstellt: 14.05.16, 11:38  Betreff: Likud Becomes a Regional Member of the European Parliament  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Although Israel is geographically located in Asia, the self-described “Jewish state” has emphasized its Europeanness whenever it has suited it to do so. It has been allowed to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest since 1973, as the Israeli Broadcasting Authority has been a member of the European Broadcasting Union since 1957. Israeli soccer clubs began playing in European competitions in 1991 and Israel became a member of UEFA in 1994. Even more importantly, in the political sphere, Tel Aviv’s recent major political step towards realizing its apparent desire of becoming a fully-fledged European state has passed under the radar of the media.

Report claims links between EU pro-Israel lobby and 'Islamophobic' groups

Right-wing pro-Israel lobby groups have sought to establish a "firm presence" in Brussels to promote Israeli interests in EU states and suppress criticism of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, according to a report released in London Friday.

The investigation, conducted by UK-based campaigning organisation Public Interest Investigations/Spinwatch and published by the EuroPal Forum, says groups linked to "extremist settler" and "Islamophobic" movements in the US have made inroads in the seat of EU power.

The EuroPal Forum is a lobbying organisation advocating Palestinian rights and working to raise awareness about Palestinian issues.

The report says that a host of businessmen and activists have funded numerous organisations in Europe to press media into adopting pro-Israeli positions, lobby politicians and promote campaigns against Islamic extremism.

Zionism and anti-Semitism

This is not really one question, but four … Let me start with their core. Zionism is what it has been from its beginning, more than 100 years ago: in its essence it is a political project, the project of colonising Palestine by Jews and turning it into a nation-state with an overwhelming Jewish majority. Israel is both a product of this project and an instrument for its further continuation, because the project is not yet at an end: the colonisation of Palestine is proceeding in full swing. And Israel is faced with what Zionists call a ‘demographic peril’: there are ‘too many’ Palestinian Arabs in Palestine and not enough Jews to secure an overwhelming majority.2

Der Author Moshé Machover ,

Who's allowed to talk about 1930s Germany?

IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Yair Golan raised a small storm when he said at a Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony Wednesday evening: ”If there’s something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it’s the recognition of the revolting processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then – 70, 80 and 90 years ago – and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016.”

A few weeks earlier, MK Haneen Zoabi said in response to an invitation to attend a Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony: “How can you teach the lessons of the Holocaust when you don’t discern the frightening similarity between what is happening today all around us and what happened in Germany in the 1930s?”

Israel close to signing gas agreement with Turkey

Israel is closer than ever to signing an agreement to export natural gas to Turkey, according to reports in the Turkish and global press and statements by Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water Resources Yuval Steinitz in an interview at the end of last week with the "Bloomberg" news agency. Turkey wants to consume half of the quantity of gas in the Leviathan gas reservoir, starting in 2020. In the second stage, gas may be transported from Turkey to Europe through a pipeline.

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New PostErstellt: 11.06.16, 13:12  Betreff: Andrew Cuomo and Other Democrats Launch Severe Attack on Free Speech to Protect Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Andrew Cuomo and Other Democrats Launch Severe Attack on Free Speech to Protect Israel

One of the greatest free speech threats in the West is the growing, multi-nation campaign literally to outlaw advocacy of boycotting Israel. People get arrested in Paris — the site of the 2015 “free speech” (for Muslim critics) rally — for wearing pro-boycott T-shirts. Pro-boycott students on U.S. campuses — where the 1980s boycott of apartheid South Africa flourished — are routinely sanctioned for violating anti-discrimination policies. Canadian officials have threatened to criminally prosecute boycott advocates. British government bodies have legally barred certain types of boycott advocacy. Israel itself has outright criminalized advocacy of such boycotts. Notably, all of this has been undertaken with barely a peep from those who styled themselves free speech crusaders when it came time to defend anti-Muslim cartoons.

Pro-Israel groups vow to “eliminate” BDS

As the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement grows across the US, Israel’s supporters are cranking up hatred against Palestine solidarity activism in both rhetoric and tactics.

The general anxiety about BDS was on full display last week, when an estimated 1,500 people gathered at the United Nations headquarters in New York City for the first international #StopBDS conference.

The event was organized by the Israeli mission to the UN and the World Jewish Congress in partnership with such Israel lobby groups as StandWithUs, the Zionist Organization of America, CAMERA, the Anti-Defamation League and Hillel.

Pro-Israel “Sugar Mama” Offers $500 Student Bounty to Attend Anti-BDS Conference

At least one campus Hillel (and likely many more) offered students $500 each and lodging to travel to New York to attend the anti-BDS conference held at the UN under the auspices of the Israeli government. Stanford Hillel Rabbi Serena Eisenberg sent a blast e-mail to students on the Hillel list containing the offer. The message indicated the special donor would offer students accommodation at her home.

Attacks on BDS websites linked to Israel

New evidence indicates Israel may be directly involved in attacks on the websites of the Palestinian BDS National Committee and other organizations supporting Palestinian rights.

The report came just days after a senior Israel lobby official indicated that Israel’s previously announced plans to fight the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions movement online were already being implemented.

The online security service analzyed six major attacks on the website in February and March this year.

U.S. Military Aid and the Israel/Palestine Conflict

The U.S. provides Israel $10.2 million* in military aid each day,
while it gives the Palestinians $0** in military aid.

83 US-amerikanische Hohlköpfe ermöglichen Zerstörung durch Israel

Die 83 US-Senatoren, die den Präsidenten drängten, die Militärhilfe für Israel zu erhöhen, sind Ignoranten und ihr Brief ist eine Schande. Israel über alles ? Militärhilfe über alle Bedürfnisse ?

Eine erhöhte Militärhilfe wird Israel, das bis an die Zähne bewaffnet ist, um kein Jota sicherer machen. Es wird Israel schaden. Diese 83 von 100 Senatoren gründen ihre außerordentliche Forderung auf „ dramatisch die anwachsenden Herausforderungen für Israels Verteidigung“.

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New PostErstellt: 23.07.16, 23:04  Betreff: Israel bedanke Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate mit der instalation seinen überwachungssytem  drucken  weiterempfehlen

In 19 Januar 2010 wurde der mitglider von Hamas Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh von israelische geheimagenten in seine zimmer in einer Abu Dhabi Hotel ermördert , das überwachungssytem von Abu Dhabi hat teil die ihren bewegung von diesen Agenten aufgenomen ...
Jetzt anderer Stadt der gehört auch zum Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate , Abu Dhabi hat offentlische gemacht das einen israelische Firma mit echten Kontak mit dem israelische Geheimdienst hat , die Überwachunssytem von Abu Dhabi instaliert wird... und die verlirer von diesen Geschäft sind wie immer die palästinenschen...

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New PostErstellt: 23.07.16, 23:10  Betreff: RIsrael bedanke Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate mit der instalation seines überwachungssytem  drucken  weiterempfehlen

In 19 Januar 2010 wurde der mitglider von Hamas Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh von israelische geheimagenten in seine zimmer in einer Abu Dhabi Hotel ermördert , das überwachungssytem von Abu Dhabi hat teil die ihren bewegung von diesen Agenten aufgenomen ..
Jetzt anderer Stadt der gehört auch zum Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate , Abu Dhabi hat offentlische gemacht das einen israelische Firma mit echten Kontak mit dem israelische Geheimdienst hat , die Überwachunssytem von Abu Dhabi instaliert wird... und die verlirer von diesen Geschäft sind wie immer die palästinenschen...

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New PostErstellt: 25.07.16, 11:30  Betreff: Retired Saudi general met with Israeli politicians and ministers in Jerusalem  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Was ich hqabe vorgestern gepostet wären einiger Fehler dabei ...

In 19 Januar 2010 wurde der mitglider von Hamas Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh von israelische geheimagenten in seine zimmer in einer Dubai Hotel ermördert , das überwachungssytem von Dubai hat teil die ihren bewegung von diesen Agenten aufgenomen ..
Jetzt anderer Stadt der gehört auch zum Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate , Abu Dhabi hat offentlische gemacht das einen israelische Firma mit echten Kontak mit dem israelische Geheimsdiensten hat , die Überwachunssytem von Abu Dhabi instaliert wird... und die verlirer von diesen Geschäft sind wie immer die palästinenschen...

Retired Saudi general met with Israeli politicians and ministers in Jerusalem

A retired Saudi general visited Israel and met with senior government officials and parliamentarians last week, despite there being no official diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Retired General Anwar Eshki, who travelled to Israel with a delegation of academics and business people, met Foreign Ministry Director-General Dore Gold and Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Major-General Yoav Mordechai, according to Haaretz.

Gold had previously written a highly critical book of Saudi Arabia called Hatred’s Kingdom. Eshki asserted that, during their meeting, Gold had apologised for some of the book's content and announced he was committed to strengthening ties between the two countries.

Europe still funding Israeli torture, drones and racial profiling

As European leaders are gathered in Brussels to discuss the future of the EU, they would be well advised to put into effect values of accountability, justice and solidarity - and halt funding for Israel's repressive apparatus against Palestinians.

The EU has funnelled hundreds of millions of euros to sustain Israel’s regime of occupation and apartheid through its research and development funding schemes.

Protests are currently growing against "Lawtrain", a five million euro project funded by the EU that brings together the Israeli Ministry for Public Security and the Israeli National Police with their counterparts from Belgium, Portugal and Spain. Lawtrain sees companies, universities and research institutes coming together to develop technology that unifies methodology for police interrogations.

With Brexit, Israel Loses a Major Asset in the European Union

Britain helped moderate and balance EU decisions about the peace process, blunt criticism and even harness the member states against anti-Israel moves at the UN; voices sympathetic to the Palestinian cause could now become more dominant.

But why was Britain an Israeli asset?

UK police attempt to question Israeli politician over alleged war crimes

Former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni was this week served with a summons to be interrogated by UK police over alleged war crimes by Israeli forces in Gaza in 2008, the politician confirmed on Sunday.

Livni was in London on Sunday to speak at the Haaretz Israel Conference, a summit to discuss issues facing Israel and the UK.

She was served with a summons on Thursday to be questioned by UK police over alleged involvement in war crimes during the 2008 Cast Lead Operation, a three-week battle in the Gaza Strip that killed more than 1,400 Palestinians, most of them civilians, and 13 Israelis, 10 of them soldiers.

The summons - which was sent by UK police to the Israeli Embassy in London - was withdrawn following the intervention of diplomats, Israeli daily Haaretz reported, and Livni was given immunity for the trip.

The questioning would have centred around alleged violations of the Geneva Convention committed by Israeli forces during Livni's time as foreign minister, which included Operation Cast Lead.

Livni on Sunday hit back angrily at the unprecedented move by the UK police, saying the UK justice system had become a “theatre of the absurd”.

U.S. Offers to Increase Military Aid to Israel

The White House on Friday told members of Congress that it had offered to substantially sweeten a decade-long military aid package for Israel, the latest turn in months of fitful negotiations that have proceeded despite deep divisions over the Iran nuclear deal.

Under the proposed terms, the United States would insist that the Israelis use the tens of billions of dollars they receive under the deal to buy United States-made goods and services, rather than spend a sizable portion in their own country as they are permitted to do now.

Putin, Netanyahu discuss Middle East terrorism: agencies

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a phone conversation on Saturday, discussed cooperation in fighting terrorism threats in the Middle East, Russian news agencies quoted the Kremlin as saying.

Putin and Netanyahu agreed to continue contacts at various levels. The conversation was held at the initiative of the Israeli side, agencies quoted the Kremlin as saying.

Israel ‘tampered with’ visiting French PM’s phone: L’Express

French weekly magazine L’Express reported that Israeli intelligence services had asked Manuel Valls and his advisors to hand over their secure cellular phones and other electronic devices before attending a closed-door meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) in late May.

However, the French delegates noticed that their devices were not functioning correctly and showed signs of “tampering” after leaving the meeting, the report said.

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New PostErstellt: 01.08.16, 19:07  Betreff: Clinton personally ensured pro-Israel platform, says adviser  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hillary Clinton personally asked an adviser, Wendy Sherman, to make sure the Democratic Party platform remained pro-Israel, Sherman said.

Israel and U.S. are close to a deal on the biggest military aid package ever

A senior Israeli official will arrive in Washington next week for a final round of negotiations involving the largest military aid package the United States has ever given any country and that will last more than a decade after President Obama leaves office.

Brig. Gen. Yaakov Nagel, the acting head of Israel’s National Security Council, has been dispatched with instructions to meet with White House officials in hopes of signing an agreement “as soon as possible,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said this week.

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New PostErstellt: 05.08.16, 22:30  Betreff: Saudi visit to Israel angers Hamas  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hamas has called on Saudi Arabia to prevent the normalization of relations with Israel. The appeal, which went up on Hamas' website July 31, raised eyebrows among those who understand Hamas' complicated situation and the importance of tightening relations with Saudi Arabia. The leaders of the movement, who only a year ago thanked Allah for their honorable reception at the palace of the Saudi king, now dare to rebuke the king for his relations with Israel?

BDS: game changer in Germany

The Holocaust was the first historic event that touched my inner core as a human being. Perhaps this explains my early fascination with everything Jewish.

In the 1990s, I lived for two years in Israel, where I volunteered in a center for adults with special needs. This was part of my German Zivildienst — a civilian substitute for conscientious objectors to then compulsory military service. I was what I now consider a naive, well-intentioned, liberal Zionist.

It was not until I read Ilan Pappe’s 2006 book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine that I realized Israel’s establishment involved the expulsion of 750,000 indigenous Palestinians.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the “security of Israel is part of Germany’s reason of state.” All German governments since the Second World War have taken a similar line.

Germany provides Israel with top-notch submarines ready to be equipped with Israel’s not-so-secret nuclear warheads. Recently, documents have surfaced strongly suggesting that Germany also financed Israel’s nuclear program from the start.

Konrad Adenauer, Germany’s first chancellor after the Second World War, reportedly channeled huge amounts of Deutschmarks into Israel’s nuclear weapons program.


Israel accused of being 'apartheid state' by US black rights group

The US-based Black Lives Matter movement has called Israel an "apartheid state" and said it is joining the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign over acts of "genocide against the Palestinian people".

The Platform of the Movement for Black Lives, which speaks for the wider campaign and calls for the “end to the war against Black people”, on Monday issued the campaign's first comprehensive document setting out positions on US federal policies.

Platform document addresses mostly American foreign policy, but singled out Israel in light of the billions of dollars military aid given to Israel by the United States

The charter states: “Israel is an apartheid state with over 50 laws on the book that sanction discrimination against the Palestinian people”, and added that the US, through its relations with the country, was “complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people”.

Black student censured in St. Louis for challenging Israeli spin

St. Louis University has upheld its punishment of a student for criticizing Israel.

During a student-organized event celebrating Israel’s humanitarian aid ventures around the world in April, Christopher Winston, then a sophomore, challenged the speakers with evidence of Israel’s human rights violations.

Student organizers threatened to call the campus police on Winston, the only Black person in the room. They subsequently filed a “no-contact” order against him, claiming they were “concerned for their health and well-being.”

The university charged that Winston was involved in a “bias-related incident.”

Along with mandating that he meet university officials and write a letter explaining his actions, St. Louis University gave Winston a disciplinary warning, which will be in effect until May 2017.

Winston complained about the punishment to the university’s appeal board, asserting that he was not given a proper chance to refute the allegations against him.

In a letter dated 8 June, the board said it upheld the university’s findings that he was responsible for “disruptive behavior.”

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New PostErstellt: 18.08.16, 18:16  Betreff: Scottish football fans fly flag of Palestine in match against Israeli team  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Hundreds of fans at a football match between Glasgow Celtic and Israeli side Hapoel Beer Sheva turned whole sections of the stadium into a sea of Palestinian flags in a protest against the Israeli occupation, ignoring an official ban on political demonstrations.

Before the start of the Champions League cup qualifier, activists from the group Palestine Alliance handed out flags and leaflets on the Nakba, or Catastrophe, the 1948 war that led to the creation of Israel and rendered millions of Palestinians refugees. Police outside Celtic Park warned fans against bringing flags into the stadium.

Celtic could face penalties from UEFA, Europe’s football governing body, for allowing the protests to go ahead, but some fans said they were prepared to pay any fine themselves to show their opposition to Israel's participation in the competition.

Gaza football club dazzles Ireland

Fourteen boys from Gaza have brought joy to Ireland by displaying their football skills during a tour of the country.

Three weeks after the crushing disappointment of being refused exit permits by the Israeli authorities, the youngsters from al-Helal football academy were special guests of Galway United Football Club on 5 August.

The talented young Palestinian footballers got to showcase their talents before Galway United’s biggest crowd of the season. Al-Helal played an exhibiton game during the half-time break in a match between Galway United and Dundalk.

Egyptian judo athlete sent home for refusing to shake Israeli's hand

An Egyptian judo athlete was sent home from the Rio Olympics after refusing to shake the hand of an Israeli player following the end of their bout, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Monday.

Islam el-Shehaby, who was sent home by his own team, lost the fight against Or Sasson on Friday and was reprimanded by the IOC for his actions.

The athlete said he did not want to shake hands with an Israeli, nor was he obliged to do so under judo rules, but the IOC said his behaviour went against the rules and spirit of the Olympic games and the rules of fair play.

“Shaking the hand of your opponent is not an obligation written in the judo rules. It happens between friends and he's not my friend,” Shehaby said after his bout.

“I have no problem with Jewish people or any other religion or different beliefs. But for personal reasons, you can't ask me to shake the hand of anyone from this state, especially in front of the whole world,” he said.

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New PostErstellt: 25.08.16, 18:54  Betreff: Turkish parliament approves Israel deal  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Turkish parliament approved a deal to normalise ties with Israel after a delay caused by last month's attempted coup, state-run media reported on Saturday.

Lawmakers ratified agreement to restore relations between the two former close regional allies after a six-year rift, before parliament was due to go into summer recess.

Leaked photos and terrorism gaffes: The Egypt vs Palestine controversy

This week witnessed tensions rise between Egypt and Gaza, with two controversies breaking out and sparking a social media storm with users lashing out at the Egyptian government for its ties with Israel.

On Sunday, Egypt’s foreign minister appeared to tell a group of high school students that the killing of Palestinian children was not terrorism.

Sameh Shoukry responded to a question on whether the Israeli killing of Palestinian children was a form of terrorism by saying that different countries use the word terrorism differently - which Egyptian's interpreted as Shoukry's refusal to label the killings as "terrorism".

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New PostErstellt: 02.09.16, 10:32  Betreff: Israel, UAE and Pakistan hold joint military exercises in US  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Though Israel doesn't have formal diplomatic relations with either country, it says working together is essential

President Erdoğan approves Turkey-Israel normalization deal

What are Netanyahu and Putin plotting?

According to quite a few reports in recent weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to host a summit in Moscow for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The first report appeared in Maariv on July 11 and was confirmed by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in a press briefing this month as well as by Israeli, Palestinian and Russian officials.

A background check on some of the key figures running the Trump campaign in Israel reveals a very strong affinity with one particular side of the local political map.

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New PostErstellt: 16.09.16, 18:23  Betreff: U.S. $38-Billion Israeli Military Aid Package Props Up Occupation  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The United States on Tuesday announced it had reached a record $38 billion 10-year military aid deal with Israel, despite increased disagreement over the Middle East peace process.

The State Department said the pact will be signed on Wednesday and "constitutes the I’m waiting to hear from all those Israelis and pro-Israelists who thumb their noses at the U.S., dismiss our disagreements with them, and even boast that they don’t need our dollars or weapons. So where are these folks now? Will our hasbara commentariat rise as one and denounce this aid deal? Or will they slink back into the darkness, licking their lips as they contemplate all those new Iron Dome batteries, F-16s and 35s, and cyberwar capabilities which $38-billion can buy?

What I really wanted to focus on tonight was Pres. Obama’s absolutely bankrupt statement that U.S. largess should open the hearts of Israelis to finally negotiate a two-state solution:

The “S” in BDS: Lessons of the Elbit Systems Campaign

Israeli military companies such as Elbit Systems appear invincible, yet Israel’s arms industry is more vulnerable than it seems. Al-Shabaka guest author Maren Mantovani and Policy Advisor Jamal Juma’ examine both national and global trends and identify avenues for human rights activists to pursue to hold Israel accountable under international law.

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New PostErstellt: 20.09.16, 12:55  Betreff: Five reasons why US-Israel military deal stinks  drucken  weiterempfehlen

US' benevolent claims on security, peace, compromise and friendship are false if not intentionally misleading.

$38 billion military aid does not ‘meet all our needs’

Former defense minister Moshe Ya’alon joined ex-prime minister Ehud Barak Thursday in questioning the military aid deal signed Wednesday with the United States, saying the $38 billion — Washington’s largest defense package to any country in history — is still not enough to meet all of Israel’s security needs.

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New PostErstellt: 21.09.16, 15:42  Betreff: US aid to Israel takes a partisan turn  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Seven lawmakers signed on to legislation from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., that would provide an extra $1.5 billion in missile defense and direct assistance to Israel's military next fiscal year. They object to the White House's efforts to short-circuit unsolicited annual aid hikes by Congress as well as the elimination of a 26% carve-out for Israel's domestic defense industry instead of US weapons-makers.

"Now is not the time to tell the Iranians that we're going to be less supportive of Israel's ability to defend herself," Graham, the chairman of the Senate spending panel that controls foreign aid, said at a press briefing to unveil his bill. "Now is not the time to say that we're going to nickel and dime Israel."

Palestinians lose in US military aid deal with Israel

The announcement last week by the United States of the largest military aid package in its history – to Israel – was a win for both sides.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu could boast that his lobbying had boosted aid from $3.1 billion a year to $3.8bn – a 22 per cent increase – for a decade starting in 2019.

Mr Netanyahu has presented this as a rebuff to those who accuse him of jeopardising Israeli security interests with his government’s repeated affronts to the White House.

In the past weeks alone, defence minister Avigdor Lieberman has compared last year’s nuclear deal between Washington and Iran with the 1938 Munich pact, which bolstered Hitler; and Mr Netanyahu has implied that US opposition to settlement expansion is the same as support for the “ethnic cleansing” of Jews.

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New PostErstellt: 22.09.16, 12:17  Betreff: U.S. Senators Urge Obama to Veto Any 'One-sided' UN Resolution on Israel-Palestinian Conflict  drucken  weiterempfehlen

U.S. Senators Urge Obama to Veto Any 'One-sided' UN Resolution on Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Fearing post-election UN peace push by Obama, 88 Democratic and Republican senators tell president even well intentioned initiatives could make it more difficult to resolve conflict.

Why Are We Sending $38 Billion to Rich and Powerful Israel?

Last week’s announcement of a record-breaking US aid package for Israel underscores how dangerously foolish and out-of-touch is our interventionist foreign policy. Over the next ten years, the US taxpayer will be forced to give Israel some $38 billion dollars in military aid. It is money we cannot afford going to a country that needs no assistance to maintain its status as the most powerful military in the Middle East.


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New PostErstellt: 08.10.16, 15:14  Betreff: U.S. Admits Israel Is Building Permanent Apartheid Regime — Weeks After Giving It $38 Billion  drucken  weiterempfehlen

U.S. Admits Israel Is Building Permanent Apartheid Regime — Weeks After Giving It $38 Billion

In 2010, Israel’s then-defense minister, Ehud Barak, explicitly warned that Israel would become a permanent “apartheid” state if it failed to reach a peace agreement with Palestinians that creates their own sovereign nation and vests them with full political rights. “As long as in this territory west of the Jordan River there is only one political entity called Israel, it is going to be either non-Jewish, or non-democratic,” Barak said. “If this bloc of millions of ­Palestinians cannot vote, that will be an apartheid state.”

Honest observers on both sides of the conflict have long acknowledged that the prospects for a two-state solution are virtually non-existent: another way of saying that Israel’s status as a permanent apartheid regime is inevitable. Indeed, U.S. intelligence agencies as early as 45 years ago explicitly warned that Israeli occupation would become permanent if it did not end quickly.

Jordan defends Israel gas deal from claims of backing occupation

Jordan on Monday defended its deal to buy Israeli natural gas that has stirred public opposition, insisting the accord would not leave the Arab country reliant on Israel.

Mohamed Momani, the information minister, told Jordanian television that the deal would cut $600m a year from the state's energy bill.

"We will not be dependent on Israel," he said.

Momani said the government was seeking to diversify its sources of gas supplies.

It was "too simplistic to say that sealing such a deal means the kingdom is supporting Israeli occupation," he said, referring to the occupied Palestinian territories.

An estimated 2,000 Jordanians took part in a demonstration on Friday in the centre of Amman to protest against the deal signed on 26 September to import natural gas from Israel.

Jewish Man Indicted After Criticizing Israel, U.S. at Kansas Q&A With Dennis Ross

The executive director the Kansas City library system says he is "outraged" that prosecutors continue to pursue charges against a man who was arrested after asking pointed questions during a library discussion about the Middle East peace process and an employee who tried to intervene.

Although the arrests occurred in May following a speech by author and diplomat Dennis Ross, the library system only recently went public about its opposition to charges, the Kansas City Star reported.

Jewish anti-Zionist removed as Momentum vice chair

Jeremy Corbyn support group Momentum removed Black and Jewish anti-Zionist activist Jackie Walker as vice chair on Monday night.

Walker told The Electronic Intifada on Friday that she had been suspended from the UK Labour Party pending investigation, for allegedly “bringing the party into disrepute.”

Walker said she would fight the suspension.

Momentum is a left-wing group established in the wake of Corbyn’s victory as Labour leader last year, attempting to capitalize on the wave of popular support generated in the campaign.

Walker’s removal as vice chair has led to an, at times acrimonious, division within the pro-Corbyn left.

Why is Norway aiding Israel’s crimes?

Last month, two Norwegian artists published an “apology” from their country’s national theater over its collaboration with Israel’s government-backed Habima theater.

The video apology was a performance, meant to highlight Norway’s complicity in Israel’s crimes and its use of culture to whitewash them.

The artists, Pia Maria Roll and Marius von der Fehr, sparked a national debate in Norway. Their intervention has received a warm welcome from the Palestinian arts community as well as from Israelis who are active against their country’s occupation, colonialism and apartheid.

But the “apology” provoked a furious reaction from the Israeli government, which demanded that all copies of the video be scrubbed from the Internet.

Norway’s embassy in Tel Aviv rushed to reassure supporters of Israel’s abuses that the apology wasn’t really from the Norwegian national theater and that Norway’s government opposes boycotts of Israel.

In leaked emails, Colin Powell says Israel has 200 nukes

Outrage as Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign bank accounts closed

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign announced on Monday that its accounts had been closed by the Bank of Ireland.

The IPSC is seeking answers from the bank, which would only say the organization no longer met its “risk appetite.”

In a statement the IPSC said the move appeared to be “part of a campaign orchestrated by the Israeli government.”

The group also described the bank’s decision as “an attack on Palestinian rights and BDS,” the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

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New PostErstellt: 27.10.16, 12:33  Betreff: Saudi lobbyist calls for 'collaborative alliance' with Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The founder of Saudi Arabia’s first public affairs organisation in the United States has called for the kingdom to form a “collaborative alliance” with Israel.

Salman al-Ansari is the president of the Saudi American Public Relations Affairs Committee (SAPRAC), which he founded in March this year.

On Tuesday Ansari wrote in American outlet The Hill that an alliance between Saudi Arabia and Israel would be “in the interest of the greater Middle East” as well as being a “mutually beneficial economic partnership”.

The American billionaires influencing Israeli policy

The Oct. 14 appearance of Hagai El-Ad, the executive director of the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories — B’Tselem, before the UN Security Council to address the twin issues of Jewish construction in the occupied territories and the demolition of Palestinian homes there generated a slew of Israeli condemnations against Israeli peace and human rights groups.

US funding 'Israeli state terrorism' in military deal

Al Jazeera speaks to three Palestinian victims of US military aid to Israel, as a record $38bn deal was signed.

'The occupation is sustainable because the world refuses to take action'

The following is a transcript of the prepared remarks B’Tselem executive director Hagai El-Ad delivered to UN Security Council members during a special ‘Arria-formula’ session on ‘Illegal Israeli Settlements: Obstacles to Peace and the Two-State Solution’ in New York on October 14, 2016.

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New PostErstellt: 18.11.16, 11:09  Betreff: What will President Trump mean for Palestine?  drucken  weiterempfehlen

On a day that most people expected not to see, we can say few things with certainty.

One of them is that Hillary Clinton would have been a disastrous president for those supporting the Palestinian struggle for their rights.

Her failed campaign pitched her as the natural successor to President Barack Obama, the Democrat who just unconditionally handed Israel the biggest military aid package in history.

During the Democratic primary campaign, Clinton marketed herself as a belligerent and violently hawkish ally of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against the Palestinian people.

Is Trump bringing “white Zionism” to the White House?

Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate, has weighed in on the controversy over President-elect Donald Trump’s appointment of the racist former executive chairman of Breitbart News as his chief strategist.

Under Steve Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart News “regularly published materials designed to stoke fears about African Americans, Latinos, Muslims and other groups, and to explicitly normalize white nationalist and white supremacist beliefs,” according to New York magazine.

This so-called alt-right ideology has been described by one of its key promoters as a form of “white Zionism.”

LA fundraising dinner raises $38 million for Israeli army

A fundraising dinner organised by Friends of the Israel Defence Forces (FIDF) in Los Angeles has raised $38 million, Yedioth Ahronoth has reported. The gala event is held every year and is attended by prominent celebrities, artists and businessmen.

The newspaper noted that a number of American celebrities attended the 2016 dinner last night, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert De Niro, television host Larry King, Gerard Butler, Jewish businessman and media mogul Haim Saban, and many others. Soldiers with American backgrounds serving in the Israeli army also attended. Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, the founder and head of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, made the single largest contribution of the night of $6 million.

Israeli Weapons Fueling War in South Sudan

South Sudanese rebels were seen armed with Israeli-procured automatic rifles which were originally sold to Uganda.

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New PostErstellt: 02.12.16, 12:55  Betreff: Europe’s “turbo boost” for war industry will benefit Israel  drucken  weiterempfehlen

White supremacists are about to take up residency in the White House. Climate change deniers are mapping out the future of environmental policy. A man who seems to be constantly losing his temper on Twitter will – in less than two months from now – lead a nuclear-armed superpower.

And what are Europe’s top politicians doing in preparation for Donald Trump’s presidency? Are they asserting an alternative worldview to the heady blend of imperialism and capitalism that has intoxicated Trump’s entourage?

No, they are still parroting the old idea that the US should be constantly copied.

A new paper by the European Commission is particularly repugnant. Lamenting that the EU “lags behind” the US in military strength, it recommends steps to rectify that apparent problem.

Zionists’ weapon of mass destruction against UK’s left

From Blairite to far-right, the British political elite is relishing having discovered the ultimate weapon of mass destruction to try and block the growth of a movement of the left around Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.

All it needs to do is fire off round after round of unsubstantiated assertions of anti-Semitism, deploying circular and often contradictory arguments.

The left, so the mantra goes, has always been riddled with anti-Semitism. To deny this is, by definition, anti-Semitic.

Corbyn is in denial, according to his critics. The ardent pro-Israel advocate Howard Jacobson has accused him of belonging to the “more un-self-questioning wing of British politics.” Those words are probably more applicable to Tony Blair, the former prime minister and Corbyn’s arch enemy.

Who’s Afraid of Keith Ellison? The Israel Lobby

While Keith Ellison is odds on favorite to win the race as the next chair of the Democratic National Committee, we’ve only just begun to hear from the Israel Lobby on the subject. You might ask: why would the Lobby weigh in at all?
To answer this question, you have to return to the FBI wiretap of the Israeli embassy in Washington, which Shamai Leibowitz’ leaks to me exposed in 2009. As a result of them, I learned that the Minneapolis Jewish Community Relations Council was keeping tabs on Rep. Ellison. Here is what I wrote in the Truthout article I published (which seems to have disappeared from the site):

Trump Strives to Undo 70 Years of Bipartisan U.S. Mideast Consensus

There are alarming news reports about upcoming Trump cabinet appointments to fill key slots in the national security and foreign policy apparatus. They raise the specter of undoing nearly 70 years of carefully-constructed consensus in U.S. policy toward the Middle East. Presidents hearkening back to Lyndon Johnson have opposed Israeli settlements, and since George HW Bush they’ve supported a two-state solution. More recently, President Obama adopted an anti-interventionist course in the quagmire that is Syria. He and Pres. Bush also rejected an Israeli offer to jointly attack Iran.

Despite Trump’s avowed inclination to stay out of overseas conflicts, it’s quite possible key advisors and allies in the region like Benjamin Netanyahu could inveigle him into such military adventurism.

Ontario legislature passes anti-BDS motion

The Ontario provincial legislature has passed a symbolic motion condemning the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement - a move Palestinian rights activists in Canada say aims to stifle criticism of Israeli human rights violations.

The motion, passed on Thursday, states that the provincial legislature stands against any position or movement that promotes “any form of hatred, hostility, prejudice, racism and intolerance in any way”.

It also recognises “longstanding, vibrant and mutually beneficial” ties between Israel and Ontario, and rejects “the differential treatment of Israel, including the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement”.

U2 manager supports Israeli war crimes

The manager of U2, a rock band well known for human rights campaigning, has taken part in fundraising activities for an organization that supports Israel’s war crimes.

Guy Oseary, who also manages Madonna, attended a 2014 fundraising gala in Los Angeles, California, for Friends of the IDF.

The event – which reportedly brought in $33 million to the organization’s coffers – was held just a few months after Israel’s 51-day bombardment of Gaza that year.

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New PostErstellt: 13.12.16, 12:48  Betreff: American Jewish Establishment Stifles Free Speech to Silence Zionism’s Critics  drucken  weiterempfehlen

With every passing year, the American Jewish establishment poses a greater threat to free speech in the United States.

The reason is simple. With every passing year, Israeli control of the West Bank grows more permanent. And so, with every passing year, more American progressives question Zionism.

After all, if Jewish statehood permanently condemns millions of West Bank Palestinians to live as non-citizens, under military law, without free movement or the right to vote for the government that controls their lives, it’s hardly surprising that Americans who loathe discrimination and cherish equality would grow uncomfortable with the concept.
And the more those Americans voice this discomfort, the more establishment American Jewish organizations work to classify anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism, punishable by law.

The latest example is The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, which the Senate passed unanimously on December 2. The Act – pushed by AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Federations of America – instructs the Department of Education’s Civil Rights office to follow “the definition of anti-Semitism set forth by the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism of the Department of State in the Fact Sheet issued on June 8, 2010.”
Sounds innocuous enough. Until you look at what the Fact Sheet says. Following the definition hatched by Soviet dissident turned Israeli right-winger Natan Sharansky, the Fact Sheet defines anti-Semitism as, among other things, “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, and denying Israel the right to exist.”
This is nuts. Across the world, numerous peoples desire “self-determination.” Kurds have been seeking their own state since the late nineteenth century, roughly the same period when Jews hatched Zionism.

So have Basques. Sikhs have been agitating for their own country, in Punjab, since India’s creation. The Igbos of eastern Nigeria actually created one, Biafra, for three years between 1967 and 1970.

There are reasonable arguments in favor of these efforts at self-determination. There are also reasonable arguments in favor of requiring Kurds, Basques, Sikhs and Igbo to live in multi-ethnic countries based upon a national identity that supersedes their own.

Either way, bigotry has nothing to do with it. If opposing a people’s desire for self-determination makes you bigoted against that group, then a lot of American Jewish leaders should report themselves to the Department of Education’s Civil Rights office right now.

After all, Palestinians want their own state. Many American Jewish leaders oppose it. Why aren’t those leaders bigots under the very principle they’re trying to write into law?

The truth is that political Zionism – the belief that Jews enjoy the greatest safety and self-expression in their own state – has always been controversial even among Jews. In the early twentieth century, many Orthodox Jews called Zionism a violation of Jewish law.

Many American Reform Jews argued that Jews were a faith, not a people, and thus had no homeland other than the United States. Other prominent Jewish thinkers – including Judah Magnes, who founded Hebrew University,

Henrietta Szold, who founded Hadassah and the philosophers Hannah Arendt and Martin Buber – argued that a Jewish state would dispossess Palestinians and bring war. They argued for a binational state instead. That didn’t make them anti-Semites.

As the twentieth century progressed, these arguments against Zionism faded. The Holocaust buttressed the case for a country of Jewish refuge. Israel became an established fact, and in many ways an extraordinary success.

Then, in 1993, PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat declared that “The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security.” In 2002, the Arab League offered to “sign a peace agreement with Israel” if it returned to the 1967 lines and found a “just” and “agreed upon” solution to the Palestinian refugees.

Once even Palestinian and Arab leaders publicly declared that they could accept a Jewish state alongside a Palestinian one, the historic debate over Zionism dwindled.

It is returning in the twenty-first century because a Palestinian state was never born. (A failure for which both sides deserve blame). That failure, combined with decades of Israeli settlement growth, has convinced many progressives that a Palestinian state is now impossible.

Thus, they argue, the only way West Bank Palestinians can win their rights is in one state – including the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Israel proper – that does not privilege Jews.

This is not my view. Despite everything, I still consider the two state solution more realistic than the binational alternative. But you don’t have to be an anti-Semite to disagree.

Anti-Zionism never died; there have always been people – Jewish and non-Jewish – who oppose any kind of Jewish state within any borders. But anti-Zionism is growing because deepening Israeli control of the West Bank makes it harder to reconcile Zionism with basic Palestinian human rights.

Faced with the growing number of Americans who deny that Zionism is compatible with liberal democracy, establishment American Jewish groups could try to make Zionism more compatible with liberal democracy. They could publicly challenge Israel’s undemocratic occupation of the West Bank. But that would require confronting Benjamin Netanyahu, and many of their own donors.

So they’ve chosen an easier path: get the Department of Education to define anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism and thus threaten the campus activists who are challenging Jewish statehood with legal sanction. The Senate bill claims that “Nothing in this act…shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected by the First Amendment.”

But that’s exactly what the bill does. In the words of Michael Macleod-Ball, chief of staff of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Washington, DC legislative office, it “opens the door to considering anti-Israel political statements and activities as possible grounds for civil rights investigations.”

It’s an old story: When people in power fear a debate, they try to criminalize it. It won’t work. If Zionism means permanent control of millions of Palestinians who lack basic rights, Zionists will gradually lose the contest of ideas in the United States. And the American Jewish establishment – which chose silencing Zionism’s opponents over fighting for a Zionism they could honestly defend – will bear some of the blame.

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What is the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act?

On Thursday I spoke to Sharmine Peries of The Real News about the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act,” a bill being pushed through Congress that aims to broaden the definition of anti-Semitism to include criticism of Israel.

Watch the video above.

The bill instructs the Department of Education to consider the State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism when investigating schools for discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.

That definition broadly defines anti-Semitism to include “demonizing,” “delegitimizing” or applying a “double standard” to Israel. It has especially been used to target and smear boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activists seeking to pressure Israel to end abuses of Palestinian rights.

Trump son-in-law's family gave money to illegal West Bank settlements

The parents of Donald Trump's son-in-law have given tens of thousands of dollars to groups in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, according to a Haaretz report on Monday.

Tax forms from 2010-2014 on Jared Kushner’s parents show that their fund – the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation – gave $20,000 to the group American Friends in Beit El Yeshive, an organisation that supports programmes in the arch-conservative settlement of Beit El.

Jared Kushner sits on the board of his parents’ foundation.

Haaretz reported in 2009 that Beit El was built on private Palestinian land without approval. In a Peace Now report, 96.85 percent of Beit El’s land is Palestinian property.

The president of the American Friends in Beit El Yeshive is David Friedman, who advised Trump on foreign policy towards Israel and Palestine. Friedman also works as Trump’s real estate lawyer.

Jimmy Carter: America Must Recognize Palestine

We do not yet know the policy of the next administration toward Israel and Palestine, but we do know the policy of this administration. It has been President Obama’s aim to support a negotiated end to the conflict based on two states, living side by side in peace.

Most Democrats consider Israel ‘a burden’ on US with too much influence on policy, poll claims

Most Democrats consider Israel to be a burden to the United States, according to the published findings of a poll released by the Brookings Institution on Friday.
The survey found a clear majority of Americans (76%) said Israel was “a strategic asset” to the US, its authors said. At the same time, they said, “a majority of Democrats, 55%, say that Israel is also a burden”; among Republicans, 24% consider Israel a burden. Fifty-two percent of Independents do not consider Israel a burden and 41% think it is.

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New PostErstellt: 23.12.16, 22:22  Betreff: US abstains as UN Security Council passes resolution against Israeli settlements  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The UN Security Council on Friday passed a resolution demanding Israel to halt building settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.

The United States refused to use its veto, abstaining from voting, while the 14 other countries on the 15-member council voted in favour of the resolution.

Mossad chief and security delegation meet with Trump team

In a clandestine visit, the head of the Mossad and a security delegation organized by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu travelled to the United States to meet with President-elect Trump's staff and brief him on security issues.,7340,L-4894307,00.html

British PM hails ‘remarkable, tolerant’ Israel, slams anti-Semitism in Labour

In speech to Conservative Friends of Israel, Theresa May calls Balfour Declaration ‘one of the most important letters in history’

UK councils link ‘empathy’ for Palestinians to terrorism threat

At least two councils in the UK have identified pro-Palestinian activism and "empathy" for the plight of Syrians and Palestinians as possible factors contributing to extremism in documents relating to their implementation of the government’s Prevent counter-extremism strategy.

One of the councils, City of York Council in northern England, listed “anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian activism” in a list of “key risks” identified in the area’s police-produced Counter Terrorism Local Profile in a Prevent document published in December 2015.

City of York Council has already faced criticism for including anti-fracking environmental campaigners in the same list. The Home Office has subsequently clarified that it does not consider support for either anti-fracking or Palestine to be "indicators of vulnerability” to extremism.

“The Counter Terrorism Local Profile for York and North Yorkshire highlights the key risks to York as evidence of activity relating to Syria, presence of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), anti-Israeli/pro-Palestinian activity, hunt saboteurs, animal rights, anti-fracking and extreme right-wing activity,” the document said.

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New PostErstellt: 08.01.17, 11:38  Betreff: Secret tapes expose Israeli influence over UK Conservative Party  drucken  weiterempfehlen

A senior political officer at the Israeli Embassy in London has been secretly filmed talking about how he would like to "take down" UK foreign office minister Alan Duncan, a vocal opponent of illegal Israeli settlement building in the West Bank.

He said Duncan, who is one of the few Conservative ministers to speak out over settlements, was causing "a lot of problems". He also called Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, "an idiot".

In a separate conversation with the embassy staffer, Crispin Blunt, the chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, was described as being "on the hit list" for his views which were "strongly pro-Arab rather than pro-Israel".

Trump-Netanyahu Democrats come to Israel’s aid in Congress

The Trump-Netanyahu wing of the Democratic Party took aim Thursday at the Obama administration by helping pass a House resolution condemning the recent UN vote calling on Israel to stop building settlements on occupied Palestinian land.

The measure in Congress labeled UN Security Council Resolution 2334 “an obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace.”

For this wing of the party, Palestinians are expendable.

This has long been the case for the majority of US lawmakers, but this early bipartisan initiative signals that despite alarm-ringing about Trump, many Democrats will fail to stand up for human rights once the president-elect takes office.

The overall vote for the House resolution was 342-80. A majority of Democrats (109) joined with all but a handful of Republicans to back the measure, while 76 Democrats voted against it.

Partners in delusion?

Two slaps, one more resounding than the other, hit Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the end of 2016: the first was the abstention of the US in a UN Security Council vote on a resolution denouncing West Bank settlements. This is the first such abstention on the issue of Israeli settlements since 1983, as the United States has consistently exercised its right of veto to crush initiatives critical of Israeli policy. The second slap was the statement by US Secretary of State John Kerry, who criticized the Israeli policy of colonial occupation and warned of its long-term implications for the future of Israel.

Kerry’s Speech: America Lost in Two-State Ether, Israel Spied on Nations Supporting UN Vote

Today, Secretary of State John Kerry gave a valedictory address on the Obama administration’s efforts to achieve Israel-Palestine peace. There were several strange aspects of the speech serving as background.

First, he gave the speech at the State Department. An odd choice if you want your words to have a special impact in the world. Giving it in the hermetically sealed environment of Foggy Bottom gives the impression that you’ve already given up on the possibility they will go forth and have an impact outside its walls.

Palestinians: Kerry speech too little, too late

Palestinians generally welcomed the speech delivered by US Secretary of State John Kerry Dec. 28, although they also felt it was more geared toward defending the anti-settlement vote on Dec. 23 at the UN Security Council than presenting a bold, new initiative. A short, seven-minute excerpt, temporarily posted on the State Department website, features the highlights of the speech in terms of why the United States abstained on Resolution 2334, affirming the illegality of Israeli settlements. The 73-minute speech, delivered in the State Department’s Dean Acheson Auditorium, appeared particularly aimed at saving Israel from itself in making a last ditch effort to save the two-state solution.

Palestine 2017: Time to bid farewell to Washington and embrace the globe

There is no doubt that the UN Security Council condemnation of Israel on Friday, December 23, was an important and noteworthy event.

True, the United Nations’ main chambers (the Security Council and the General Assembly) and its various institutions, ranging from the International Court of Justice to the UN cultural agency, UNESCO, have repeatedly condemned the Israeli occupation, illegal Jewish settlements and mistreatment of Palestinians.

In fact, unlike the Dec. 23 resolution 2334, the past UN condemnations were far stronger -- for some resolutions did not just demand an immediate halt of illegal Jewish settlement construction, but the removal of existing settlements as well.

There are up to 196 illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land, in addition to hundreds of settler outposts. These settlements host up to 600,000 Jewish settlers, who were moved there in violation of international law and, in particular, the Fourth Geneva Convention.

But what makes this particular resolution important?

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New PostErstellt: 09.01.17, 22:21  Betreff: Speaker of UK parliament says he will not investigate scandal over Israeli influence  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The speaker of the UK’s House of Commons has responded to an ongoing scandal over Israel’s alleged influence in top-level UK politics, saying it is not currently a matter for him to investigate.

The scandal broke over the weekend when leaked recordings revealed a UK government employee and a diplomat with the Israeli embassy allegedly plotting to “take down” senior members of the British government including foreign office minister Alan Duncan, a Conservative who has vocally opposed Israeli settlement building.

Conservative MP Sir Hugo Swire, who is also chair of the Conservative Middle East Council, raised a point of order in the House of Commons on Monday evening over the scandal, despite the Foreign Office saying on Sunday that it considers the matter “closed”.

How many British MPs are working for Israel?

Al Jazeera are to be congratulated on an undercover investigation exposing something most of us could probably have guessed: that some Israeli embassy staff in the UK – let’s not pussy around, Mossad agents – are working with senior political activists and politicians in the Conservative and Labour parties to subvert their own parties from within, and skew British foreign policy so that it benefits Israeli, rather than British, interests.

One cannot really blame Israel for doing this. Most states promote their interests as best they can. But one can and should expose and shame the British politicians who are collaborating with Israel in further harming Britain’s representative democracy.

REVEALED: The Israeli diplomat who worked inside Labour to undermine 'crazy' Corbyn

Undercover recordings seen by Middle East Eye have revealed how an Israeli diplomat sought to establish organisations and youth groups to promote Israeli influence inside the opposition Labour party, in an effort to undermine Jeremy Corbyn's leadership.

In secret conversations filmed by an undercover reporter, an employee at the Israeli embassy in London, Shai Masot, described his plans to set up a youth wing of the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) organisation and revealed that he had set up other such organisations in the past.

Masot described taking delegations of Labour members on trips to Israel and told Joan Ryan, the chair of LFI, that he had been approved £1m ($1.2m) to fund further visits.

He also said he had set up a group called “The City Friends of Israel” in collaboration with AIPAC, an influential pro-Israel lobbying organisation in the US.

Israeli Intelligence Agent Conspired to Topple UK Tory Leader

Al Jazeera’s Investigation Unit, led by Clayton Swisher, is about to air a blockbuster documentary series which reveals that an Israeli embassy staff member (likely a Mossad agent, see below) colluded with Jewish Tory MPs to topple a fellow-Tory leader who had criticized Israeli settlements. Al Jazeera planted a mole inside the Israel Lobby’s anti-BDS campaign who recorded meetings between the chief of staff of the former political director of Tory Friends of Israel and current education minister, MK Robert Halfon, and Israel’s senior political officer in Britain, Shai Masot, as they plotted to destroy the career of MP Sir Alan Duncan, the deputy foreign secretary. Al Jazeera notes that Duncan had, in the past, said:

…That while he fully supports Israel’s right to exist, he believes settlements on occupied Palestinian land represent an “ever-deepening stain on the face of the globe”. He also likened the situation in Hebron in the occupied West Bank to apartheid.

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New PostErstellt: 10.01.17, 21:06  Betreff: Israelische Botschaft will unliebsame britische Politiker loswerden  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ein heimlich aufgenommenes Video sorgt im politischen Betrieb Grossbritanniens für viel Unmut. Ein Investigativreporter von Al Jazeera hat die parlamentarische Gruppe «Conservative Friends of Israel» infiltriert und im Rahmen seiner verdeckten Recherchen eine erstaunliche Unterhaltung zwischen einem Mitarbeiter der israelischen Botschaft (Shai Masot) und der Stabschefin eines britischen Abgeordneten (Maria Strizzolo) gefilmt:

NUS official colluded with Israeli embassy to oust student leader

A senior official from the UK’s National Union of Students has been covertly filmed conspiring to oust the organisation’s president Malia Bouattia as part of a sting involving the Israel embassy.

An undercover Al-Jazeera reporter – known only as Robin – posed as a political activist with links to the now disgraced Israeli diplomat Shai Masot to investigate the influence the Israeli embassy exerts on British politics.

"Robin" is heard discussing how to oust Boauttia from her position as NUS president with NUS Vice President Richard Brooks, after Masot introduces him as the Chairman of Labour Friends of Israel.

In the secret recording, Brooks is filmed telling Robin that he accepted a trip to Israel funded by the Union of Jewish Students.

...und die deutsche Media schweigen... bis jetz habe ich keine information gefunde die über diese Thema sprechen ...

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New PostErstellt: 13.01.17, 14:52  Betreff: Disgraced diplomat Shai Masot resigns from Israeli foreign ministry  drucken  weiterempfehlen

An Israeli embassy official in London who was caught on camera talking about "taking down" a British government minister has resigned, a spokesperson for Israel's foreign ministry told Middle East Eye on Friday.

The spokesperson also confirmed that Masot had been working for the Ministry for Strategic Affairs, a controversial ministry tasked with countering the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, seemingly contradicting the Israeli embassy in London's claim that he had been a junior employee.

Israeli UK Embassy Scandal: Officer Who Sought to Destroy Tory Leader Worked for Strategic Affairs Ministry

The Lobby

Did Israeli embassy spy on Scottish National Party?

A prominent Scottish National Party activist has told The Electronic Intifada that he has “no doubt” that the Israeli embassy official who plotted to “take down” a “hit list” of UK lawmakers was responsible for his deportation by Israel.

Andy Murray, founder of SNP Friends of Palestine, was detained and questioned at Tel Aviv airport in November 2015, when travelling in advance of a parliamentary delegation.

During his interrogation, Murray was presented with a series of photographs of him manning the Friends of Palestine stall at the SNP conference in Aberdeen the previous month.

American Jews Divided Over Strain in U.S.-Israel Relations

For Rabbi Gerald Sussman of Temple Emanu-El on Staten Island, the Obama administration’s recent confrontation with Israel was a stunning turn for a president who had enjoyed support from many members of his congregation. “The word ‘betrayed’ would not be too strong a word,” he said.

But in Los Angeles, Rabbi John L. Rosove of Temple Israel of Hollywood, who is the chairman of the Association of Reform Zionists of America, felt differently. He applauded the speech delivered on Wednesday by Secretary of State John Kerry explaining the decision by the United States not to block a United Nations Security Council resolution that condemned the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Rabbi Rosove also suggested that many American Jews were broadly supportive of the Obama administration.

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New PostErstellt: 27.01.17, 13:45  Betreff: Blogger who smeared Berlin teacher hero-worships Israeli war criminal  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Jerusalem Post recently quoted an accusation that the academic Eleonora Roldán Mendívil was an anti-Semite. The newspaper failed, however, to provide any evidence that would support that claim – made by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a pro-Israel group.

Instead, The Jerusalem Post referred to how Roldán Mendívil had described Israel as a “colonial state” and appeared in a rap video, singing “no peace with the occupation regime.” She had also signed a petition against Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza, it was reported.

Although the smears against her were baseless, they did have an impact. Berlin’s Free University (FU) has announced that it has opened an investigation into Roldán Mendívil.

Rechter Angriff auf kritische Wissenschaftlerin an der FU Berlin

Von der Geschäftsleitung des Otto-Suhr-Instituts für Politikwissenschaft der FU Berlin wurden schwere Vorwürfe gegen eine junge Dozentin erhoben, die aktuell das Politische Theorie-Seminar „Rassismus im Kapitalismus“ anbietet. Auf einem rechten Blog wurde der Aufruf dazu erstmals formuliert und nun von einer pro-israelischen studentischen Initiative am Institut durchgesetzt.

Der Berliner Zeitung wie immer für israelische interesse steheür+israel+interesse&source=bl&ots=ihzGH4zTWg&sig=hn0gIOIkw0mfhoyZaVgs2airJaM&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjL8NzcquLRAhWDhiwKHRgoBds4ChDoAQgwMAQ#v=onepage&q=berliner schreibt auch wenn in seiner "antisemitise sucht" ,manchmal auch sie antisemitise wird......

Berliner Zeitung gehört zum DuMont Mediengruppe die sich an Haaretz Gruppe geteilt

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New PostErstellt: 31.01.17, 15:51  Betreff: Quebec mosque attack suspect liked Trump, Israeli army, French far-right  drucken  weiterempfehlen

The Facebook account of the man charged in the shooting attack that killed six persons and injured several more at a Quebec City mosque on Sunday evening indicates he was a fan of US President Donald Trump, French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, the Israeli army and other far-right groups.

A fellow student of the suspect has also confirmed he had strong pro-Israel, anti-immigration and pro-Trump views.

Europe’s Largest Pension Funds Heavily Invested in Illegal Israeli Settlements

Europe’s five largest pension funds have €7.5 billion invested in companies with business activities in and around illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. This is at odds with United Nations guidelines, clear warnings from 18 European countries, and undermines the two-state solution, experts warn.

Es gibt deutsche Firmen mit Wirtschaftlich beziehungen oder aktiviteten in Settler , checkpoints , Mauerbaut natural resources auf den westjordanland , wie Beispiel Siemens und HeidelbergCement Group .

Jewish deputy calls for pro-Israel 'infiltrators' to be banned from campuses

A Jewish rabbi has called for right-wing "infiltrators" on UK campuses to be banned, after an incident in at University College London in which a man attacked Islam as a "violent religion" at a pro-Palestine rally.

Jerry Lewis, deputy for Hampstead Synagogue, spoke at a board meeting of the Jewish Board of Deputies (BoD) and condemned provocations against students by ostensibly pro-Israel organisations

Celtic fans urge Rod Stewart not to break 'cultural boycott' of Israel

Fans of Scottish football club Celtic have launched a petition urging Rod Stewart, a lifelong fan of the team, to cancel an upcoming concert in Israel.

Celtic supporters are demanding Stewart reconsider playing Tel Aviv on 14 June as part of a worldwide tour.

The club's fans are known for their support for the Palestinian cause – last year it faced a fine after fans waved Palestinian flags during a match against an Israeli team.

In response, fans set up a fundraising campaign called #matchthefineforpalestine, which aimed to ensure that the fine would "make a positive contribution".

That campaign raised more than £172,000 for two Palestinian charities within a few days, dwarfing the eventual £8,615 fine handed down by UEFA, European football’s governing body, for the fans’ behaviour.

UK student leaders slammed for Israel trip

Student union leaders in the UK and Ireland have been slammed for accepting expenses-paid propaganda trips to Israel.

Palestinian students on Tuesday condemned the trip as a “whitewash” of “Israeli crimes and decades-long oppression of our people.”

A statement signed by Palestinian student groups said that “far from being ‘educational,’ these trips focus on giving a one-sided, pro-apartheid vision of our reality here in Palestine.”

The call came after Shakira Martin, a vice president of Britain’s National Union of Students, last week annouced her intention to accept the trip on Facebook, a day before her departure.

Israel embassy plot: 10,000 sign UK petition for investigation

More than 10,000 British people have signed a petition calling on the government to investigate an Israeli embassy staffer's plot to "take down" a senior member of the government opposed to illegal settlement building in the occupied territories.

Shai Masot was exposed by an undercover reporter telling a British civil servant, Maria Strizzolo, of his desire to "take down" the deputy foreign secretary, Alan Duncan, who is a vocal critic of the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank.

The British government said it considered the matter "closed" and would not be investigating further, but has faced pressure from opposition parties and members of the Conservative party to do so.

Palestinian justice student organisation denied by Fordham University

Rights groups on Monday slammed Fordham University, a school in New York, for not granting Students for Justice in Palestine (SPJ) official status as a student club.

Palestine Legal, a nonprofit organisation that gives legal advice for groups expressing support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, said the decision made by the university violates free speech and academic freedom.

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New PostErstellt: 13.02.17, 18:42  Betreff: Israel-Propaganda in der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB)  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Ich konnte mir nicht im Traum vorstellen, dass die Zeitschrift „Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte“ (APuZ), deren Redaktion ich von 1986 bis 2008 angehört habe, bis ich auf Druck der zionistischen Israellobby und unter aktivem Zutun des Präsidenten der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BpB), Thomas Krüger, in den Fachbereich „Förderung“ strafversetzt worden bin, dass ein solch kruder und einseitiger Propagandaartikel jemals in APuZ hätte erscheinen können. Aber unter Leitung dieses Präsidenten rangiert die BpB wohl kurz hinter dem israelischen Hasbara (Propaganda)-Ministerium. Von Ausgewogenheit, zu der die BpB laut Erlass verpflichtet ist, kann seit Krügers Einsetzung durch den damaligen Innenminister und SPD-Parteifreund Otto Schily keine Rede mehr sein.

European pension funds still profit from Israel’s war crimes

Major European pension funds are profiting from the dispossession of the Palestinian people.

The Copenhagen-based research group Danwatch says in a new report that it has “identified European investments in a number of Israeli banks that finance, support, and facilitate illegal settlements.”

Danwatch says that the top five European investors hold $357 million in shares of five big Israeli banks that are heavily involved in colonizing the occupied West Bank.

The inside story of Labour Party's anti-Semitism saga

A political activist who was accused of anti-Semitism at the Labour Party conference in September by a pro-Israel MP has been exonerated in undercover footage seen by Middle East Eye.

Video footage secretly filmed at the conference in Liverpool in September 2016 shows a woman engaged in a heated discussion at the Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) stall with Joan Ryan, the MP for Enfield North, about the two-state solution.

Later, Ryan discussed the exchange with other members of the group. Details subsequently appeared in media outlets and the woman – who only wishes to be known as “Jean” – was the subject of a Labour Party investigation, which eventually cleared her.

Israel embassy plot off agenda as Netanyahu visits Britain

Britain's prime minister is expected to steer clear of raising the recent plot by an Israeli embassy staffer to "take down" a senior member of her government during talks with her counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, next week.

Theresa May's spokeswoman said on Thursday that the issue of illegal settlements would be included in the Monday meeting, but that the talks would focus more on trade deals after Britain's exit from the EU.

The more Juif becomes Theresa, the more antisemitic becomes Britain.

Today, the Jewish Chronicle (JC) reported that the number of antisemitic incidents in Britain in 2016 were the highest on record. The CST’s statistics show that there were 1,309 incidents of 'Jew hatred' last year — a 36 per cent increase on the previous 12 months.

Of course, the CST is not a reliable source and its‘antisemitism figures’ have been debunked numerous times before. However, if these statistics are accurate, they suggest only that the more the British government invests in fighting anti-Semitism.... the more antisemitic Britain becomes.

This is easy enough to explain. The fight against antisemitism is now a profitable industry. Every day, we learn of some new Jewish organisation dedicated to fighting antisemitism and to hunt down the Jew haters, and all at the expense of the British tax payer*.

Belgiens Botschafter in Israel einbestellt

Israel hat den belgischen Botschafter einbestellt. Grund sei ein Treffen des belgischen Premiers Charles Michel mit Vertretern der Organisationen »Breaking the Silence« und »B’Tselem« gewesen. Dem Botschafter sei im Außenministerium eine Rüge übermittelt worden, teilte ein Sprecher am Donnerstag mit. Israel sehe das Treffen als schwerwiegenden Affront, teilte Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu im Internet mit. Die beiden Gruppen kritisieren die Besatzungspolitik scharf. Außerdem gebe es laut Netanjahu Bemühungen der belgischen Justiz, ranghohe Israelis vor Gericht zu bringen, darunter die Exaußenministerin Zipora Livni und Offiziere.

Palestinians fear being sidelined by Trump White House

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who spent hundreds of hours on the phone and in meetings with U.S. presidents and secretaries of state in the past 12 years, has tried unsuccessfully to reach out to President Donald Trump. Abbas and his aides are alarmed by the possibility of being sidelined at a time when the administration is embracing Israel's prime minister who heads to the White House next week. Here's a look at what's at stake for Abbas and Palestinian hopes for statehood.

US blocks appointment of former Palestinian PM as UN envoy to Libya

The US ambassador to UN said Washington does not recognise Palestinian state or support the signal Fayyad's appointment would send

Trump’s Refugee Ban – Made in Israel?

February 10/11, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - President Trump has issued an executive order suspending entry to the U.S for people from Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, and Yemen (the order is called “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States”). These same countries were the focus of the “Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015” under President Obama.

Über die Authorinn von dieser Artikel Alison Weir ,

Egypt consulted Israel in Red Sea islands transfer

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry discussed with a top Israeli official the details of the contentious transfer of two Egyptian islands to Saudi Arabia, new leaks revealed on Friday night.

Shoukry is heard discussing by phone the Egyptian side's negotiating position on the controversial transfer of Tiran and Sanafir, and asking for Israel's support.

The agreement, announced in April 2016, caused a public uproar and rare mass protests by Egyptians, who insist that the uninhabited islands of Tiran and Sanafir are Egyptian.

The government says the islands have always belonged to Saudi Arabia and that Egypt had merely administered them while on lease since the 1950s. Critics, however, accuse President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of "selling" the islands in return for Saudi investments.

The leaking of the phone conversation, broadcast by Egyptian opposition TV channel Mekameleen on Friday evening, hints at the level of internal dissent in the government in Cairo.

NFL players pull out of Israel propaganda tour

Immediately after contributing to his team’s Super Bowl victory last Sunday, Martellus Bennett of the New England Patriots was asked what he thought about an upcoming visit to Mexico to represent the National Football League (NFL).

“Tear down the wall! Tear down the wall! That’s what I think about going to Mexico,” he cried.

Bennett then became the first of a number of Patriots players who confirmed they would skip a visit with President Donald Trump at the White House.
Hasbara tour

But The Forward reported that Bennett would be taking a different trip. Along with 11 other NFL players he would be “heading to Israel after the team’s historic win on a hasbara, or Israeli public relations tour for American football players.”

The headline even quoted Bennett purportedly declaring, “I’m going to Israel.”

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New PostErstellt: 21.02.17, 17:53  Betreff: Palestinians call for boycott of Hyundai  drucken  weiterempfehlen

Palestinians are calling for a boycott of Hyundai over the company’s failure to stop its construction equipment being used by Israel to destroy their homes and communities.

“The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Committee of Palestinian Citizens of Israel (BDS48) calls upon our Palestinian people in the homeland and the Diaspora, the peoples of the Arab world, and people of conscience worldwide to boycott and divest from Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), until it ends its involvement in Israel’s violations of our human rights, particularly in Jerusalem and the Naqab (Negev),” says an action alert released on Tuesday.

Meet the U.S. Nonprofit That Funds the Israeli Guards Who Terrorize Palestinians

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal—but donations to the U.S. nonprofits that support them are tax-deductible. Our investigation found that one such nonprofit, the One Israel Fund, subsidizes guards who constrict the movement of Palestinians and harm their economic livelihood.

Activists fight new anti-BDS legislation across US

Activists and lawyers in the state of Washington are challenging several bills which attack free speech rights and smear Palestine solidarity activists.

Meanwhile, a Virginia lawmaker attempted to classify Palestine advocacy as discrimination.

The barrage of legislation is part of a growing wave of laws aimed at punishing and silencing activists across the US involved with the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign to pressure Israel to respect Palestinian rights.

Why won’t Democrats call out Friedman’s crimes?

David Friedman faced a few sharp questions Thursday as a US Senate committee considered his nomination for the post of ambassador to Israel.

This was to be expected: Friedman had previously described supporters of the liberal Zionist group J Street as “far worse than kapos – Jews who turned in their fellow Jews in the Nazi death camps.”

Some senators were bound to ask him about such intemperate comments and it was not surprising that Friedman repeatedly expressed “regret” for his undiplomatic language. But it was equally predictable that senators would avoid pressing Friedman on aspects of his background curtailing Palestinian rights.

Friedman has a home in Talbiyeh, a West Jerusalem neighborhood that was ethnically cleansed by Zionist forces in 1948.

Congresswoman tells Netanyahu to end abuse of Palestinian children

A member of Congress said she had “a clear message” for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in Washington on Wednesday: he must respect the rights of Palestinian children.

As US President Donald Trump and the Israeli leader held a joint press conference at the White House, Representative Betty McCollum of Minnesota challenged Israel’s systematic abuses of Palestinian children in a post on Facebook.

“Israel’s military detention system arrests, interrogates and prosecutes as many as 700 Palestinian children – as young as 11 years old – every year,” McCollum says. “Abuse is rampant and children often have no lawyer or parent present during detention and interrogation.”

Jewish Labour Movement director investigated for violent threat

Labour has investigated the director of one of its affiliated pro-Israel organizations for “threatening to attack” another member of the UK’s main opposition party.

Director of the Jewish Labour Movement Ella Rose had been caught on camera saying her critics should “die in a hole.”

But the investigation was closed after just nine days when General Secretary Iain McNicol claimed on Tuesday that Rose’s comments did not constitute a threat.

One of the individuals who lodged the complaint accused McNicol of a “whitewash.”

How the Israel lobby is using Owen Jones

Last week the Jewish Labour Movement announced that Guardian columnist Owen Jones will be the big name speaker at an event the group is holding on 2 April.

Jones will lecture on “left anti-Semitism, the Middle East and the Labour Party.”

The Jewish Labour Movement scoring Jones appears to be a high-profile instance of a new push endorsed by Israel’s government to ensure that Palestine solidarity “instigators” are “singled out” from so-called “soft critics” of Israel.

Israel map raises questions about BBC impartiality

The BBC has admitted to producing a misleading map of Israel in which Jerusalem is included, the occupied West Bank is annexed to Jordan and Gaza no longer exists.

The map was produced as a graphic for an episode of BBC Two’s Hairy Bikers cookery series entitled “Chicken and Egg,” broadcast at the end of last year.

In the episode, the motorcycling cooks visit Israel and Jerusalem – though the status of the eastern part of the city as occupied territory is not acknowledged – to learn about local chicken and egg dishes. These are all referred to as “Israeli,” even though they include platters which are clearly Arab and North African in origin, including shawarma, shakshuka and couscous.

VIDEO: Dutch MP refuses to shake hands with Netanyahu

Video: Protests disrupt Vienna talk by Israeli genocide advocate Ayelet Shaked

Canada’s politicians drastically out of touch with public on Israel

A new Ekos poll released this morning found that 46 per cent of Canadians, including a majority of those who support every party but the Conservatives, hold a negative view of Israel. The Canadian government is seen to have a pro-Israel bias by 61 per cent of respondents, while 91 per cent do not think criticism of Israeli government policy is necessarily anti-semitic. These results suggest that Canada’s big political parties are out of step with Canadians on these issues.

Russia’s strategic vision for Israel

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council, stated that Iran is considering providing its air space to Russian military jets in order to support Syrian government ground operations.

The news bothered Israel, which a few days before the announcement had signaled its concern about ties between Moscow and Tehran. In an effort to calm the mood, Russian Ambassador to Israel Alexander Shein noted, “On the whole, the role of Russia in Syria is accepted by our Israeli colleagues with understanding. The only reservation they have is for them it would be best if there were US-Russian rather than Iranian-Russian cooperation in surmounting the Syrian crisis and fighting terrorism in the Middle East.” He said that Israel drew its own red lines, which is the transfer of modern weapons to Hezbollah and the “creation of an anti-Israel platform in the Golan Heights that would involve both the group and Iran.”

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New PostErstellt: 11.03.17, 14:05  Betreff: How the Jewish National Fund lobbies for war  drucken  weiterempfehlen

What do you call an organization that teaches children an exclusive religious or ethnic nationalism and promotes war and other forms of violence to get its way?

Many people would say an extremist group or a right-wing cult. Many people would think we were talking about something like the Ku Klux Klan.

But while the KKK did have a youth corps where children were taught “patriotism” and “Christian values,” but weren’t “brainwashed” – in the words of one “imperial wizard” – we are talking about a group the Canada Revenue Agency finds worthy of awarding tax-deductible status for “charitable” donations.

The Jewish National Fund would also deny “brainwashing” children, but there is no doubt it tries to convince young minds of its exclusivist worldview.

JNF Montreal recently organized a “tree-a-thon” with the stated aim of restoring lands damaged by last year’s forest fires in Israel. Participants were promised “great prizes, great food, great fun,” and students were told they could “earn community service hours.”

The registered “charity” offers various youth education initiatives promoting Zionism, Israel’s state ideology. JNF Canada’s website boasts of how it helps young people “forge an everlasting bond with the land of Israel.”

Senate committee approves settlement funder as US envoy to Israel

Nine of the 10 Democrats on the Senate foreign relations committee voted Thursday morning against David Friedman’s nomination as the next US ambassador to Israel.

They came up short.

Friedman’s nomination now advances to a full vote in the Republican-controlled Senate, which may split largely along party lines. Barring any major upsets, Friedman is likely to be confirmed.

Are British universities silencing critics of Israel?

Pro-Palestinian activists have had events cancelled and faced other restrictions during Israeli Apartheid Week.

Israeli Apartheid Week held at 30 UK universities, despite repression

Israeli Apartheid Week took place on more than 30 university campuses across the UK last week despite a massive government backed campaign of repression.

The week saw some events cancelled, with unprecedented and bizarre restrictions imposed on organizers.

What will Israeli Apartheid Week look like in 2027?

On a British university campus, 10 years from now . . .

Palestine activists press UK to apologise for Balfour declaration

Pro-Palestinian activists on Saturday called on the British government to apologise for the "disastrous" role of the Balfour declaration in the "biggest social injustice of our time" - decades of Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

Speakers at the Palestine conference at University College London said the centenary of the 1917 declaration was the right time to make amends.

Theresa May wants British people to feel 'pride' in the Balfour Declaration. What exactly is there to be proud of?

Balfour initiated a policy of British support for Israel which continues to this very day, to the detriment of the occupied Palestinians of the West Bank and the five million Palestinian refugees living largely in warrens of poverty around the Middle East, including Israeli-besieged Gaza. Surely we should apologise

FIFA slammed for failing to tackle Israeli settler clubs

Palestinian and international organizations have denounced FIFA president Gianni Infantino for failing to require the Israel Football Association to exclude teams based in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

The world football governing body is also being urged to disband the so-called FIFA Monitoring Committee Israel-Palestine amid signs it yielded to Israeli government pressure.

Palestinians urge Radiohead not to entertain Israeli apartheid

Fans, artists and activists around the world are urging Radiohead to cancel an upcoming performance in Tel Aviv.

The iconic UK band has so far ignored all appeals.

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